Hitachi magic wand vibrator sex toy review

I recommend that anyone who enjoys vibration (on any part of their body) purchase a Hitachi magic wand vibrator. It is a great investment and will last for years. Every household should have at least one.
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useful review
It was an early birthday present to myself. I'd heard good things about the Hitachi and knew it would soon become my best friend. The Hitachi magic wand vibrator has a reputation for being amazing, wonderful, and long lasting. I soon put it to the test.

When it arrived, the clerk at the post office laughed at me because I was bouncing like a little kid. She thought it was funny that I was so excited about a parcel. Little did she know...

My first impression was one of mild disappointment. After I'd heard from Always Aroused Girl that it would rattle the pictures in my neighbor's house, I was hoping for more. After all, one of my last major vibrators was actually a percussion massager. I'd broken two of those before deciding to move on to sturdier things. My Hitachi was... different. The higher pitched vibration was enough to make me itch, initially. But I stuck with it. I was determined to be right about it if it killed me.

It didn't. Kill me, that is. In fact, after using it a couple more times, I found the right angle, speed, and rhythm to get off, repeatedly. I suppose I just needed practice. Practice makes perfect, right? It helps that it isn't loud and doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary. I didn't worry about my kids asking me what it was. Even if they did hear a buzzing sound, I could tell them I was using my back massager.

It does happen to be one of the greatest massagers for other body parts as well. After a particularly strenuous hand job, I applied it to my hand. Worked like a charm. Later it helped ease a Charlie horse out of my leg so I could get out of bed.

My husband rather enjoys my Hitachi too. I place the head of it underneath his balls and lazily slide my open mouth up and down his thick shaft. The lighter touch coupled with the powerful vibration gets him off hard and fast without me having to do much work to get him there. Ok, so we both like it that way.

I recommend that anyone who enjoys vibration (on any part of their body) purchase a Hitachi magic wand vibrator. It is a great investment and will last for years. Every household should have at least one. As far as I am concerned, the lamp can stay un-plugged and the phone can find another outlet, but my Hitachi is staying plugged in right where it is.
Follow-up commentary
Almost a year later and my Hitachi and I are still inseparable.  I love the fact that it has taken almost daily use (and abuse) and hasn't slowed one bit.  The only problem I have is that I've gotten so used to the powerful vibration that other vibrators can't compete.

I think I might have an addiction of sorts!

The only thing that I would change about my Hitachi is the length of the power cord.  My bed is quite high off the ground and sometimes I have to switch outlets to get it positioned in the right place.  I know I could use an extension cord but it isn't recommended.  I wonder if there's a Hitachi 2 in the works?

This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Michelle Conner
    nice review
  • Contributor: keeweepoo
  • Contributor: chicmichiw
    Thanks for reviewing
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