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Probe silky light

It didn't take much to fully wet my cock and just applying it sent a quiver of pleasure from my scalp to the soles of my feet. Stroking with Probe was very much like one of Baby's BJs. I've been using that "warming liquid" they hype on TV, but after one session I knew I would never go back
Published:November 14, 2007

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In my opinion, if you want something charming to show off your feminine side, or to make you feel more comfortable with the general idea of anal sex, go for Sliquid Sassy Booty formula. However, be prepared that your comfort may not be long-lasting.
Published:November 06, 2007

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Astroglide shooter

I unwrapped the applicator and twisted off the top. Until then I hadn't thought too much on the long neck from where the lubrication was held to the top. Probably if you had more then one person it would be easier, but since I only do solo play right now, it was difficult to get out the amount I was comfortable with.
Published:November 06, 2007

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The texture is great; this lubricant definitely does the job. With some lubes, if you keep applying more, after a while you end up with horrible crumbly bits of dried up fluid; this isn't conducive to hot sex or masturbation. There was none of this...
Published:July 12, 2007