Not even a chance to put them to good use!

With these stockings from Coquette, you really get what you pay for... Thin, cheap stockings that don't even make it to their first use. Such a great looking stocking, just to go right into the trash.
Great price, Unique look
Snagged, Holes, Thin.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
The wife and I purchased these stockings to match the red peek-a-boo garter dress that we also ordered. We loved how the lace tops were red, but the stockings were black. It would match, but still have the black stocking look that I love oh so much. The package arrived, and inside was yet another disappointment from Coquette's stocking department.

The packaging was your standard, sealed plastic bag with a thick cardstock insert and then stockings wrapped around a sheet of even thicker cardstock. Nothing was wrong with the packaging; I check all my packages for holes, rips, tears etc. Checking the packaging lets me know that if anything is wrong with the product, it probably happened during shipment. These stockings are made of Nylon. They're one size fits most, and manufactured by Coquette.


The wife dressed in her lingerie and opened the package so that she could complete the look. She loved the look and the feel of the stockings before they went onto her long legs. Mind you, if you haven't read any of my other reviews, my wife is 5'10" and 215 lbs. She has long, slightly thicker, lovely legs. Most of the "one size fits most" stockings fit her with no problem. Anyways, she gets the first one on and connected to the garter; the lace was thin enough that she had no problem with those pesky hooks. There was no bunching or rolling with the tops. The stockings had kinks ALL THROUGH them. They looked as if they have been used for a LONG time. She puts the other one on and connects it, and then finds that there is a perfectly round hole at the toe of the stocking. Due to pulling it up, the stocking got a runner from the hole. This manufacturer defect had just screwed up her entire outfit.

Hole and runner
hole and runner 2

We ended up using another pair of stockings out of our overflowing lingerie drawer. They aren't very good, but they completed the outfit. These were yet another disappointment from Coquette.
Follow-up commentary
These stockings were sold at our local adult book store. We picked them up from there because we needed a pair of stockings to go with the lingerie the wife wanted. We get home, she gets into her lingerie, opens up the stockings, and ANOTHER HOLE! This hole was where the red lace top meets the stockings itself. WTH? She tried connecting the garters anyways. When she stood up to put on her heels, the lace top came off of the stocking. We tried to return them but the store said she must have "ordered the wrong size". More like ordered the wrong crap!
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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    • Can be worn during intercourse
    • Can be worn under clothing
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
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    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Campus/roommate living
  • Features
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    What kind of features does this product offer?
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  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Thighs
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  • Contributor: carebear712
    Thanks for the review! I recently purchased (and reviewed) some coquette stockings with a similar experience...they didn't run yet but the material is VERY thin and won't last long!
  • Contributor: travelnurse
    I have those in my drawer, just received them last week. I wish I would have sen this first. Thanks for the info
  • Contributor: Ms. N
    That is a real shame that they ran so quickly. Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: js250
    Great review--these are pretty thin stockings!
  • Contributor: submarinerswife81
    Thank you for the review
  • Contributor: CountryPrincess
    thanks for the great review! i'm sad i loved the color contrast but i want a good pair of stockings that'll last... thanks so much for the warning!!!
  • Contributor: caseyb
    love this ty!
  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Wow! Thanks for the very useful review and pics
  • Contributor: pleasurehunter
  • Contributor: pleasurehunter
  • Contributor: JessieDawg
    good to know
  • Contributor: ginnyluvspotter
  • Contributor: atryonix
    Thank you for the review
  • Contributor: Kat and Aaron(aaron)
    Thanks for the great review.
  • Contributor: tortilla
  • Contributor: SassySam
  • Contributor: Pete's Princess
    Thanks for the warning. The style is lovely too bad the execution sucks.
  • Contributor: BrittaniMaree
    Thank you for your review
  • Contributor: novanilla
    How unfortunate. thanks for the review.
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