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More like quadruple orgasm..

This toy is fabulous. With three types of stimulation and several speeds matched with the functions, it's sure to give you a triple orgasm and live up to it's name! The TPR is super soft and realistic, and the functions are easy to work. You can take this to the shower for water fun too! What more could you ask for?
3 types of stimulation at once, super soft and realistic too. The beads don't jam
Anal bullet is far away and not strong on vibration, and beads stop up if you clamp down on them.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This is a triple action vibrator. It has rotational beads in the shaft, an anal stimulator, and a clitoral stimulator. It can also hit the g-spot because of the rotations. Let me just say, I came more than three times. It has a SUPER soft realistic shaft, and the stimulators are really soft too. It's the TPR that makes it so soft, however it is still firm on the end. Don't be fooled into thinking that it's so soft that it won't please you! I'm very impressed with this vibrator. My only complaint is that the beads in the center don't hold up to pressure. I guess I have an iron clamp vagina, because they stop rotating if I flex at all, and I like to flex because it feels good, so I have to avoid that if I want to feel the beads. This may not be a problem for everyone though, it could just be me. You get three rows of these plastic beads and they are on a rotation device in the center, so they don't jam the way that beads do if they're just crammed in there, which is really nice. Even with the iron vagina problem being said, I'm still rating this a 4 because I'm really impressed with it. You can use this solo or with a partner, it's always fun to have a partner operating it.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Waterproof
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • Clitoris
    • G-spot

Material / Texture

This toy is a combination of TPR and plastic which means there's no latex (yay for people like me with latex allergies!). The TPR is ridiculously soft. From the base up it is covered in TPR. There is a waterseal around the battery compartment at the bottom, which makes this waterproof. The clitoral stimulator is shaped like a lizard with a tongue sticking out, which is a little freaky, not gonna lie. The tail of the lizard is the anal stimulator. The bullet in the anal part is smaller than the clitoral bullet. There are plastic beads on a plastic rotation device that are in between the head and the bottom of the shaft. The bottom of the shaft is hollow, which means when it's inside of you, the opening of the vagina ends up in this area. It is super squishy and comfy. I have very much enjoyed this part of it. Most of the toy is smooth, the anal stimulator has some bumps on it, but otherwise this toy has a penis shape to it and is slightly veined, but not too bad. At the end you can see the lizards shape, as his feet are holding onto the vibrator. That part won't go inside of you though, so it's just for looks. He's wrapped around the bottom of the vibrator at an upward angle. So there's a lizard hugging your va-jay-jay, just sayin'. It has a slight rubber smell, but it's VERY slight. You have to actually lean and sniff it to smell it. There is also no taste to it. Also, because this is TPR you should use water lubricants with it, the package also recommends water, but it doesn't actually say oil or silicone will damage it, but just assume it will and be careful.
    • Flexible
    • Light odor
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

This toy is 10 1/4" inches long total
5 1/2" is the part of the shaft you can insert
It is 4 3/4" around (circumference)
with 1 1/2" diameter.

The beaded part that has the rotation is in the middle of the shaft, and is slightly larger around, it may be uncomfortable for those who don't like girth. It wasn't too bad for me though, and I can't handle much girth. A slight amount of water based lubricant should help that.

It takes 3 AA batteries. It hasn't eaten through the batteries too badly. As I mentioned earlier, it has a theme of a lizard with the tail being bumpy on the end (anal stimulator) and the head being the lizard with his tongue stuck out (clitoral stimulator)

I'm quite impressed with this, it fits as it is supposed to and I know that sometimes triple stimulators won't actually sit where they're supposed to. In essence I'm saying that sometimes the anal stimulator won't actually sit where it's supposed to on the anus. This one fits me perfect, I've been searching to find one that would fit perfect. I'm super impressed with how soft it is, the TPR is amazing and feels realistic to me. I don't like vibrators that feel like I'm ramming a piece of hard plastic up my va-jay-jay. The beading on this is a little thick as aforementioned, so if you're not much into girth and you feel like you're struggling with that a bit, a dab of lube will help this. I would only use water based lubricant with this, oil or silicone can damage the toy. The box also recommends the usage of water-based lube.
    • Realistic

Functions / Performance / Controls

This actually has an on/off button, which I love. You don't have to decrease through the settings until it's off, all you have to do is press the off button. So let's talk about how this works..

