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Great, traditional vibrator!

I highly recommend this product for beginner users. It is very inexpensive and the batteries last for long periods of time. It is amazing for clitoral stimulation. It is waterproof, so it can make showers or baths more exciting. The only problem is that it isn't great for vaginal use.
Easy to clean, cheap, great for new users, very long battery life
Poor for vaginal use, may be too hard
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
The Velvet Touch Vibrator was my very first toy. I was a nervous college kid in a sex shop, that needed to take care of her horniness. The non-threatening shape is what brought my attention to it. It is only one inch in diameter, so for a first time use with sex toys it was excellent. It has a nice smooth surface, rid of bumps that can be intimidating for a first time user. It is a great length of seven inches, though.

It lacks any sort of strong smell. I honestly haven't noticed any smell at all. The texture is great though. I love the fact that it has such a smooth surface. It feels so soft like skin. It is also really hard, which is great for stimulating the clitoris, but I feel that it is too hard to use vaginally.

The Velvet Touch is excellent at being a clitoris stimulator. It can cause multiple orgasms due to its perfect amount of vibrations on the low and medium settings. The high setting is way too intense for me. I have never had a session with this toy that didn't bring me off. It is honestly one of the best cheap sex toys that I have ever used. The intensity of the vibrations also feel excellent when simply running it along the body. It feels great against the nipples on a low setting.

One of the things that this toy lacks is that penetration with it isn't great. The smooth surface doesn't do much for me. The vibrations also bring a tickling sensation, rather than one of erotic desires. The penetration could be okay with some people if they find the right setting, but I haven't been able to find a setting that makes penetration desirable.

Another problem that I have had with the toy is how loud it is. The toy is very loud at all settings. You will need to cover with a blanket or pillow to make it so someone in the next room can't hear you.

One of the best things about the toy is the fact that it doesn't suck up batteries. I still have the original batteries that I've had in it for over a year. I have had toys that have died after only a month, yet this toy just keeps going and going. So it is a great toy to buy if you have a low battery fund.

Cleaning the toy is very simple. The toy is waterproof, so it can easily be cleaned with water, or just some toy cleaner.

I highly recommend this toy. It is very inexpensive. It isn't intimidating at all. It is easy to use. All you have to do to change the vibrations is to twist the bottom. It will most likely bring many orgasms due to clitoral stimulation.
Follow-up commentary
I have yet to change the batteries in this vibrator! I've had nothing but good experiences. I highly recommend it!
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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My Velvet touch vibrator tags
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris
    • Genitals
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  • removedacnt Contributor: removedacnt
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 148
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  • Contributor: Linga
    Congrats on the first review!
  • Contributor: KnK
    High five! Congrats on your first review girly!! My harassment has finally paid off. I'm so proud!!

    Remember if you need any help shoot me message or text. Girl, you got my number. Lol
  • Contributor: Solar Ray
    Great 1st review. Welcome to the site.
  • Contributor: I Wear The Pants
    Thank you guys so much! I had a real fun time writing this review and I'm hoping to get better! Thanks for the support!
  • Contributor: Seharra
    Awesome first review!
  • Contributor: Retro.old
    Great 1st review!
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