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Brown four-way convertible bra reviews

Average review rating:
[ 3 reviews ]
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I do wear this bra and I don't regret buying it. It's a quality bra for a cheap price. But this isn't my strapless, date-night bra. It simply doesn't do me justice. If you're looking for that magic bra, this isn't it. But if you're just looking for an additional cheap bra, this is a solid purchase.

This bra is awesome! It's comfortable and can become either strapless, halter or crossed in the back if you want to wear a tank. It can be just a normal bra you can wear under a t-shirt if you want. It's just not sexy enough for play time.

This brown, underwire, four-way convertible bra is great for just about every gal (or guy, if that's what you're into!). It's not only comfortable and made to last, it's also pretty sexy if I may say so myself.

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