Where's the warmth?

I loved using this product. The cooling sensation is nice and the consistency of the product is nice, but I'll definitely not be buying this for $30 when I can find a cheaper lube that will do the same things this does. If there was a more intense feeling when coming together, I would probably change my mind, but this just didn't work (how it's technically supposed to) for us.
Tingling, nice texture, easy to use, water based, cute packaging.
No 'explosions' here, didn't feel much when products came together. Pricey for this reason.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This lube set gets the best use with couples, which is what it's made for. However, you can use each one for male or female, depending on what sensation you're wanting. The HIS offers the warming sensation (which I didn't seem to feel, boyfriend didn't either). The HERS has the menthol in it and offers the cooling.

You can use this product for any occasion where lube is needed, but be aware that while this lube is water based, it's safe with latex condoms only. Also be sure to look at the ingredients first as some people may be sensitive or allergic to either the menthol/fragrance (in the hers lube) or the glycerin (in the his lube).

The overall reaction doesn't live up to the commercials based around this product, but of course, what product does? I still like this product, it does it's job as a lube. The hers does feel tingly to me, but it doesn't 'get me going'. However, it's only been since August 2010 that I've been off of my anxiety medicine and I still don't have my libido back fully :( so that will definitely differ for each person. I would definitely love to try this after I get things going again.. which is hopefully soon.

*In the tags, I marked this good for anal. I'm only recommending that the his lube is good for this, not the hers, as I'm not sure how the menthol would feel. I'm not fully into anal (fingers only) and did not want to try the hers while doing it, so I cannot vouch for this.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bridal gift
    • Mood enhancer
    • Sex
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bed
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Good for anal

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

The overall texture of this product as a whole is great. It's not one of those silky, smooth textures, but more of a slippery texture, which is quiet fine with me. I like this texture better than any lube I've tried. It's not hard to get out of the tube, but you do have to squeeze the tube. It's not going to just pour out quickly if you turn it upside down.

It's not going to stay in place completely. By the time I'm done using it, it's normally all over the front of my pelvic region, even if boyfriend has it only on his penis and I just put it directly onto the lips of my vagina.

I feel like when I do put it on, I always have to add more before I get a good texture going. Once things are going, I've never had to add more during sex, but in the beginning to get a good, slick hand job going, I feel like I have to use more than I should for a (2) $30 bottle of lube.

I normally feel a mixture of greasy and sticky in the end. I don't like that I have to wipe my hands off after putting it on either of us because that just gets in the way of getting into the moment, but by the time you've finally got enough on, it's all over your hands and it doesn't just soak into them.
    • Slick
    • Thin

Taste / Aroma

I love the smell of the HERS lube. I'm a fan of peppermint smells and if you don't like peppermint, you're not going to like this, because it is strong. After you've got it on your body, you're not going to smell it (well, unless it's on your chest, you might), but it's a mildly strong smell of peppermint. It reminds me of that Ben Gay muscle relaxer that you can get in a drugstore. I personally like the smell of that stuff too ;)

The HIS lube doesn't have any smell or taste at all.

The HERS doesn't taste like peppermint, I actually am not a fan of the taste. It's not something I would put on someone and then give oral sex unless it's just down there for smell and not on the part that you're licking/sucking.
    • No smell
    • Smells good
    • Strong smell


Once you've got enough of the product ON the parts you're putting it on, it's lasted during the whole time of having sex for me. I personally have rough sex more often than not and it's lasted through that. If you're using both HIS and HERS (sometimes we just use the HIS) there's double the product on each other, so it seems to endlessly last.

I had a night where I fell asleep after cleaning up with just a cloth and in the morning I still had some left over, so it doesn't soak into the skin, but it's not something a little water can't clean up since it is water based. My boyfriend says he always uses soap and water to wash his off and it's very easy to wash off, but believes that using just water would do the job as well. Getting any of it on the bed, it seems to dry up easy and doesn't leave any hard/gross spots.

