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Humpers paradise!

The Cone is an exciting addition to any seasoned toy collection, or even perfect for beginners! The smooth broad surface of the side is wonderful for clit stimulation, and an alternative to the usual tiny flicking clitoris vibes. The varying vibrations, and the ability to use it sitting down, also make it great for stimulating arousal in someone that isn't in the mood; but would like to be. With a little experimentation, the cone offers dozens of possibilities.
Unique shape, silicone, sturdy, long battery life, powerful.
Must use water-based lubricant, not waterproof, needs accessories.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


As a female I find the best way to use the cone, is to sit up on a chair or couch with it between my legs, and my vagina on the opposite side of the buttons so that they are left open to control. This way I can easily press my clit against it more firmly when desired, or have the entire surface area of my vagina buzzed and tickled! Using the cone this way is much like having a vibrating leg to hump. And since I miss the old high school days when boys were willing to dry hump for more than a few minutes, this reason alone made The Cone and I fast friends!

I often use The Cone while sitting at the computer, whether it be for gaming, browsing the internet, or dirty chatting. I'm a big fan of idle masturbation (masturbating without intending to orgasm) so the lower settings make it great for that. The higher settings can get a bit noisy, but nothing a little background music won't cover up through a closed door. The lower and in-between settings are audible, but easily muffled by my body, and nearly silent with the way I usually use it.

I require a lot of pressure on my clit to have a clitoral orgasm, as I'm more of a penetration girl. To achieve this I use the cone in the "upward facing dog" yoga position, with my clit pressed against a side near the top of the cone. This brings an amazing bunch of orgasms, and I often collapse in bliss onto the floor while I recover from them. I will warn those wanting to try "cone yoga", to warm up/stretch first, especially if you don't normally do yoga! My buns and outer thighs were major-ly sore the day after the first time I did this!

Material / Texture

The cone is made of smooth scentless silicone, which is non-porous and easily cleaned. Silicone is also very strong, and The Cone doesn't show any signs of wear after I've pushed the tip over many times with almost full body weight!

Design / Shape / Size

The design of the Cone is what drew me to it in the first place. I love trying different things and the unique shape of The Cone brings new sensations and possibilities to erotic play. I've used the cone on carpet, tile, the couch, and a desk chair. The rubbery bottom holds it in place and I've never had a problem with it sliding around. The cone's bottom is about 8" in diameter and the large size is what makes it so hump-able in my opinion. The large surface area of the side of the cone is a nice change against my clit from the usual tiny, pokey little clitoral vibrators.

While certainly different, I wouldn't say The Cone is strictly for advanced users. When I think back to my first sex toy purchase, I would have found The Cone much less invasive and more welcoming than the usual vibrators. Beginners will probably enjoy this non-conventional toy as much as advanced users once they take the time to get to know The Cone and how it works best for them. Unfortunately to do this they must pay an advanced price tag.

Functions / Performance / Controls

The Cone is controlled by two buttons located near the base. One button is for turning on the cone and cycling through the vibrations. The other button is for "orgasm mode" which also happens to be the 16th, and last vibration setting on the cone. That's right there are SIXTEEN vibration settings on the cone. The lower ones tickle to get you in the mood, the middle and upper settings vibrate more stronglys and some even pulsate!

My only complaint is… you have to use just one button to cycle through them, and I often end up going through them twice before I figure out where the one I liked was. I suppose having too many buttons would ruin the ease of access to the controls, and this is why they stuck with two.

With the varying modes of vibration, come various levels of noise. The lower levels are easily silenced with my body contact. The higher levels can be quite noisy, but I found they were unnoticeable with a little background music and a closed door.

Care and Maintenance

The Cone is made of silicone, which is non-porous, and easily cleaned with any wipe off anti-bacterial toy cleaner. The cone is not waterproof so you should not immerse your cone to clean it.

The drawbacks of the Cone's strong silicone material are that you can't use silicone lube with it, and it is a pet hair magnet! Use water-based lube if needed, and use a cloth dampened with toy cleaner to wipe off any lint or pet hair. As a silicone lube lover and cat freak, I still found it worth the trouble.

Personal comments

The Cone takes three C sized alkaline batteries. The generic store brand alkaline batteries seem to last me a very long time in The Cone, even when I've forgotten and left it running.

I've seen other reviews that say they didn't have their batteries last very long, and I wonder if they may have been using "heavy duty" batteries. It should be noted that "heavy duty" batteries are not as powerful as alkaline and will probably get the juice eaten right out of them by most toys.
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  • Contributor: Nashville
    Great review, welcome to the community!
  • Contributor: Squirtie
    thank you!
  • Contributor: Naughty Student
    Cone yoga, lol. I have seen acrobatic and naked yoga but not cone yoga.
  • Contributor: Valyn
    I like how it's like a leg to hump, lol. I've seen this toy before and always thought it looked a bit odd to be a sex toy.. Nice review, thank you!
  • Contributor: Mamastoys
    I like the looks of it but it is out of my price range!
    Nice review!
    Welcome to the community!! Smile
  • Contributor: deceased
    Great review. That is the most inconspicuous toy ever. You could throw it in the carry on and the inspectors wouldn't give you the "you perv" look.
  • Contributor: User Unknown
    Nice review, I saw one of these on display at a local store, the material felt so neat! Big smile
  • Contributor: Angel deSanguine
    I love the review! I just wish the damn thing wasn't so expensive!
  • Contributor: Squirtie
    Thank you everyone for the feedback and the comments, this is such a friendly community! After seeing a few comments about the price of this item, I think I should post a follow-up or at least edit my review to explain whether or not the hefty price tag is worth it and why or why not. I'm off to check out where I should add this info! Sleep is sounding delicious though, so It may have to wait until morning. *Yawn*
  • Contributor: Squirtie
    Honestly, I HOPE the airport inspectors know what a vibrators innards look like! Can you imagine them double checking your bag and making you turn it on to prove it wasn't an explosive? haha! Either that or it'd be like this behind the x-ray; "Hey Marv, do you know what that that pyramid shaped device with the wires, batteries, and anvil shaped weight is?" "I haven't a damn clue Fran, just push it on though."

    I hope I haven't put a damper on anyone's vacation plans. Hehe.
  • Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust
    I never thought to use this for humping but now that you've given me the idea. I need this toy. And I might love you. Seriously. I need a ton of pressure because my girl parts just aren't sensitive, ugh
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Great review!
  • Contributor: removedacnt
    Great review. I've been curious about this one. Now I'm off to figure out what "upward facing dog" is. LOL!
  • Contributor: Squirtie
    @Adriana Ravenlust Big smile glad I could help! I'm actually surprised that most people seem to want to try to use this as an insertable vibe. That would be a pretty disappointing experience in my opinion. And feel free to love me, I don't mind!
  • Contributor: Squirtie
    Thank you Lauren!
  • Contributor: Squirtie
    @newme21: I wanted to link to a yoga site so you guys could see but I didn't know which ones would be cool with me linking from an adult site. I'll have to find an image hosting site that won't ban me for linking from here :/
  • Contributor: lezergirl
    nice review!
  • Contributor: Mistress M.
    Thanks for the review! It was great.
  • Contributor: big b
    nice job
  • Contributor: Bullfroggy and Rose
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The Cone: out of stock :( 20
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