Sexing, shaving and bathing!

Toko Aroma is a high quality lubricant and with multiple ways to use. A nice amount of product means you can use extra for a luxurious bath or massage. It's perfect for my basic needs and we'll keep purchasing it. Having a lubricant that can be used for oral sex as well is important to us and this is the best one we've encountered since it's sugar-free and doesn't taste bad. Whether I'm shaving, bathing or having sex, this is a lubricant I'm always happy to grab!
Slippery like silicone.
Long lasting!
No mess or residue.
Multiple ways to use.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Shunga's Toko Aroma lubricant is an edible lubricant. This is best for couples like my partner and I who incorporate oral sex into our "intimate times." Instead of not being able to use lubricant at all or having to wash up before oral, we can use this instead. Toko Aroma is a water based lubricant with a silky, slightly oily feel. It's also latex safe and non-staining!

The long lasting slipperyness means Toko Aroma can be used as a regular sexual lubricant with or without the licks and kisses, but I must admit, I can't do without the licks and kisses!

Toko Aroma is an awesome lubricant for any use whether it's solo play with your toys, intercourse or male masturbation. I've even heard someone say it worked for anal sex! This also makes a wonderful massage oil. And if all else fails, this stuff makes one hell of a skin softener or for shaving! Add a few small drops to your bath for super silky skin all over or lube up those legs before taking the razor to em'.

It's a good lubricant that will more than likely fit most people's basic needs. However, keep in mind the ingredients!

Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene, Glycol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Aroma, PEG 5M, Sucralose, Methyl paraben.
As usual, I tell you to use this with caution or not at all if you are sensitive to parabens, glycerin or any of the ingredients listed.

Sucralose is Splenda, the artificial sweetener and yes, you can totally taste that in this lubricant!
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Massage
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bath / shower
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Oral

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

Toko Aroma is very thin and runny! When applied to my hand it immediately begins to run. It's slightly stringy. This doesn't cause a mess or any problems, but when I squirt some out, a tiny bit will string from the lid.

It's clear in color and at first has a slightly sticky feel. It's not exactly greasy and while this lubricant is light, it does leave you with an almost oily residue. I actually don't think I'd even call it a residue. It's mostly like a very light massage oil, but won't leave you oily or sticky once it has absorbed. This will work very nicely for a massage oil. It's not as heavy and greasy as most, but will create a nice slick surface for massaging.

The slickness of this is somewhat similar to a silicone based lubricant, but not quiet. I have noticed if I use too much it will leave me slightly sticky until it's rubbed in or wiped off. Remember, I'm a total freak about any residue what so ever!

With this being runny and thin this isn't going to stay on one small area only, like say the clitoris. If you're wanting to keep it only on your clitoris for whatever reason, expect to have a little bit of it find it's way to other parts of your precious bits.

I have to admit, this is one of the most slippery, slick and long lasting water based lubricants I've ever encountered.

It pours easily from the bottle. In fact, I just have to tilt the bottle and let a bit run into my hand. No need for squeezing!
    • Slick

Taste / Aroma

Most of Shunga's strawberry and champagne products, I've fallen in love with! There's nothing like the scent of the massage oil and the Dragon Cream! It's outstanding. However, this Strawberry and Champagne scented lubricant smells different from the others. I suppose that's the Sucralose in it. It smells to me like one of those old hard strawberry candies. The ones you get really cheap in a clear wrapper. It's not bad, but it is a little strong. I do appreciate that it isn't perfumey at all. I can smell it when it's on my arm, but just on my genitals, I can't smell it. When my partner uses it to massage my back, I can smell it pretty well, but it doesn't smother me. As for using a few drops in my bath, it's pretty light.

Now about the taste... This is a hard one. It tastes alright. It's certainly not half as bad as most edible lubes I've used, but I can't say it tastes better than the Wet edible massage/lubricants. This stuff is sugar-free so Splenda has been used in place of sugar. It's the Sucralose/Splenda that I taste most. It has that artificial funky sweetener taste and it doesn't bother me much, but it's worth noting. Once it has absorbed a little on the skin or genitals, it's harder to taste and after it's been wiped with a cloth, there's no detectable taste or scent. It has the strawberry taste, but that artificial sweetener taste almost makes it bitter on the tongue.

Neither me nor my partner mind the taste at all. He isn't bothered by it and can handle it better than me. I can handle it in my mouth after it's been absorbed, but the artificial sweetener taste is a bit too much for me to get a whole bunch in my mouth at once. It's still great though and I've never had to spit to get the taste out. The "only lubricant on the market with no aftertaste at all" claim is absolutely true. Besides a light sweet taste on the tongue, there's no funky taste or feeling on our tongues. I'm pretty happy with the Strawberry and Champagne scent/taste, but I'm sure the others are great as well! Toko Aroma comes in grape (yum!), mango melon fruit (yum again!), fruit, cherry and tangerines and cream. You have a pretty tasty selection here and that's awesome!
    • Smells good


Toko Aroma is one of the longest lasting water based lubricants I have. The slick, slipperyness is still there when we're all done. When I use only a quarter sized amount, it will last an entire hour of sex and oral sex. It doesn't dry up and leave you with any residue, but it absorbs into the skin leaving it soft and moisturized. When I use too much or if we've used a lot during a back massage, there's a light sticky to it. Not much at all and it will absorb completely when rubbed in.

I've never had to re-apply this except during a back massage. The easy clean up and little to no residue left behind makes this an ideal lubricant for us. A wet wash cloth is the only thing necessary for clean up. Nothing is left behind. However, it absorbs just fine and I'm unable to feel anything left over on my lady parts afterwards.

