Sensuous, indeed! Pamper yourself, because you're so totally worth it.

This is a great product and well worth the buy. This is great for a prelude to foreplay or as an every day massage oil. It's very relaxing and soothing and absorbs well into the skin. It's lightly scented, so smell-sensitive folks need not to worry.
Lightly scented.
Scent lasts a while.
Not overly greasy.
Absorbs into skin nicely.
If you use too much, it could get messy.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
This is my first massage oil that I actually like. I have tried a few other massage oils and never liked them because they left my skin feeling greasy and never soaked in fully, no matter how little was used. I actually just have my husband massage me with lotion, but never again! I am in love with this product. Its name says it all: Sensuous. I am really happy with this product. My husband massaged my back for about 30 minutes, and he didn't have to reapply very often at all. And honestly, it looks like we barely used anything out of the bottle.

The scent is really nice. It's light, and according to the ingredient label it is made of Sweet Almond Oil, Safflower Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Isopropyl Myristate, Avocado Oil, Myristate Propionate, Jojoba Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil, Kukui Nut Oil, Actiphyte of Rose Hip, Ginseng, Hawaiian White Ginger, Juniper Berry Fragrance, Evening Primrose, and Jasmine. I smell the Jojoba and Jasmine the most. It's not overpowering; most lotions smell stronger than this. The scent didn't take over the whole room like some lotions do. It's quite nice. When I woke up in the morning after the massage, my skin was soft, moisturized, and smooth.

I would say use this as a prelude to foreplay. This would make a great addition to our sex life, and I plan to explore that option sooner rather than later. Because of how the skin easily absorbs the oil, it would not be messy, and a clean up would not be required.

According to the product information here on the EF, this can be used as makeup remover. Personally, I do not use oil based makeup removers, but I think it is gentle enough to use as so. It would also moisturize the face quite nicely.

The only cleanup you may have with this product is for the person giving the massage. They may want a hand towel nearby just to wipe hands clean afterwards. My husband preferred to wash his hands afterwards, but I know everyone is different. A little goes a long way with this oil, so don't pour out too much, as that may result in a cleanup of the sheets if it rolls off your back/arms/legs or wherever you put it.

This product is L-arginine free, petrochemicals-free, paraben-free and glycerin-free, so it's pretty natural.

This bottle only cost me $6, and I think its going to last quite a while. It's well worth the price! I would expect to pay so much more (Dear Product Manufacturer, do not raise the price because of that last sentence!).

I highly recommend this product to everyone. Even if your partner cannot give a massage, just to have them rub it into you is good enough.
Follow-up commentary
It's been 2 months, and I still have like half a bottle! We use this often, and as I said before, a little goes a long way. I will be buying this when it's almost out. This is a product that I will keep in stock here at home! It's an essential!
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My Sensuous tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
    • Massage
    • Mood enhancer
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
    • Back
This review was edited by
  • Rockin' Contributor: Rockin'
  • Rank:
    6.2 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 95
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Rockin'
    Isn't this oil great? I have it, too, and I love it so much. We've used it probably 10 or 15 times and still have at least 80% of the bottle left. I don't know how that's possible, but I love how this stuff lasts and lasts. Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Miss Jenn
    Thanks! I love it. I am glad I decided to buy it.. I guess I dont need so much lotion now -- we would buy them for massages b/c most oils are too oily/greasy.. Im happy this one isnt... and i love the scent. lol
  • Contributor: Vaccinium
    Sounds nice. Thank you for the review.
  • Contributor: BadassFatass
    Thanks for the review. I had never seen this product before but it sounds nice. I'm just allergic to so many things (especially floral and plant based) that I'd be scared to try it. Maybe I should go out and sniff some things that are Jasmine scented, haha.
  • Contributor: Miss Jenn
    LOL awhirlwindlife - sucks to be allergic to things, I know how that is.
  • Contributor: liilii080
    The design on the bottle is really cool! Nice review!
  • Contributor: callsignhusker
    Good review
  • Contributor: ECU Pirate
    Sounds like good stuff!
  • Contributor: geliebt
    Thanks for the review!
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