OOOoooooh A Mystery Gift?

I really love it when a company sends a little something extra to me as a sort of thank you for ordering. This is a great little program and I am glad I was able to participate.
Nice little surprise
Make great incentives for potential customers
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I love grab bag and mystery gift promotions and this one was no different! When I read about it I knew I was going to have to participate and I planned my next purchase accordingly. After I had tallied up the total and realized I had reached the required amount I hit the button to add this to my cart. It weird that after all the orders I have made that this little toy brought me such pleasure. I knew it wasn't going to be a super amazing toy...but it wasn't bad actually! I got the Silicone Finger Bunny as my mystery gift. Since I had a bad experience with my first finger bunny this was a welcome surprise. The bunny worked just fine this time with no glitches. I actually reviewed the little finger vibe a few months ago. I haven't seen much on what other's have received but I imagine it's probably the same sort of little trinket. I expected a plastic toy but this is a silicone bunny and I was impressed. Then again I guess after so many years I really shouldn't be, the trinkets around here are really rather neat.

This isn't the kind of gift that makes me all warm and fuzzy in and of itself but it is the thought that matters. I mean I know that this is a marketing ploy but it's still a nice surprise. Usually I hand out these little trinkets to people who are interested in sex toys but have no idea what they are interested in. These little toys are perfect because they cost me nothing and I can point out the benefits of better toys and possibly gain a community member.

If you have an order to make I really suggest clicking the button and getting your free gift especially if you are an affiliate. it's a great little incentive for interesting possible customers in EdenFantasys...that is if you can give up the gift.
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  • Contributor: FieryRed
    You got a finger bunny, as in a finger vibe that fits on your finger? Oooh, which one?
  • Contributor: Aishiteru
    Nice review. I'm glad I didn't get one, because I didn't want the finger bunny.
  • Contributor: purpleflower1972
    Fun idea!
  • Contributor: bayosgirl
  • Contributor: Kitka
    I got the same one and never used it lol. Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: KrissyNovacaine
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: TXStorm
    I got the same one as well.
  • Contributor: thegogofiasco
    I love mystery gifts!
  • Contributor: ViVix
    Kind of fun...I mean, I can't complain about free anyway! EU!
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