In fact, I had squirted a dime sized amount on my hands before writing this review and grabbed my drink a second ago. It had sweat on the can and when I grabbed it, it nearly slipped out of my hand! The lubricant was dried on my hands, but it got super slippery again with my can drink's sweat! This means your own personal lubricant will work together to keep this slippery! Awesome!

For sex, a small amount will keep things plenty slippery for the entire session (unless you're going all night long!) the pleasant scent doesn't hurt even if you're only using it for masturbation either. I would definitely recommend this for those who have trouble keeping things wet enough. This will more than likely do the trick.

For masturbation, a tiny drop is all I need when just playing with toys. The super slickness of this makes it great for clitoral stimulation. It gets rid of the drag so if you like to tease your clitoris with a vibrator or your fingers, this is perfect for that!

As for male masturbation, this is equally great. I would recommend it and my partner and I prefer this over Pink or Gun Oil. It'll hold up to your many strokes without making a mess. The only thing that might deter a man from using is possibly the scent? My partner isn't bothered by the scent, but it's sweet so if you don't like that, you might want to consider another flavor. This is similar to Toko Organica. I like them both very much, but if you're looking for no scent/taste, Organica would be a nice choice!
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Long lasting


The Toko Aroma lubricant comes in a clear, plastic bottle with a snap top lid. The lid is a tiny bit difficult for my tiny fingers to easily open. I wouldn't consider it a problem at all though. I usually have to hold the bottle and use both thumbs to snap it open. That's also a good thing though because it's snapped on pretty tight. It's so runny though that I worry about letting it tilt over. I keep it sitting straight up because of this. I worry that it will leak around the edges of the lid. I haven't had it happen, but it seems like a big possibility and if it were to get squeezed while the lid's closed, it would probably leak. For that reason, I would not ever travel with this. Not to mention, the 5.5 fl. oz. bottle is pretty big (I'm not complaining though!) I love the size! The nice size means we can use this for lubricant, massaging and in the bath without worries.

If you must travel with this, I'd recommend getting a travel bottle to put a little in or at least place the bottle in a zip-loc bag!

The bottle came in a clear plastic bag without extra instructions, but they weren't necessary for me. The back of the bottle has tiny print that says it's latex safe, water based and leaves no after taste!

The bottle is so pretty. It's clear and you can see the pink sticker that's stuck on the back. It's hard to read, but it does say "personal lubricant," so you might not see this as discrete. However, it's discrete enough for my needs and I wouldn't hesitate to give it as a gift. It also has a cartoonish image of a man and women, but it's hard to tell what they're doing. They're fully clothed so no worries there.

I keep this bottle in a basket of all my other Shunga products (including the Toko Organica lube) sitting on my vanity. They're all so pretty and nice looking!

The bottle isn't messy to use, but the thin lubricant can easily drip right off of you and onto the bed. It happened to me and thankfully, this won't stain.
    • Easy to use / dispense
    • Would make a nice gift


I feel pretty confident saying that this is a wonderful lubricant for dryness in your precious region. It's worked great for me and sometimes, I have severe dryness. Due to the many wonderful uses and the great performance, this comes in a close second right behind Liquid Silk. I just love that thick, slick feeling of Liquid Silk. I've compared every lubricant I've used to Liquid Silk and they hardly measure up, but this is very close!

I did worry about the somewhat strong scent being bothersome to those of us with severe migraines that are triggered by strong scents. Well, this was the perfect day for me to try! I've had one of the worst migraines today and while I was resting after taking some meds for it, I put a little on my arms and rubbed it all over. It didn't make it worse and didn't bother me much. Just about any scent is going to smell awful when you have a migraine, but I'm really happy that this didn't send me running to the bathroom to throw my guts up. I wasn't bothered by it and the scent totally disappears after using a wet washcloth.

That stuff aside, my partner and I both love this stuff. We rarely say the L word when it comes to lubricants (unless it's our BFF Liquid Silk!) but we do love Toko Aroma. Using it as a skin softener by adding some to the tub is great since it doesn't leave me greasy, but is a quick way to soften up my scalies without having to use lotion after a bath. For sex, it's awesome because it lasts forever and doesn't get in the way of oral sex. This is a very important factor for us since oral sex is always in our foreplay.

It's also been amazing for shaving! I used Slippery Kitty for a while for shaving and it just wasn't doing much for me (in the cooter or shaving department!) but this works wonders! It leaves my legs slippery and gives me a closer shave without as many nicks and cuts. I'm not saying it's something that will answer all your shaving problems, but it's a very nice product all around.
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  • Contributor: Sunshineamine
    Great review. I love my toko aroma formula. Had the strawberries and champagne (it does smell/taste like strawberry candies) and just got the tangerines and cream.
  • Contributor: Ms. Spice
    awesome review. since it contains sucrose, I'll have to pass but I'm glad you like it so much.
  • Contributor: <3BF
    Great review, I'm gonna but this one
  • Contributor: Badass
    very detailed review, thank you much
  • Contributor: musicownsmysoul
    Great review
  • Contributor: Darklyvan
    great review
  • Contributor: Master DarkWolf
    Good review...
  • Contributor: DreamWolf
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Undecided
    Great review thanks so much for sharing
  • Contributor: heather-mooney
    thank you!
  • Contributor: CountryPrincess
    Thank you so much for your review!!! I'm so glad it worked so well for you for so many things!! I think I may have to give it a shot now!!
  • Contributor: Jax Jackson
    thank you!
  • Contributor: chicmichiw
    Huh! I didn't consider using lubricant as a shaving gel, but I imagine they must be fairly similar. Thanks for reviewing!
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