Yup it IS that good...

Slippery Kitty lives up to it's reviews beautifully. It has a pleasant consistency, is water based, smells fresh and clean, is reasonably priced and makes play time so much more enjoyable.
reasonable price, pleasant smell, lasts a good long time.
Can't think of any down side to the product except for how long it took me to realize I needed it!
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
I recently had a talk with my health care provider about proper lubrication. I was sore and irritated... and panicked! She explained that a woman sometimes needs a bit of help to protect the delicate tissues of the vagina. Some might say "well DUH!" but I was not taught proper toy hygiene or personal lubrication. Once I learned what was really happening to me I perused Eden Fantasys and learned some valuable tips and Slippery Kitty received some very informative reviews. I talked it over with my husband and boyfriend who insisted that I should have a good, safe product as I don't react well to KY. My family is known for weird reactions to products and foods and KY always left me with a nasty yeast infection. So my husband looked at the reviews, took note of the ingredients and holding his breath ordered a bottle of Slippery Kitty to try.

When it arrived the first thing I did was read the ingredients and was pleased that it was water based and safe for all toys. The product has a pleasant fragrance, not overpowering. I could smell the aloe vera, which I happen to like. Next, I rubbed a little on my fingers. It was smooth, slippery and didn't get sticky. I rubbed a little on the inside of my elbow to make sure I wouldn't react to it. I got busy soon after and forgot about the "test". A few hours later there was still no red, irritated skin so that was a major plus.
After the testing proved successful I decided to try it with one of my toys. I applied liberally... and learned why they say that a little goes a long way! I laughed and wiped my hands and continued. My toys slid in easily and as I gasped my way to an intense orgasm I knew this was one product I could recommend to everyone. I basked a minute in the afterglow of a good "workout" and realized that even after intense play I hadn't needed to reapply. Now being a novice to the use of lubricants I don't know if it's because I don't know better but the one generous application lasted me the whole session... approximately an hour. Even after when I was cleaning up there was no stickiness and it cleaned away very nicely leaving no greasy feeling like Ky always did. I cleaned my toys like always and was very pleased to see Slippery Kitty (I just LOVE that name) cleaned away leaving the toy sparkling.

This product does indeed live up to it's reviews and it does the job for which it is intended splendidly. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a safe, pleasant smelling lubricant and I will definitely be ordering it again in the future as the price is extremely reasonable. Compared to the discomfort of dryness, or irritation of other products I'd say this product is simply amazing!
Follow-up commentary
I have tried some other water-based lubes and I find that I still like this product. The lube is gentle and washes away so easily when we are done that it has become almost a staple of play with toys. It does, however, cause my husband some irritation but as he is super sensitive and it is a very mild irritation even he still recommends it to people who ask. The product has never discolored my sheets or my toys. It lasts for an incredibly long time both in use and in terms of bottle size. The smell and taste of the product has not altered over time and remains consistent between bottles, I've noticed some water-based lubes can grow bitter over time or when you buy the next bottle.

Still a great little water based lube for the price.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • Contributor: Miss Jane
    Glad you found a lube you like!
  • Contributor: pixie lip
    thanks for the extremely informative review. i have extremely sensitive skin and was hesitantly considering trying a new lube. thanks to your review, i'll add it to my order.
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    No problem, my pleasure! The stuff is extremely easy on sensitive skin I don't think you'll be disappointed, this is still my favorite water based lube.
  • Contributor: Meowmix
    I love this lube so much, and I haven't even tried it yet!
  • Contributor: Maiden
    Great review! I was looking for a new lube that would last longer but be safe for all of my toys. looks like this one might do the job!
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    This is a good choice of lube for all toys and a little goes a LONG way. Price wise it's fairly inexpensive but it does seem to match up with some of the more expensive varieties.
  • Contributor: CherryDyke
    I loved the stuff. It's great to see your take on it.
  • Contributor: mammas place
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: ss143
    Stuff sounds amazing thank you for the detailed review. I thought I might have been done with water based lubes except only when needen after trying silicone ones but your review made me wanna give this one a try.
  • Contributor: kittycatgirl
    Super helpful review, thank you!
  • Contributor: Do emu
    Thanks for reviewing!
  • Contributor: MK434
    Great review!
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