Slick, Thick and Does the Trick.

The best water-based lubricant I have ever tried. It is thicker, longer lasting, leaves your skin feeling soft, and is not sticky feeling. Best of all, it's safe for sensitive skin, organic, and free of parabens and glycerin. No nasty chemicals to worry about, and since it is also tasteless and odorless you don't have to worry about getting any in your mouth. I also love Sliquid's packaging, very discreet, easy to use, and recyclable.
Hypoallergenic, thick, water-based, long lasting, glycerin and paraben free, not sticky or greasy.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This lubricant is a part of Sliquid's Organics line. The lubricant is vegan water-based lubricant, and because it is water-based it is safe to use with condoms and all toy materials. The ingredients are: Purified Water, Plant Cellulose (from Cotton), Organic Aloe Barbadensis, Natural Tocopherols (Vitamin E), Cyamopsis (Guar Conditioners), Organic Extracts of Hibiscus, Flax, Green Tea & Sunflower Seed, Citric Acid (Citrus Fruits), Phenoxyethanol (Rose Ether).

It's glycerin, L-arginine, petro-chemicals, and paraben free, so it will not cause any yeast infections for those who are prone to them. It is also hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. I have very sensitive skin myself and have had absolutely no problems with this product. It is non-staining and works great for intercourse, anal and vaginal play.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Good for anal

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

This clear lube has a thick gel-like consistency, very similar to hair gel. It reminds me a lot of thick aloe vera gel fresh from the plant. Due to being a gel, it stays in place very well and doesn't run all over the place like some water-based lubes will.
It has a nice slick natural feel to it, despite being a gel. It does not feel sticky, greasy, or oily; and does not get flaky when dried. It simply absorbs into your skin and leaves your skin feeling a slight bit softer.
    • Slick
    • Smooth
    • Thick

Taste / Aroma

There was virtually no smell to this lubricant. I had to really try and put my nose up to the bottle opening to notice anything. What little there was for scent was a light herbal smell. There was practically no taste either. It had a slight sweet taste for about a second and then it was gone. Unless you goop this stuff on, there will be no taste to it.
    • Light taste
    • No smell


This lube cleans up easily, just use soap and water. Or you can simply wipe off the excess, since it absorbs completely into your skin and leaves it feeling soft. This is one of my favorite things about the Sliquid lubes that I have tried so far.

I decided to test how well the product absorbs into the skin, out of sheer curiosity. I put a thin layer of it on the top of my hand, making sure it was nice and slick, then waited to see how long it took to absorb completely into my skin - 12 minutes.
Once my skin had absorbed it, I rubbed some water over the spot to see how well it slicked back up. It took only a couple drops of water and a rub or two to mix for it to slick back up to normal. It did dry slightly quicker the second time around, taking 10 minutes to be reabsorbed.
Another great feature of this product the test highlighted, was how well it absorbs into the skin. My skin felt slightly softer where the lube had been, and it was only identifiable by a very faint shine to the area. Not sticky or greasy feeling at all. I will note that it is currently winter where I live, so both the air and my skin are a bit dry due to the weather. This makes it likely that it will take a little longer to fully absorb into the skin for other people.

Also, since I was extremely bored and because it made studying for finals a bit more amusing, I put a dab of 3 different types of Sliquid Organics on my hand and waited to see how long it took for them to dry. Yes, it took a very long time and I almost forgot I had them on my hand. I'm adding the information from it (even though it is sad I left lube on my hand this long for the 'science' of it), because I noticed something interesting when they dried fully.


I put a dot of Sliquid Organics Natural, Sliquid Organics Silk, and Sliquid Organics Gel on my hand; and found that Natural dried fully after 1 hr and 50 minutes, Silk dried at 2 hrs 5 minutes, and the Gel dried at 2 hrs 20 minutes. The Gel stayed put almost completely the entire time, while the Silk and Natural did run a bit if I tilted my hand sideways.
Now for the interesting part: Both the Gel and Natural only left a slight sheen over my skin where they had been, but absorbed in entirely. The Silk however, left a weird residue that reminded me of dried kid's glue, only whiter and more rubbery. I can only imagine it's the silicone in it, but it makes me cringe to think of what other lubes leave behind with all the chemicals and higher percentages of silicone in them.
I took a comparison photo of this to illustrate, had to take out flash so you could see better (no my skin is not pink).

I'm sure the residue issue with the Sliquid Organics Silk is simply because it was a concentrated amount in an area too small to absorb all of it, as I have never had any problems with using it before and I have very sensitive skin.
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Feels natural
    • Long lasting


The packaging is very discreet looking and actually reminds me of old apothecary bottles. It does not look like lube and could easily sit unnoticed with other lotions, soaps or toiletries. The bottle is made with recyclable dark brown plastic and has a label that is slightly off-white with light purple designs and dark purple lettering. The black pop-top lid is easy to open with one hand, and the bottle is firm, yet squeezable. It will not leak due to the lid. Even if you left it open, it is so thick that it still should not leak. The only negative thing about the packaging is that gunk does build up in the opening, but I have had that problem with most lubes. Wiping the opening of the bottle after use will prevent any build up.
    • Can be opened with one hand
    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Does not leak


I decided to try Sliquid Organics Gel because I was looking for a water-based lube that was thick, but not sticky or greasy feeling. I also wanted something that was hypoallergenic, glycerin and paraben free, and that would not leave a gross feeling when it dried. This lube not only did the trick, but also felt so natural that I did not feel like I was using lube. Even better, it absorbed completely into my skin and left my skin feeling soft afterwards.
This product works great for vaginal or anal play, and I have never had to reapply. Your body's own natural lubrication keeps this gel slick, but it does dry out occasionally for me when used on the clit. Fortunately, just a little water or spit is enough to get it slick again.
Follow-up commentary
Still like this stuff a lot. My favorite water-based lube so far, due to the fact that it doesn't leave any sticky residue. I also love how well it stays in place, which for a water-based is great.
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: xxxbluexxx
    great review
  • Contributor: spiced
    Great review of a terrific lube! It's my favorite water-based lube, too.
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Sliquid, 7
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Sliquid Organics 5
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