
This isn't a necessary addition to your toy box, but it IS cute and I'm sure you'll find a few great uses for it. It doesn't seem to be made for the long haul, but it has great settings to keep you stimulated. Do remember to keep it away from your pets!
Cute, pink, nice vibration options
Hard on the pubic mound, not for hardcore vibration-lovers, attracts pet hair
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I have a huge weakness for cute sex toys! I like to leave them around my house as conversational pieces. "What's that?" "I don't know, I found it, isn't it adorable?!" This little guy has been in the background of so many photos!

Unfortunately, he is no longer a member of my household. Not only did he attract an unusual amount of cat hair, he also attracted the ire of my cat. It wasn't completely unexpected, finding the tip of the cone gnawed off, numerous punctures in the perfect pink silicone! A lot of my sex toys have fallen victim to my pets- but this was the -cutest- item destroyed.

The cone, made of silicone, is NOT a sealed or waterproof sex toy. Clean it with a wipe or rinse it while holding it sideways. Don't ruin your premium sex toy trying to get a perfect clean. In fact, if you use it as I did, it won't come into contact with your delicate parts. You wouldn't ever have to worry about silicone lubricant degrading it because you wouldn't need it!

I enjoyed the Cone! A lot! I don't think I ever used it naked, but I frequently wedged it between my legs while surfing the internet or reading erotica online. I used it in almost every one of the silly ways displayed on the little insert that I laughed so hard at. My favorite was to read a book or magazine laying on my stomach, the cone between my tightly pressed legs. It's the first sex toy I EVER favored the "Random" style vibration pattern. And yes, I used the "orgasm" button. Not for orgasms but an even more random event.

I am a casual masturbator, so my ways of appraising a sex toy are generally different from others. I only occasionally came while sitting on the cone. Mostly I sat, vibrated happily, and didn't have to manually masturbate as I usually do while doing something else.

Instead of actively diddling myself while watching a movie, I could just press the cone to my mons and have it maintain a nice level of arousal so that after the movie I could ditch the foreplay and get down to actual intercourse! Even without "getting down to sex," I like to maintain at least a low level of arousal. The cone was perfect for first.

You see, when I first got my cone it was quite comfortable to sit on. Cushioned, I would say. Unfortunately it seemed that something degraded within it as the years passed (Yes, I've had this baby since the beginning) and it got -harder- and more likely to bruise my pubic mound (you know the feeling). I had peeked inside of it and knew that there wasn't anything actually there to actively degrade (not like the stuffing in my old couch) so I still don't understand exactly what happened, only that I was less inclined to sit on it for long periods of time.

I got a great year and a half out of my cone before I noticed it wasn't as enjoyable- and even then- it was still so cute! I couldn't bring myself to be rid of it, so I just kept it, a testament to cuteness (and my love of fun sex toys) until Bitty the Kitty came along and tore it a new one.
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    • Masturbation
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere there isn't water!
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris
    • Genitals
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  • Contributor: toxie m
    Nice review, a very enjoyable read
  • Contributor: liilii080
    I didn't realize pets were enamored by sex toys. When I finally get a dog, I will definitely be more careful! Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: dv8
    A casual masturbator? That makes me wonder what a formal masturbator would be like.
  • Contributor: Pleasure Piratess
    Maybe its a new thing... but I just got mine and it is definitely waterproof. Glad you still found uses for it, even if it wasn't your favorite. Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: theamazingjane
    ....!!! Now _that is the most exciting thing I've heard in a while. I'm going to have to get another now! Oh my sweet goodnesses.
  • Contributor: tigerkate
    Good review
    Kitties can be evil to sex toys. I left a bullet out on the nightstand and it was soon batted all across the hardwood floors, hammerred repetitively into things
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Thanks for the great review. Sorry about your toy loss.
  • Contributor: The Curious Couple
    Great review, thanks!
  • Contributor: wetone123
    nice review! Yes, kitties will be kitties, happens all the time.
  • Contributor: Fuck it.
    Nice review! Too bad about the cat, though.
  • Contributor: jeangel246
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Tbanda
    Thank you so much for reviewing!
  • Contributor: tlaskowski
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Jennysweets
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Bullfroggy and Rose
    thank you
  • Contributor: MK434
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: BrittaniMaree
    Thank you for your review
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VERY confused.. 24
The Cone: out of stock :( 20
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