Oh...it's a teaser, alright!

I guess the thing that's disappointing about this toy is the bullet. The cover is fine. The flicking motion of the mouth felt nice, but the bullet was sub-par. One speed AND a battery killer. You might want to either spend a little more and get a higher quality piece with a better bullet, or plan on getting a higher quality bullet along with this item. Overall, the "Dolphin Teaser" is quiet, portable, waterproof, small, and affordable. You should just know that you get what you pay for.
Waterproof, easy to clean, quiet, feels nice, batteries included
Battery life sucked, one speed, the dolphin face creeped me out, collects lint
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
The "Dolphin Teaser" is a removable, single-speed, vibrating, push-button, and waterproof bullet. It fits inside a pink, TPR (also phthalates free, hypo-allergenic and latex free) sleeve that is shaped like a dolphin and is attached to a stretchy ring that you can slip over your finger.

The vibes in this little bugger are powerful enough...while they last. I have used this thing for less than a collective hour, and have been through three sets of batteries. That's NINE button batteries, folks! That seems like a massive waste to me, especially since the vibes aren't SO powerful that it's getting me off in thirty seconds or less. They're pretty buzzy and superficial. It did come with the first set of batteries, and that's nice, but those button batteries are not cheap. As far as I know, they don't make rechargeable ones.

I bought this toy to use with my partner, and did, once, because it died while we were getting our groove on. But these are all problems with the bullet, and bullets are very easily replaced. But hey, you really can't beat the price on this item. I suppose, even if you buy another bullet. The bullet is, after all, removable and a pretty standard size. So, there shouldn't be an issue with finding a suitable replacement, which it's high-time I did.

Like I said, the cover is pink TPR which isn't the safest to share (so just say no for this one), and shouldn't be used with silicone based lubes. It also shouldn't be stored next to other soft toys seeing as they can melt together. It's comfortable to wear on your finger because it is stretchy. It is also a little sticky and prone to collecting lint, hair, and dust. It is shaped like a dolphin which, although the mouth creates a lovely flicking sensation for teasing on the clit, is not my favorite. I just can't get over the idea of a cute animal going to town on my lady parts! The whole item is larger than I expected; at three inches, I find it to be moderately cumbersome for use during intercourse, but a good size for solo play.
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My Dolphin teaser tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Can be worn during intercourse
    • Can be worn during masturbation
    • Teasing
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
    • Clitoris
    • Nipples
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Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Thanks for the review! Remember to include that condoms need to be used if sharing. But in this instance, that would be pretty difficult. Sharing is probably not a good idea.
  • Contributor: jdloelo
    Thanks for the review, sorry it was so disappointing
  • Contributor: lucymalfoy
    The toy sounds immensely disappointing! Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Airekah
    Thanks for the review !
  • Contributor: Lucidity
    @jdlelo and lucymalfoy,
    It's disappointing, but not a bad buy for the price. I didn't throw it away or anything, I just need to replace the bullet.
  • Contributor: Lucidity
    @KarleeCharm - Thank you!
  • Contributor: lucymalfoy
    Ooh, question: since the toy is sticky and attracts dust, does it also retain scents?
  • Contributor: Lucidity
    @Lucy- While this toy doesn't have a smell on its own, I have noticed that if you leave TPR items in... say, a drawer that had perfume spilled in it, they tend to pick that up a bit. But, it doesn't (for example) begin smell like the hand soap I use, even after I've washed it a bunch of times. Does that answer your question?
  • Contributor: Illusional
    Blah, this toy doesn't sound like one I'll add to my list! Thanks for the 411!
  • Contributor: Kayla777
    thx for the review!!
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