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Hop on down the bunny trail

The concept and features of the jack rabbit couldn't be any more perfect! Too bad it doesn't live up to its name and reputation. If you're wanting "it all" hop on past the bunny, and look for another friend that can fill all the same needs.
Size of shaft, Rotating metal beads, powerful vibrations.
Features don't work well together.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


I was so excited when I got my Jack Rabbit. I'd say it took me longer to get my clothes off, than it did to get it out of the package. I was dripping in anticipation. Not only does it feature everything I was looking for, it's cute and fun looking too!

JR ( jack rabbit) has so many of the features that all women are looking for in a man. Errrrr, I mean toy. Its designed to to tickle your clit with the bunny shaped attachment ( which is not removable)with multi speed vibrations and the vibes can be felt throughout the whole bunny. From the base where he connects, to the tip of his ears. All the while, having your pussy thrilled by nubby , rotating dildo part. The rotation speed and direction can also be controlled. Both the vibration and rotation speed are individually controlled from one control pad at the base of JR.

The Jack Rabbit is ideal toy for the ladies that cannot orgasm with penetration alone. That are left feeling unfulfilled after solo play with only a vibe alone. The Jack Rabbit is for the girl that wants it all!

Material / Texture

Thankfully,when I opened the package, the Jack Rabbit didn't have any sort of offensive odor. In fact,it has no scent/smell at all. Its made of a combination of rubber and jelly materials, with nubs and ribs all over(the dildo part) for extra pleasure. I don't particularly care for the texture of the shaft part really, it feels kinda tacky to me. It doesn't stick to my skin, just feels like it will. But it doesn't bother me so much so that I don't love JR anyhow and I totally love all the different sensations the nubs, and ribs give me. The bunny part however is smooth and soft against my clit.

Design / Shape / Size

Ideally this toy is perfect. Its 10inches in length, half of which is for a whole lot of fulfilling pussy penetration. Also, it's a little bit more than an inch wide, with a circumference of 5 inches. *SIGH*
But don't forget to add on the 2.5 inch vibrating bunny. This little guy, is smooth and soft, and feels great against my clit. The rabbit body is firm enough to withstand added pressure against me, without hurting myself.

The Jack Rabbit shaft fills my pussy completely and feels fantastic! Unfortunately though, whether by design or preference, I'm unsure, The rabbit doesn't press against my clit unless I have it deeply inside of me. Yet the vibrations can be strong enough, depending on the speed setting, to still stimulate me with the ears of the bunny otherwise.

This toy is good for anyone, at any stage in their sexual play. A total novice could, and I'm quite sure would, enjoy this toy. Its pretty quiet, making it usable without being overheard. Its also a moderately sized toy, that is easy enough to tuck in a drawer or travel bag.

Functions / Performance / Controls

Personally, I have found insertion to be a little uncomfortable without a lube, so I do in fact use one that is water based. Which also makes for easy clean up. Soap and water work just fine. But JR being waterproof helps out a little bit in that area too. After penetration is achieved, it fills me, and feels fantastic. The nub's and rib's feel great pressing against the inside walls of my pussy. I can also feel the rotations, at all speeds, and WHOA, that is awesome! But it is also a tad finicky. I can completely stop the rotating by clenching, or tightening my pussy. I have to concentrate on being relaxed in order to take advantage of that feature. I've also noticed that thrusting isn't very easy while rotating.

As I said earlier, the bunny doesn't press against my clit unless I have JR deep inside me, and the fact that I can stop the rotation altogether, makes this toy difficult for me to achieve orgasm. I have to get into an exact, twister-like position in order to do so. Which also takes away from its use as a couples toy. I get too frustrated trying to play "twister" with my partner. Although if orgasm isn't the desired result, it does work well for foreplay.

I absolutely love the size, shape, and all of the different features of this toy. But as a whole package, to be used together, not much at all.

Care and Maintenance

Being a waterproof toy, makes this toy simple and easy to care for. You can use any of the commercial toy cleaners. Wipes, sprays, ect. Or, use the sink and hand soap in your nearest bathroom. And when you're all done cleaning up, don't forget to put your toy's away. Not necessarily in the toy box, any ol' drawer or hiding place will do just fine.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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    Thanks for your review.
  • Contributor: Teaser
    Thank you for the honest review!
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  • Contributor: bbgirl130
    Thanks for the review!!
  • Contributor: ginainohio
    thanks for the reveiw
  • Contributor: ijustgotta
  • Contributor: xxombie
    Thanks for the review!!
  • Contributor: XxXxX
    thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: Nemon
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