The on/off button is in the center top, once you have your batteries in you can turn it on. It will not automatically start, you'll need to tell it what to do. The left side is the bead rotator, it has 8 speeds of rotation. The left side is the bullets, which both operate at the same time. There are 8 speeds for them too. There is a middle button with "F" on it, which are your functions. Here are the functions:

Function 1: Rotate left, then right, then left, then right (etc) and the vibrators pulse, they stop for a second when it changes direction.
Function 2: Quicker sequence of above mentioned. It changes directions quicker and pulses faster
Function 3: Back to normal essentially, it will rotate one way and vibrate nonstop.

On the box it says 192 intense patterns of vibration and pulsation, which is basically multiplying the amount of functions you can use: 2 functions, based on 8 speeds for both the bead rotator and the vibrators, creates this amount of combinations.

So essentially, how fast or slow the pulse and rotation for each function is, depends on what speed you picked between the 8 levels on the beads and the vibrators. The combinations are many- and you can have slow vibrations and quick rotations, or vice versa. It's really neat to change things up.

The bullets are inside the head and tail of the lizard- the tail one is further away from the bullet so it isn't as intense as the head vibrator is. This toy is about a 3/5 on the noise scale. It's not as loud as some toys, but I figure you could probably hear it outside the door if you were listening. It's not ridiculously loud though. It is waterproof 100% and is fantastic in the shower. It can be submerged as well if you want for bathtub fun. The controls are easy to use and change while in usage and the buttons are slightly raised hard push buttons. They're not difficult to push, but they're not soft button material. I also found that I didn't wear my hand out or feel like I was at an awkward angle with this, I did however lay on my back with my feet slightly propped up. This was the most comfortable position to be able to get the anal stimulator on and to feel comfy myself. I hate when your hand gets all awkward on some toys and your wrist starts to hurt because you can't get the angle right! Then I have to work the next day and I'm like oh don't mind me, I just masturbated too much. Okay, off of that random tidbit...
    • Multiple settings
    • Strong patterns
    • Easy to use

Care and Maintenance

This is fully waterproof so it's super easy to clean, just wash with soap and water. I would only use water lubricants with this because oil and silicone can damage it if you're not careful. (If you ever want to test your toys out, dab it on an area of the toy near the bottom and see if there is a reaction). It can be stored in the plastic packaging it came in, that's what I store it in. It is TPR and can attract fuzz but it's not as terrible as some silicone toys I've seen. But if you're not going to store it in a container you'll want to rinse the lint off before use. As always, to make batteries last longer, don't store them in the toy. Take them out when not in use.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


It comes in a white box with a picture of the vibrator on the front. It highlights the features such as the vibrator bullets, amount of functions, and other things such as the fact it's waterproof. There are no instructions, but usually with vibrators you don't need any. You just open the package, remove it from the plastic it's in, and add 3 AA's and hop to work! I use the packaging as a storage box to keep it safe. But if you have people that could find it, they will know what it is. It's not discreet.
    • Good for storage


I love this toy. It sits just right to hit the g-spot, clitoris, and give you that soft outer anus stimulation that can make you orgasm harder, This is definitely going to be a favorite of mine! I think the TPR is what bought me over on it though. Yes, it is a lint collector, but it's not near as bad as some toys I've seen, and it cleans so easily that it doesn't even matter. That aside, I'm going to say I like this material more than that UR3 stuff. I feel like this is more realistic, and it's not porous the way that UR3 stuff is. I'm going to recommend this for beginners or advanced alike. I'm not super experienced with the whole anal stimulation thing and I loved it, it wasn't too intense, it was just right.
Follow-up commentary
This is my best and favorite vibrator. It's holding up great, and I won't be buying anymore rabbit style vibrators anytime soon. This one has literally done it for me. It guzzles batteries a bit, but that's understandable with two bullets in it and a rotation device.

I hope this never breaks, because I might cry a little if it does. But I know for sure I would totally go and get another if it did.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: tortilla
  • Contributor: mmmmm
    Thanks for the review
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