Amazing Orgasm

If you are a woman that has a hard time climaxing, this is the toy for you. This satisfies every time.
We both love to use it because it's so soft and comfortable.
It would be nice if the toy came in a hard box instead of a soft box for storing it.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

First impression

When I first opened it, I thought, oh boy, this is going to be uncomfortable because of the size. I am not an experienced person in the toy department! However, that was not the case. The material is soft and pliable. Plus, it has low to intense settings, which helps when you are new at this.

First Use

When we first tried it, I was blown away. I have trouble orgasming, and this thing made me cum fast! So the next time we used it (which is always my husband's idea, since he loves to get my motor going), he turned it down and started using the in/out button as well. Best feeling ever!

Further Experience

We've been using this toy for over a month, and it just gets better and better. Now that he's used to the settings, he changes it up, and it feels amazing every time! I don't go without getting mine anymore.

Vibration Map

The vibrations go from soft to radical. Depending on how much you can stand, I think this will not disappoint.
  • Very mild, low level vibration
  • Moderate vibration
  • Strong and easily felt vibration

Orgasm Intensity

My orgasms are through the roof with this! Between the clit stimulator and the shaft working in many directions at once, there's no way not to cum.
Follow-up commentary
This toy has been amazing for both my husband and me. Being a woman who has always had a hard time having orgasms, both oral or during sex (my husband has always thought it was him), this is a wonderful game-changer. Not only does this give me satisfaction, but it has also given my husband a huge (no pun intended) confidence boost. It has allowed me to be more trusting with whatever he wants to do because I know what's in store for me. This has opened a whole new world for us. THIS IS A MUST-TRY! You won't be disappointed!
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