The Scandal Strikes Again

This is one of the best dresses I own. Sexy and slinky, it can be worn a lot of different places depending on your comfort level too.
Versatile, comfy, well made, variety of sizes, and looks good.
Not a bunch of support.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
So I am pretty much scandalous, hence the name. I like to go out and have a good time, and get all the boys and girls to ogle me while I'm doing it. Heck, if I can score some booty out of it, all the better. Which is why I love this outfit. Now I know that most people will only use this in the bedroom, but I've worn it quite a few times out in public to rave reviews. Each experience was different though.

Dinner with kinky friends- I go to a weekly munch (a dinner where kinky people all gather and meet/hang out with kinky people held in a 'vanilla' setting) where I'm known by many as just, boobs. It is because I have an affinity for showing off my tits (shouldn't be surprising considering my name). Not showing off as in flashing (although I enjoy doing that too) but just showing off my kickass cleavage. It got rave reviews from everyone around. It also got into a discussion about breast size, which I chimed in that I am a 36D, although they all swear that I must be measured incorrectly and I have to be a 36DD at the very least. I claim that it is the magical power of the dress. I did wear black leggings underneath this and it fit just fine. Considering I was in a public place that doesn't condone showing off the pink bits, it was necessary. Seriously, bend over and you see lips.

Clubbing- Alright, I go out clubbing with seriously HOT ladies. So it means I have got to amp up my game. What better way to amp it up than a seriously hot dress that shows everything off? So I wore this sans leggings, unlike the dinner I just mentioned. Considering the dance club I went to had ladies in their panties (fo' realz yo) I was almost overdressed. The dress stayed in place pretty well as I was grinding away to my hearts content. It got some of the guys a little hand-sy, but considering what I was wearing and how I was dancing, it wasn't surprising. I was really happy overall with the outfit in this context.

Sexy times- I wore this to a very awesome threesome the day that I got it. This is the 'intended' use for the outfit, to ramp up your sexy time. It got the stamp of approval from both the guy and the girl I was with. The guy was very appreciative of the fact that I had banging cleavage. Plus, this was really easy to keep on and have sex in because the hemline is so short and the material is soft and nice. There wasn't any 'walk of shame' because the dress looked just as good leaving as it did when I was entering.

So through reading this review I realized my life sounds pretty awesome, but I think it might just be the dress. Because my life is pretty boring to me... I wouldn't just throw this in with the wash, but if you had a lingerie bag that could work. Also, linen spray. After I wear this, I hang it up and spray it with linen spray, then judge the next day if other means of making it fresh need to happen. I've washed it once and nothing bad happened, but I was really careful and used a bag so it wouldn't have to deal with the rough tumble.

The material is really soft and comfortable. It hides problem areas extremely well, such as butt/stomach. It accentuates my personal awesome areas, Tits. It fits me well, I got the 1X/2X size and I am 5' 1", wear a size M-XL shirt depending on how it fits in my chest area, I'm 36DD (yeah for being measured properly and going up a cup size), my biggest area is my hips, my pants range from 16-20 depending on the brand. This fits me, and could probably fit someone who was larger in the chest department, but if your hips are larger you might want to go up a size. Mine fit pretty snugly, but you might be able to make it work. Awesome thing number one million? Without a bra, the tits still look good. Due to the wrapping of the pink fabric underneath the breast area, there is some support there. Major plus.

The only con I could think of is that there are some threads that are loose/fraying. It is minimal, but there. Nothing that is overly noticeable, nor is it something that with a tug will unravel the whole thing. Just some threads that were probably overlooked in the snip snip snipping process.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bridal gift
    • Can be worn during intercourse
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Play party
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Kayla
    KITTY! I love my outfit too.
  • Contributor: PassionQT
    Thanks for the review and video! Love your assistant!
  • Contributor: Shellz31
    I so want this!!! You're life sounds like wild fun. Great review.
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    OKOK I have to do it....I can see your pussy! Great review and nice dress.
  • Contributor: Danielle1220
    I want it!!! Not the dress...the kitty!!!! LOL The dress is very cute...Looks like it would fit me nice. Being a little on the heavy side its very hard to find nice things. I will try this one though.
  • Contributor: darthkitt3n
    I have been eying this dress. It looks great, and having chest support makes it even more appealing. Great review!
  • Contributor: Selective Sensualist
    There is something very intriguing to your kitty that is on your ceiling.
    Great review!
  • Contributor: TitsMcScandal
    I'm glad everyone enjoyed the video. I tired doing it twice without him there but if I closed the door he would just meow and meow and meow until I let him in. Little kitty attention whore. :p but I love him.
  • Contributor: Owl Identified
    You look great, this is such a cute little dress! Great review as well
  • Contributor: EmberPetals
    I sooo want this! Thanks for the review ^_^
  • Contributor: J's Alley
    Hey...the cat is all good. My beagle was in one review because he refused to leave my bed!

    I have that "dress" too and I actually bought it with the intentions of wearing it out rather than as lingerie. I LOVE mine! I really should post my review.
  • Contributor: cherryredhead88
    I super want this
  • Contributor: DixieDoo
    love the video, great review!
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: sweet seduction
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: Secret Pleasure
    Good Job
  • Contributor: petname
    Your crazy fun lifestyle makes your review fun to read.
  • Contributor: x203
    Thanks a ton for everything, especially the video (:
  • Contributor: jessi2
    I love your style of reviewing. You make it so much fun to read your reviews!
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wear with leggings 6
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