Good vibrations from small packages...

The Mood is a fantastic take on packing features into a minimalist design and then twisting the design slightly into something slightly new. It's discreet (in sound at least - color-wise depends on your choices) and packs a wealth of features into a surprisingly small package. Perhaps my highest praise is that I would buy this myself, even after receiving it as an assignment. It's that good. Plus it's always good to keep spares around. :)
Small, new spin on classic design; a variety of features in a small package; very quiet.
Very buzzy in sensation, not much amplitude - a tradeoff from size more than anything.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I'd like to call the Mood small your basic pocket vibe, but that's an insult to the little motor that could. Given that the Mood is only about 70% larger than the battery it takes (a AAA), it packs quite a bit of punch and features in a very small package. Being that it's such a potent vibe in such a small parcel, it really lends itself to a wide variety of uses; while it's a bit too small to recommend going into insertable use (with possible exceptions that are perhaps a bit too kinky for Eden Fantasys), it certainly can find a wide variety of targets on the outside of the body to tease and tantalize.

The only detrimental comment I can say for usage is that because it's a small vibrator and suffers from the limits on the mass one can put into such a small package (and thus the "thrumm" factor of a vibrator - the amplitude or depth of the vibration as opposed to the speed or buzz of the vibrator), the Mood tends to be very "buzzy" without much oomph, which can cause a numbing effect on men when used directly on the frenum or glans. However, for the price point and the size, it's hard to go wrong with this little magic bullet.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
    • Sensory play
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
    • Clitoris
    • Nipples

Material / Texture

The Mood is made out of food-grade plastics textured in such a way to give it a somewhat velvety feel. It's not enough to add any stimulation, but it is enough to make the vibe stand out and take a bit of the slippery quality away that most small plastic vibes would suffer. Beyond the unusual texture, the materials used are utterly unremarkable - which is oddly a plus for such an unusual little piece of kit. No aroma or odor greeted me upon opening the package and the vibe didn't require degassing like a number of other toys do. Just pop a battery in and you're good to go.

Of course, being that we're dealing with plastics that can't be sterilized in the typical sense, sharing is probably inadvisable if used in intimate areas unless fluid-bonded to the other user, or just pop it inside a condom. The controls (a simple push-button) are easily operated this way, and it eliminates the risk of infection being carried by the vibe. However, if you're just using it as a little extra stimulation in sensory play, this precaution is probably unnecessary.
    • No odor

Design / Shape / Size

The design is classic and basic, and loans itself to any number of uses. Not only is the vibe itself one of the more classic designs allowing for a number of typical uses, the shape and size seem to correspond to the inserted bullets in a number of other sex toys on the market. I haven't yet had the opportunity to test this for certain, but it certainly seems like the Mood could be used to provide an upgrade over the typical vibrators that come in such products, given the additional features of the Mood (multiple speeds of vibration, plus various vibration patterns).

Being what it is, as it is the Mood lends itself to a wide variety of play styles that are limited only by the imagination...and being able to keep hold on such a small object in the heat of play.
    • Discreet look/design
    • Whimsical / artistic

Functions / Performance / Controls

The Mood is a basic vibrator in terms of design - it's shape and form are unchanged from generations before it, and has the same classic interface as most of its cousins. A simple button graces one end of the body of the vibe - the first press turns the vibe on low, and each subsequent press cycles it through the various speeds and then through various patterns of ramping and pulsing before coming back to "off". Holding the button down for about three seconds turns the vibrator off.

As stated earlier, the vibe suffers from one deficiency because of its size - it's very "buzzy" - particularly at higher powers. That isn't to say noisy - the vibrator remains very quiet even under high power, but it doesn't pack much "thrumm" in that vibration. This can result in a numbing sensation rather than a sense of sexual elevation or moving towards release. At least, that was my experience in the classic use of the vibe, and I haven't had a chance to date to see reactions from women to the vibe. Still, it is a very potent vibe in a small form factor with very simple controls - all of which are impressive for the size and price of the vibe.
    • Discreet sound
    • Easy to use
    • Multiple settings

Care and Maintenance

While the toy is advertised as being safe for the tub or shower, I wouldn't recommend testing this too extensively. However, it does make cleanup fairly straightforward - rinse and wash with your favorite toy cleanser, wipe down to dry, and put away. If you are using alkaline batteries, don't leave the battery in the vibe for prolonged periods of storage.

As I've said before, the vibe isn't really designed for sterilization - while there are powerful antimicrobial products on the market (such as Cavi-Cide), I'm unsure that I'd trust sharing the unit in delicate areas without gloving it up. That said, at the price point it's not unreasonable to purchase a couple for different uses, such as sharing or for different regions. Even though I received this one (pink) as an assignment for free, I'm probably going to purchase another unit in black once they come back in stock.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


I'm rarely impressed by packaging, but the Mood got me with its quirky, bubbly packaging. The box does nothing to hide the vibrator, but mixes the vibrator with uniformly sized bubbles in a variety of colors on a black background. It's simple, elegant design that made me smile in spite of myself - it just makes you feel a happy energy around the product. The back continues the same basic pattern, but uses the bubbles to indicate the different features of the model and which unit is being sold (one of the bubbles is blacked out indicating the choice). A tasteful alternative to the typical tick-boxes you see on a number of products.

Overall, the packaging is just slightly more than minimalistic and does nothing to conceal what the toy is, but also makes it an artistic statement in packaging. A+ to the packaging design department on this one.
    • Minimal
    • Would make a nice gift
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: SadoMas
  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Great review, thanks!
  • Contributor: SkylarrStarr
    Informative review! Thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: brevado
    Great review. Thanks!
  • Contributor: Apirka
    Great review, thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: Harpina is gone
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: istas
    thanks for the review
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