Slick, silky silicone

Astroglide X has all the qualities you would expect from a good silicone lube: it's tasteless and odorless, long-lasting, thick, and waterproof. Though it makes a great lube for anal or vaginal sex, I found it too thick for manual stimulation and too oily and hard to wash off for oral sex.
Stays on well even in water, doesn't get sticky, leaves skin soft.
Oily feel, difficult to wash off, cap leaks a bit.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
Though I have always favored water-based lubes for their material compatibility and easy cleanup, a good silicone-based lube is essential to anyone who likes to play in the shower as much as I do, and Astroglide X is among the best.

This lube is made to last and does so well. I have found it lasts slightly less long than the average silicone lube, but it is still more than enough for most play. It's a bit thicker than I usually prefer for manual masturbation, but the thickness is wonderful for thrusting and anal play. It will slowly absorb and leave your skin silky-soft in its wake - that means none of the stickiness and gummy balls that many other lubes leave behind. This lube makes playing in the shower so much easier - it takes quite a while to wash off even in direct contact with water, and retains its consistency well. The only downside to this property is that it is quite a pain to wash off. You will need soap, water, and plenty of patience to remove it completely.

I have had no trouble with staining on sheets and blankets; but, be aware that any large puddles you make will probably need to be washed out. This lube is tasteless, colorless, and almost completely odorless - however, I would not recommend it for oral sex, as it has an oily feel to it that will be hard to get out of your mouth. Like all silicone-based lubes, Astroglide X is latex-safe and suitable for use with most sex toy materials. However, under no circumstances should you use this lube with a silicone toy, as it could dissolve the surface of the toy.

The cap is fairly easy to open and close, but will most likely end up covered in lube if you don't want it standing open before you can wash off your hands. My only other complaint is that I have had leakage issues with the cap, and have had to resort to storing the bottle upright at all times. With that in mind, I can't recommend this as a good travel lube.
Follow-up commentary
A couple months later and a few lubes wiser, I have found this lube inferior to most others I've tried - its quickness to absorb and the pain of washing it off is barely worth the few minutes in which it's perfectly slick. There are plenty of other lubes out there with a nice thick texture that will last you longer. The last straw was when I opened my sex toy box to find a nice puddle of lube around the bottom, thanks my Astroglide's flimsy cap.
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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Anyone
    • Sex
    • Solo
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Genitals
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Tori Rebel
    Nice review
  • Contributor: Sammi
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: deadpoet
    good review
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    People usually have that experience after trying the more specialized lubes. Sorry the flimsy cap wasted the lube though, that sux.
  • Contributor: SexyStuff
  • Contributor: Fuck it.
    I keep anything with a cap in a plastic bag, but you shouldn't HAVE to. Sorry to hear it leaks.
  • Contributor: ff876

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