Silky Smooth!

Liquid Silk is a wonderfully slick and slippery water-based lube! If you're not worried about parabens, I would suggest picking up a bottle as soon as possible. Coming from someone who prefers silicone-based lubes, this is my favorite water-based substitute.
Great texture, long lasting, easy access pump.
Not completely silicone free, contains parabens, not travel friendly.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I'm going to start by explaining why this is my favorite water-based lubricant. Although Liquid Silk is marketed as being water-based, it does contain dimethicone, which is a type of silicone oil. If you're like me, and prefer silicone-based lubes, you'll love Liquid Silk. It really feels like a mix between water-based and silicone-based. It's super slick and long lasting like a silicone lube, but is safe for use on your silicone toys. I have never had a problem with it reacting with one my silicone toys, but it's always a smart idea to do a spot test on an inconspicuous area.

Liquid Silk is great for vaginal or anal, although some might prefer a thicker lube for anal. It leaves the skin feeling smooth and moisturized so it can definitely be used for massages.

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

To me, it feels right about in the middle between being thick and thin. It stays in place fairly well, but will eventually start running. It feels like a really nice lotion that actually lasts a long time instead of just immediately soaking into the skin. It's super slippery without being greasy or sticky.

Liquid Silk doesn't feel like most water-based lubes that I've tried. It isn't thin and tacky, and it really does last significantly longer than any comparable water-based lube that I own. I'm pretty sure that it's because of the dimethicone.

It's crazy how much this stuff looks like bottled cum. My boyfriend actually has an issue with it and he says that it creeps him out.

Taste / Aroma

A lot of people have said that this lube is completely scent free and tasteless, but I have certainly discovered that to be untrue. It really smells like the silly putties that I played with when I was a kid. It's not strong and most likely won't bother anyone. It tastes VERY bitter! I can't even get this stuff near my mouth, it tastes so bad. It's definitely not something you're going to want to use for oral.


This stuff works great for just about anything you can imagine. It doesn't leave you feeling sticky or greasy so there's really no need to wash it off, but if you must, it rinses off very easily with warm water and soap. It lasts a long time, but if you do feel the need for a refresher, just add a bit of water or spit and it should last you even longer.

The only real downside to Liquid Silk is that it contains parabens. It's not an issue for me, but some people could be allergic and have a pretty nasty reaction to them.

Here is something on the EdenFantasys product page that I found pretty cool: "they made it Bio-Static as well, which means that it will prevent the spreading of Bacteria, Fungi spores & Yeast infections".


Liquid Silk comes in an 8.45 fl. oz (250ml) pump top bottle. It's made of a clear PVC material, so it's completely recyclable. The only information on the bottle is a list of ingredients and an expiry date.

Depending on the person and the use, about a half of a pump will do you just fine. I have found that pushing down all the way dispenses way too much for one session. The pump does lock for travel, but there is a risk of it turning and popping open.

Here is the list of ingredients, as printed on the bottle:

Highly purified water, propylene glycol, isopropyl palmitate, dimethicone, cellulose polymer, polysorbate 60, sorbitan stearate, cetearyl alcohol, glyceryl stearate NSE, B.N.P.D, di sodium EDTA, phenoxyethanol, methyl paraben, butyl paraben, ethyl paraben, propyl paraben, BHT.
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This review was edited by
  • Kindred Contributor: Kindred
  • Rank:
    6.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 1214
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Waterfall
    I need to try this lube, it seems great. Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    For some people Dimethicone is tasteless but for some of us it is BITTER and leaves a nasty aftertaste. Just depends on your tastebuds.
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Raggedy Andie
    oOOo My husband loves the fact that it looks like cum. He says it adds to the visual. lol!
    I agree, it is definitely bitter.
  • Contributor: fghjkl
    @Waterfall - Yes you do, seriously. And even more so, if you're a silicone lube fan!

    @Airen Wolf - Now that... I did not know. Very interesting.

    @Andie - I think he mostly gets weirded out by rubbing a bunch of stuff that looks like cum all over his penis lol.

    Thanks guy!
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Great review Em!
  • Contributor: fghjkl
    Thanks hun!
  • Contributor: Kindred
    Thanks for a great review. I love this stuff also but can do without the taste.
  • Contributor: married with children
    good review. never tired this, but when i run low i might pick up a bottle
  • Contributor: fghjkl
    Thanks guys!
  • Contributor: Pinkhare
    Thank you for mentioning it's horrid taste ! I hate when thats a surprise
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: alayamae
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Cat Enderly
    Nice review.
  • Contributor: BlooJay
    Awesome review! Thx!
Discussion Posts Last Update
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