I wish I could love it, but I can't.

I can't blame the company for their toy not fitting my body type. It has a ton of awesome features and if it fits you correctly, I'm sure it's worth buying. However, if it doesn't fit, it's really a pointless toy to keep around. My caution is that if you have smaller, or larger than average proportions, this toy may not be for you. The high quality of this toy leaves me with no doubt that this toy would last a long time in any toy box. Maybe their next toy will be a little more adjustable.
Nice and rumbly. Rechargeable. Discreet. Waterproof. Holds charge.
If it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit and isn't very effective
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review
The We Vibe 3 is made out of body safe silicone. (NOTE: do not use silicone lube with silicone toys as it'll "melt" the toy. Also, do not store silicone toys touching each other, although, premium, platinum cured silicones should be able to touch with no problem. But, just to be safe, keep them somewhat separated.) It has no smell to it, or taste. Because it is silicone, you can use hot, soapy water to clean it, or pair it with your favorite toy cleaner. Both the toy and remote are fully waterproof. The toy has a push button to turn it on, but once in use, the remote can be used to easily change the various settings.

It comes with it's own charging station/packaging. The charging station is a very discreet toy and remote holder that has a cap to go on top of it to prevent lint from collecting on the toy. It is small enough that you can carry it in one hand. It's probably about the size of a grapefruit over all, although it isn't spherical. The charging station is really awesome because you can set the toy and remote in it and close it to leave it. A little orange light will come on, but it won't change color when the toy is fully charged. The outer portion of the cap simply says 'we vibe' on it, so you could leave it out in your room and no one would be the wiser.

The We Vibe 3 is designed for enhancing "normal" PIV (penis in vagina) sex. It can be worn during sex, although in my case, everything was a bit too snug to do so. Also, it hurt my boyfriends penis from the friction. I'm not sure if wearing a condom would have helped this, or if things were just too tight to make it comfortable for either of us. During sex, the remote also couldn't "reach" the toy because our bodies were in the way, so in order to change the setting on the vibe, we had to move out of the way, which was frustrating. It also didn't fit my body in the way I hoped. I'm a petite girl (only 5' 1") and maybe that also makes a difference in how my downstairs is arranged. When the toy would be in the right spot internally, it would sit way above my clit. Since there's no real way to adjust that, there's no way it would ever hit the spots I ultimately needed it to hit to be effective for me.
When I bought this toy originally, I was really excited to receive it in the mail. I ordered it online after carefully going to a few stores in person and comparing products. When I held this toy in my hands, I was blown away by the strength of the vibrations, and I salivated over thinking how awesome it would be to experience once I owned it.

First off, I bought this toy with the hopes that I could use it out in public and no one would be the wiser, but this toy was too loud to be able to do so. Secondly, if during sex our bodies were too much in the way for the remote to work, putting jeans on was also too much interference. Thirdly, and most frustratingly, was that this toy doesn't fit ME correctly, which says nothing about the quality of the toy, but it does make me feel like I spent a ton of money on a toy that is impossible for me to get off with. I've had it for four months now and I am still in that quandary. I've discovered that, while it will work as a last resort, it sits virtually unused because I have better options for toys. However, one positive thing to note is that it has been sitting off the charger for quite some time and still holds a good charge.
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My We-vibe 3 tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Can be worn during intercourse
    • Couples
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bath / shower
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Discreet
    • Rechargeable
    • Waterproof
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris
    • G-spot
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  • Wicked Wahine Contributor: Wicked Wahine
  • Rank:
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She Loved the We-Vibe! 9
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