Tangerine pleasure balm review

The Tangerine Pleasure Balm is a wonderfully flavored product that will not interrupt lovemaking when moving from oral to intercourse, and that provides a gentle numbing sensation when used in small quantities.
Great taste, more subtle sensations than the original Mint Pleasure Balm
Apply sparingly
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
I was delighted to see Kama Sutra release the Tangerine Pleasure Balm|Tangerine pleasure balm - Gel by KamaSutra in addition to its original Mint Pleasure Balm. The tangerine is probably my overall favorite scent/flavor of the Kama Sutra products, so trying this product was truly a delight.

Years ago, Kama Sutra packaged the Pleasure Balms in an attractive, glass bottle, but they have now moved to a slightly more convenient but less attractive plastic tube. Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer my old wide-mouthed, corked bottles to the generic tubes.

The product itself, however, is still of highest quality. The Pleasure Balm is best used to produce a slight cooling and numbing sensation to prolong lovemaking. The nice thing is, this is one of the few products I’ve found that simply REDUCE sensation, and don’t eliminate it entirely! The product works equally well for men and women, as well, giving him extra staying power, and reducing painful friction from extended intercourse on her part.

As always, however, I recommend using the Pleasure Balm SPARINGLY, as it can cause burning and discomfort if you apply too much at once. The tangerine balm is slightly more gentle in this regard than the original mint, but it still doesn’t hurt to use caution. You can always apply more as needed once the original numbing sensation has taken hold.

The Pleasure Balm has a light, jelly-like texture that absorbs easily into the skin. For this reason, and for its cooling properties, it also makes an excellent spot massage gel, heating and cooling the area at once. I especially like the mint product to use on my temples and sinues when I have a migraine. Just be careful to keep it well away from your eyes, or you could be in a world of hurt!

The tangerine flavor and scent are pleasant, with just the right intensity—cool and fruity, without being cloying. Due to the nature of the product, there IS some numbing sensation when tasting the product, but it is due to the product’s numbing qualities and not a synthetic aftertaste.
Follow-up commentary
My gynecologist actually recommended desensitizing balms as an excellent aid for women|Sensual toys for the timid who have discomfort from intercourse (once ALL medical causes have been THOROUGHLY ruled out!). I had this problem occasionally when I was younger, before the 'sexual peak' kicked in, and I must say that her recommendation worked wonders in helping my body adjust to, and eventually learn to love, penetration.
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  • Contributor: UrbanDurga
    Awesome review. You have left me with no questions about the cream at all!
  • Contributor: Dame Demi
    Thank you!!!
  • Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
    Great review
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    great review
  • Contributor: tffnyandrs
    Excellent review, very helpful! I was excited about this product and now I really really want to try it!!
  • Contributor: alayamae
    You covered everything! thanks!!
  • Contributor: NeonApple
    thank you for such a thorough and excellent review!
  • Contributor: reysgirl83
    great review!
  • Contributor: Beck
    Thanks for the review. This does sound interesting.
  • Contributor: whatevergirl
    Awesome review!
  • Contributor: Breas
    I like the suggestion you give for using it on your temples/spot treatment. I never would have thought of that. Thanks!
  • Contributor: Terri69
    Nice review, thanks!
  • Contributor: richsam
    very helpful! thank you for the review
  • Contributor: dontbackdown02
  • Contributor: Secret Sinns
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: BlooJay
    Thx for the review!
  • Contributor: ghent529
    great review
  • Contributor: krist338
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Peres2013
    Nice review!
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