Sticky Dicky!

In a nutshell, this product is bad for hands only masturbation and sex, but super with toys and oral sex. It also smells and tastes fabulous. Not to mention the wonderful bottle design and bold label. Fabulous fun for all!
Great for oral sex and toys
Smells and tastes great
Awesome bottle design
Bad for hands only masturbation
Bad for sex
Can lead to sticky genitals
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


Beware those who masturbate! No, really. This product smells so good, but stinks so badly when it comes to sex and masturbation. It feels great at first, and then after a minute or two, greatness gives way to stickiness. And no one wants a sticky dick, hence, the title "sticky dicky". So then what is it good for, you may ask? Lubing up toys and oral sex! And it isn't only good, it is fantastic! I lube my vibrator with it and my husband lubes his toy with it. My husband especially loves it because it is the perfect consistency for lubing the inside of his toy. And for some reason, it never gets sticky when used inside his toy. Don't ask me to explain why, I'm just telling you this out of repeated experience.

Why is it great for oral sex? It smells and tastes incredible! It is the oh-so sinful nectar of the gods. Pure liquid candy. Because this lubricant is great for lubing sex toys and oral sex, it is perfect for any couple, any age, looking to sweeten up time spent in the bedroom. But it is also great for solo use! Unless you are spanking it solo with no toy. Another great couple of things about this product is that it is glycerine free, paraben free, and hypoallergenic! Oh, and did I mention 100% vegan friendly?
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Oral

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

Pouring this product is difficult and I'm glad! A huge positive in my husband and I's opinion. The sides of the bottle does not bend easily and the hole is small. A little lubricant goes a long way and the design of the bottle is a great reminder of that. As for the actual texture of the lubricant, it is the perfect consistency. Although it is water based, it is not too watery and it is not at all similar to a jelly. It feels fabulous for masturbation with toys, but don't expect you and this lube to go hand in hand without a toy. When used on its own, it eventually makes the penis sticky, making sex difficult and masturbation totally impossible. Oh, and on a side note, one time when my husband was using this product with a sex toy, the lube got sudsy like soap. It was totally odd and has only happened once out of the countless times we have used it. My husband says that perhaps we didn't squeeze enough in there? Not a clue, but thought it was worth mentioning.
    • Slick
    • Sticky
    • Thin

Taste / Aroma

Did I like the taste and smell? No, I LOVED the taste and smell. The aroma isn't overbearing and no smell I've ever smelled compares to it. And when I said it's like candy, I really mean it. When my husband and I opened the bottle it smelled so great we had to taste it. No regrets! It tastes fabulous giving oral sex a little something extra for the giver.
    • Light smell
    • Light taste
    • Smells good


I can't tell you how long the product will last if pushed to the limit. We have never really used it for more than ten minutes each time. After using this product with toys, the toys need to be cleaned off as well as the skin it came into contact with. Because, you guessed it, things will get sticky. Now it isn't unbearable. Men, you will not be able to use your penis as a lint roller but will your penis stick to your underwear a bit? Yes, it will. Good news though, it is water soluble and comes off with just a quick rinse. No soap, no scrubbing. Super easy clean up. That's one thing that is so great about this product. Another thing of course being the great smell and taste which I simply cannot stress enough. Is the sticky dicky a little annoying? Not if you know what situations to use this lubricant in! And like I have previously stated, no worries for those of use who have allergies!
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Gets sticky
    • Performance


Not a very manly looking bottle, but who cares! This product comes in a 4.2 ounce bottle and the plastic of the bottle is pretty rigid. The hole is also tiny so this means you won't squeeze a lot of lube out in all of the excitement. My husband and I give this product major points for bottle design. I can't recall if there were any user instructions, but I mean really? It's lube. Personally, I think it is pretty self-explanatory. If you're wanting to take this bottle with you on a trip do so at your own risk. For starters, the brand name is Sliquid. Suspicious enough. The subtitle? Natural intimate lubricant. Suspicions confirmed. Not to mention this product has a red cap and red label.
    • Easy to use / dispense
    • Not discreet
    • Recyclable

Special Features

Nothing fancy, just great lubricant!
Follow-up commentary
We still use this lubricant all the time! The smell and taste is still my favorite part. We use it so often that it is almost gone. We will definitely order more the second we are out! Such a great buy!
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This review was edited by
  • K101 Contributor: K101
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 335
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Thanks for the review and the pictures. I hope they include that cap with the newer bottles, it looks a little nicer than the previous one that you push down to open.
  • Contributor: joiedejouets
    Thanks, Nice review!
  • Contributor: kitty1949
    Thank you for sharing - I'm not much into flavored lubes, but I do love Sliquid products.
  • Contributor: Allison.Wilder
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: *Camoprincess*
    Great review, thanks for sharing. I have the Blue Raspberry just haven't opened it yet.
  • Contributor: rainford
    good stuff man
  • Contributor: MK434
    Nice review!
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