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Slurpee Sex

Candy for your sex life! Make oral sex more pleasurable by adding a sweet little flavor of blue raspberry. Great for any kind of sexual encounter, this sugar free flavored water based lubricant will have you sneaking to that box under your bed for late night lube snacks if you're not careful.
Nice light flavor, and safe to use internally.
Quickly absorbed into the skin- reapplication required.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
This lube has a distinct, subtle flavor that is perfect for oral sex and completely safe to use for intercourse. If you're looking for a water based, glycerin-free, paraben-free lubricant that has a little bit of flavor, and has a mid-range consistency this is the way to go. And...this is the flavor to go with! After tasting Strawberry Pomegranate, Pink Lemonade and Green Apple, I found that this flavor was the least overwhelming. Some of the other flavors are a little too tart for my palette, but if you like really sweet, sugary candy- I would recommend the entire line.

Many of the problems that I encounter with water based lubricants is they are loaded with preservatives and often have more ingredients with hard, unpronounceable names than most silicone lubricants. I always like to know exactly what is in my lube, because all of those ingredients are immediately absorbed into the blood stream. Sliquid claims all of their lubricants are 100% vegan friendly, and the best part is, I can say the names of all the ingredients with no problem, things like "water" and "plant cellulose" are common in vaginal friendly lubricants. What makes Sliquid Swirl so wonderful is that the blue raspberry is not made with real sugar, so you can seamlessly move from hand play, to oral play and to intercourse without having to change lubricants.

If you're like me, you like to use a lot of lube, and you want it to stick around. The one draw back to water-based lubricants is, as humans, we're composed of water- so are our environments, so once you apply the lube, your skin, mouth and the air will immediately be absorbing the water in the lube...which means it can run out quickly. I've found that the original Sliquid H2o sticks around a little longer than the flavored lubes, this is most likely due to the addition of flavor components such as Aspartame.

Speaking of Aspartame... and I don't want to steer you away from this lube because it's great, but Aspartame is an ingredient often added to chewing gum to preserve non-sugar based flavoring. There is no proof of this, but it has been linked to rare occuring cases of cancers and brain tumors. Not to worry you, if you're not eating a cupful of this a day, you're fine. Just be aware that it is present in this lube in trace amounts. Take a fish oil...you'll be fine.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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    • Safe for intercourse
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  • sexyintexas Contributor: sexyintexas
  • Rank:
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  • Edited reviews: 357
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  • Contributor: Anjulie
    Great review. I love sliquid and will have to try this one!
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: sweet seduction
    Thanks for the great review
  • Contributor: Becauseiamawoman
    Good review- Im a big fan of your review title!
  • Contributor: Ghost
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Harpina is gone
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: Clubbinseals
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: damnbul12
    Thank you for the review.
  • Contributor: damnbul12
    Thank you for the review.
  • Contributor: IndependentlyHappy
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: RxL00
    yay slurpee sex!
  • Contributor: HotMama2three
    Love the title
  • Contributor: meezerosity
  • Contributor: KinkyNicki92
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: MK434
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: chicmichiw
    Thanks for reviewing!
  • Contributor: xxxbluexxx
    nice job!
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