Shake it Shake it!

I like the color and that it has tassels. I found that my husband loved it. It was a nice surprise and something new for us to try.
Price, fits almost anyone, color
May not fit everyone
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
So Shiny and Sparkly! I loved it. It's more than beautiful; even better than the picture. The sequins are really nice and the g-string is beautiful but leaves nothing to the imagination. This Showgirl Kit contains a stretchy and adjustable sequined G-string, two sequined pasties with tassels, and adhesive. This kit is ready for your role playing fantasy right out of the box. Just slip it on and dance your titties off.

The price is right and the color is bright. I love the pink. It is so vibrant and the sequins are fun. They may scratch you; just a side note. I did notice that they do kind of stick to certain bedding types (satin sheets).

You will have to buy more adhesive to reuse this set. The g-string is stretchy so it should accommodate most sizes. I am plus sized and it fit me fine. The pasties fit well and covered my nipples too. I like this set. It is cheap, easy to use, easy to hide from the kiddos and sexy. Some California Exotic items are crappy and cheaply made but this is not one of them.

If you are unsure, just buy it. You will not be out of a lot of money and this set will work for you. I found that they also have it in silver which I would have preferred cause I have so much pink stuff. Pair this with a pair of high heels and a boa and you have a stage strutting outfit that would put some showgirls to shame. This comes in a box with the picture on the front so you know exactly what you are getting. So if this is a gift, you may want to wrap it first. The pasties are easy to apply and I just hand washed the items after usage. One size fits most. You will have lots of sexual contact in this Hearts of Love set!
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
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This review was edited by
  • Melan!e Contributor: Melan!e
  • Rank:
    6.1 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 249
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  • Contributor: allme1
    nice review
  • Contributor: PrincessYagami
  • Contributor: The Mother of a SiNner
    great review ty
  • Contributor: Ms. N
    I was just looking at these earlier today. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: K101
    Thanks for sharing a little about this. I've had it on my wishlist for the pasties, but the thong looked like it'd be too high and saggy on me. I'm so glad to hear it looks even better in person! That makes me want to get this for the pasties.
  • Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: GONE!
    Great review!
  • Contributor: CindyH
    cool review
  • Contributor: LaSchwartz
    thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: pizzahut
    Thanks for the review .
  • Contributor: Desirae Alisia Weatherby
    thank you !
  • Contributor: Steve99
    Nice review
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