Tingle Becomes Chill

All in all this is a great lube, especially if you are new to stimulating lubes. It is not generous with the tingle but enough to be pleasurable. It works great anally, vaginally, or orally. Best of all, it doesn't stain or fake when dry.
Safe, hypoallergenic, stays slick, no smell/taste, clear, non staining, DOESN'T cake/peel/flake.
Pricey, weak tingle, pop top bottle.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Squid Organics Botanical Infused Lube is water based, warming, and free of crazy ingredients since it's totally natural. It has a light warming property without the strong smell. It's clear, and it doesn't stain the sheets. Looks like we have a winner here. So what about it you ask? I guess I have a few opinions.

Read along my friends:

To the basics- It warms without being marketed as a warming lube. Well, in the sense that it's void of any warming properties on the title or front of the bottle for that matter. It does state on the side that it is warming. Why so confusing? What if I didn't want warming lube? Well, that's why you read the bottle. It warms like a delicate flower in the warm summer sun. Shall we prance? Egh, maybe not. Its light tingling sensation didn't make me want to do much other than want more. It's a dud compared to most warming lubes. But hey, don't take that as a bad thing. I know some people enjoy a light tingly tease, while others want an inferno on their bits. This is great for the tease, a cooling sensation tease. This is not warming at all. Period. Whoever designed the label was confused. To clarify, this specific Sliquid Organics lube is slighting cooling, not warming. Okay, got it? Moving on...

The viscosity is slick, slippery, and a bit thin. Yes, it's thin compared to most water based lubes. There was minimal frictional losses, which can be a deal breaker for me. I don't want my lube to take over so much that I lose feeling. We all can agree that friction is the best part of play time. Sliquid tends to be thin and light enough that this is never a problem. It acts as it should, a lube, without being over powering or creating a barrier. It doesn't stay where you want it, as a gel would. But considering you don't need much (a small pea sized amount to get started) it's not too bad once it is applied. It doesn't drip unless it is used in excess, and glides smoothly on without being sticky and doesn't have an overbearing smell. Water based lubes such as this tend to absorb into the skin and evaporate. This does ring true with the Sliquid Organics, but alas it is easily replenished with saliva or more lube to reactivate. If you are prone to yeast infections, this is a great lube for you. This vegan concoction is glycerin/paraben and petroleum free, making it totally hypoallergenic and less likely to trigger yeast infections since there isn't a spot of glycerin in the ingredients. Since there is a lack of glycerin or frilly flavors there isn't a sticky residue once evaporated. It drys smooth without flaking, and leaves your skin soft, supple, and trace free. It is also safe on latex, rubber, and plastic, meaning you can use this with all of your favorite toys. Keep in mind that Squid Organics is incompatible with water play/sex (ie: bathtub, pool, or hot tub) since it will be dissolved once dispersed in water.

So what makes Squid Organics special?
Purified water is used as a solvent in which it dissolves many of the ingredients. It also helps to form emulsions thus combining ingredients.
Plant cellulose(from cotton) works as many things- adhesive, binder, emulsion stabilizer, and a viscosity increasing agent.
Aloe borbadenis* is a natural moisturizing factor. It improves hydration and soothes the skin. It also has an anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
Natural tocopherole(Vitamin E) is used as a classic skin conditioner.
Cyamopsis (guar conditioners) offers efficient thickening and cationic conditioning without buildup.
Extracts of Hibiscus* tends to slightly relax muscles and reduce blood pressure. It also has anti-oxidant properties and inhibit elastin degradation, helping to maintain the skin's elasticity.
Flax* has the ability to make the skin smooth, soft, and velvety.
Green tea* has skin firming properties as well as soothing and anti-aging properties.
Sunflower seed* has smoothing properties.
Menthol offers the ability to chemically trigger the cold-sensitive TRPM8 receptors in the skin, causing a cooling sensation.
Citric Acid preservative made from citrus oils.
Phenoxyethanol (rose ether) is a bactericide.
* - Certified organic

The bottle is amber colored with a paper sticker label. The lube is dispersed through the push top. It drips out easily. It will leak if the top isn't closed tightly. Sliquid does not partake in animal testing, and is earth friendly with the use of #1 PET plastic recyclable bottle
Since the lube is so thin, it's not a shock of temperature difference from the lube to skin. It warms quickly once rubbed into your hands, and since it has a cooling effect it is not off putting if the lube is a bit chill prior to application. It's liquidy goodness ensures that you won't be wasteful, thus making a bottle last a long time. Less really is more. Start with a pea size amount and go from there. A pea sized amount is enough to rub onto an average sized penis and have a bit left to rub onto your labia or anus, making insertion a breeze. Since menthol creates a tingling sensation, it rushes blood to the areas applied and makes for an arousing experience. Take caution when using anally as it does feel like BenGay for your butt. This works for some and not for others. Test it before you are in action since it could kill the mood for you. We like the BenGay butt feeling. For me it helped make anal sex more enjoyable. I actually liked this lube over basic plain-jane lubes. Since it is super slick, it kept its promises the entire session and re-applying wasn't needed. Vaginally it tingled my clit nicely. I was afraid it would numb it as some menthol lubes/creams do from time to time, but since the sensations from Sliquid Organics is so light, it actually felt really good. It stimulated the outer areas of the vagina more so than the interior. My partner didn't seem to notice the sensations on his penis like I did on my vagina during intercourse. I did notice it seemed to dry out more vaginally then it did anally. It also dried up during hand jobs. It took about 30 minutes for the lube to wear off entirely, and actually dried me out more than when I started. Which was odd, since I don't have a problem getting wet. After a quick spit job and/or adding additional lube it seemed to pop it back to slip and slide standards. Using it orally on him seemed to make a difference. He said that it tingled the head of his penis, but the sensations wore off quickly. Surprisingly, the scent is non existent, the flavor was light, and somewhat unnoticeable when tasted. It did make my lips tingly though. For some reason I wasn't expecting that.

All in all this may not be my go-to lube, but it is going to be in my permanent line up. I enjoy how nonaggressive the the menthol is. I also love how it doesn't stain bedding or clothing. It works as advertised and doesn't have an obvious design that yells "sex lube" making it okay to leave it near the bed without a second glance.
Follow-up commentary
After using it long term, I have found that this water based lube actually drys out quicker if there isn't natural lubrication present. Meaning using it for hand jobs is completely out of the question. Because of this, we don't like it and never use it. If your lady bits are a bit dry this won't work as well as it doesn't replenish well on it's own and really needs a lot of natural lube to keep it going, which defeats the purpose, ya know?
Meh. Over it.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • ~LaUr3n~ Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
  • Rank:
    7.7 / 10
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  • Contributor: Vaccinium
    Thanks for the review! I really appreciate what Sliquid is trying to do with their products.
  • Contributor: married with children
    good review. sounds like it might be a good product to change it up some nights.
  • Contributor: livingadnauseum
    The follow up warning about how the lube doesn't work without natural lubrication was incredibly helpful and insightful, thank you for adding that bit!
  • Contributor: LuciFaery
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Graniteal
    really helpful , thanks
  • Contributor: Graniteal
    thanks for reviewing
  • Contributor: fufucat
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: MK434
    Thanks for the review!
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