Love Your Music? Let it Reciprocate!

Adding music is a creative way to customize your experience with this innovative toy. There are as many different possibilities for your pleasure as there are songs on your playlist.
Customize your experience with music playlists. Multiple vibrating speeds in non-music mode.
Hard plastic body is less than lifelike.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I suppose it was inevitable that eventually someone would eventually look at their MP3 player and think “Hey, what this really needs is a vibrator accessory!” The result of that flash of inspiration was the OhMiBod, the very first music powered vibrator on the market. Rock on!

It makes sense that since many folks already have their favorite music to play while making whoopee that eventually the music itself was actually going to get involved in a more tangible way. Now that playlist or mix tape (do they still even do those?) from a special someone can really help you make some beautiful music indeed.

Unlike its OhMiBod predecessors, the OhMiBod Freestyle is wireless. Simply plug your MP3 player into the base unit, set the vibrator to “music” and (as long as your vibrator has been recharged recently) away you go. If you want actually want to listen to the music, you can plug the base unit into your docking station or a pair of speakers or headphones. Although it's marketed as an MP3 player accessory, you technically don’t need an MP3 player since any device such as a stereo, laptop, clock radio or your grandma's gramophone will work as long as it has a standard headphone jack.

It’s a nice feature that the the vibrator is rechargeable and can allegedly run for up to 5 hours on a full charge. One would think that’s enough for even the longer…er…playlist. The vibrator itself is a hefty 8 inches long and 1.5 inches thick and is made of smooth plastic. In an otherwise great product, the less-than-lifelike material is probably the greatest drawback. On the other hand, the smooth surface does make it easy to clean.

As you might imagine, the biggest challenge to this toy if you’re using it in musical mode is picking the right music. The vibrator buzzes best when there’s a nice steady, loud melody to the songs so you’ll want to pick your tracks with care. A sudden switch from loud to soft could leave you feeling a little less than loved. Even if Bach and Beethoven are your normal scene you may need to develop a taste (or feel as the case may be) for a little techno, hip hop, or rock and roll if you want the full OhMiBod effect.

If you’re not sure what songs to pick, you can simply head over to to iTunes where you can actually find dozens of user-created OhMiBod playlists. Yes, thanks to this product there is yet another way for people to share a little TMI about themselves on the Internet. Vibrator playlists are the new way to say “howdy.”

If music isn’t your thing or that Neil Diamond album just isn’t getting the job done, you can simply switch to the pre-programmed vibrations mode and work your way through no less than seven different vibration cycles in varying speeds and intensities. Feel free to play as many encores as you want.
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  • Contributor: ToyGeek
    Anything with a headphone jack? How awesome would this be during an explosion-filled action movie, I wonder . . .
  • Contributor: Kimbertrees
    Good review.
  • Contributor: SparklingReviews
    great review, thanks
  • Contributor: Hotlink
  • Contributor: dbtracy
    Great review
  • Contributor: SexyStuff
  • Contributor: 0
    Thanks for the review! great tidbit about itunes haha
  • Contributor: pixieluv
    What have you tried plugging yours into? Does this give more freedom to try different things to plug in? Let us know - []
  • Contributor: Devz
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: anonymouse58
    Thanks! A funny and helpful review
  • Contributor: BellaDonna2884
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Red Riding Hood
    I adore mp3 products! Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Oomph2687
  • Contributor: CrazyWolfChick
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: brevado
    Nice review. Thanks!
  • Contributor: Mihoshi4301
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: panthercat23
  • Contributor: SoloJoe
  • Contributor: amazon
    Great review. Thanks!
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