There's nothing that really stands out to me about this product, other than the packaging. The tingling of the HERS is a stronger feel than anything I've used that is supposed to bring tingle. I've noticed, for me (again, after being on anxiety meds for months, it's hard for me to get aroused sometimes), it's more so very cold than anything, and it's a strong cold. With that said, someone with a high libido would probably love this tingling feeling. I will say, sometimes you have to warm the HERS up in your fingers before you put it on because is can be too cold!

I do love the slick feeling of this product. It's not silky smooth, but more slippery, so it makes rough sex easier and doesn't hurt me if he goes too deep. I noticed before (I used to not use any lube thinking "I'm too young I don't need it!") I used lube that I would get pains, like he was hitting my kidneys or something, and now I don't get that unless he hit something the wrong way.
    • Allergy concerns
    • Long lasting


I love the packaging of this product. A lot of people don't like it because it's not "convenient" as it won't stand upright by itself, but let's face it, 95% of people aren't going to just have it sitting out. Most people have a stash box or drawer to put it in. I love the pink and blue of hers and his, and the pop top makes it easy to use. Some people seem to have trouble with it leaking, but I tighten mine before putting it away like every other use and I haven't had any problem. If you have the lube on your hands while you put it away, it will stay on the bottle (and pick up hair, gross!), but any lube will do that.

The black band that holds the two tubes together is useful so that these two bottles stay together, so keep that if you're one for using them together with your partner all the time.

There were instructions (and a coupon!) inside of the box that the tubes came in. There are instructions on the bottles themselves, but the ingredients are only on the packaging that it comes it. The package is small and minimal, but not discreet. I'm not sure if I would travel with these bottles unless I taped them shut because if one of the lids pop open, it would make a mess.
    • Can be opened with one hand
    • Easy to use / dispense
    • Would make a nice gift

Special Features

The special features of this product are a warming and cooling sensation. We didn't feel any warming from the HIS lube, but a lot of coolness from the HERS lube. However, the whole 'hurricane' feeling from the commercial didn't happen. The tingling was nice, but I didn't really feel much when they came together.
    • Cooling
    • Increases sensitivity
    • Tingling
Follow-up commentary
Such a great product. We used both lubes, together and separately (both literally and physically), until we used every last drop :)
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Danielle1220
    Great review!!
  • Contributor: TboyTy
    Great review. I was thinking about picking some of this up but it seems my money would be better spent elsewhere, thanks!
  • Contributor: Alegria
    This has to be one of the most detailed lube reviews I've ever seen. Good job!
  • Contributor: sexysweetieshan
    I've actually tried this kind with my husband, and we felt both the cold and the hot and when put together, it was just too much for me. It was a burning hot/cold/pain sensation all at once, and we had to stop and wash off, and we have never touched it again together. I don't normally care for the warming ones. It just burns too much.
  • Contributor: twistedheartsx
    Oh wow, thank you everyone. This is the first time I've checked this since I posted last night and I made it make a little more sense, I was obviously tired, haha.

    Danielle915 - Thank you!

    TboyTy - Thank you! It may be better spent. As I said (and as you can see from sexysweetieshan's comment) it varies from person to person, but for $30 it's not something that I got just recommend someone try. Maybe you can find a sample somewhere!

    Alegria - Hahaha, I laughed my butt off at your comment. I hope that's a good thing, I try to make my reviews detailed

    sexysweetieshan - ah, I'm glad I didn't have that reaction! maybe one of you were allergic to something in it?

    Thank you for all the votes, I can't believe how many people seem to like it. You all definitely made my day
  • Contributor: twistedheartsx
    something that I could just recommend*
  • Contributor: chantalgiardina
    nice review! thanks!
  • Contributor: Redman
    great review
  • Contributor: Devz
    Thank you for the review
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: mistressg
    Great review. I really hated this stuff though. Glad you liked it.
  • Contributor: averageguyextrodinarypleasure
    Good review didn't want to spend too much on a lube without knowing what I'm getting into
  • Contributor: chucky
  • Contributor: tom fay
    sorry it didnt work as well for you guys
  • Contributor: DreamWolf
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Master DarkWolf
    Good review...
  • Contributor: dontbackdown02
  • Contributor: tortilla
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