my wet dream fantasy come true

I stand by this product Wet platinum. this is the only lube that is going in my stash or until they come up with something better. this product did what it was set out to do gives the ultimate pleasure you are seeking guaranteed. Worth every penny. i would defiantly recommend this to anyone seeking the ultimate pleasure and climax (orgasm) ever. Two thumbs and a cock way up for WET PLATINUM.
silky. long lasting. maximum pleasure where needed. tasteless. odorless. guaranteed never sticky
the only thing i found wrong was the bottle leaks when it tips over. so keep up right at all times.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


well all i can say is that i have gone threw a lot of different kinds of lubes all types products names flavors ect. you name it ive probably tried it. but once i came across this Wet Platinum i was hooked on the first use. hands down even in a blind fold test i would definitely choose this particular lube. And everything that this bottle advertises does exactly as it states. i use Wet platinum for every kind of play, it is assume for masturbating, great with all toys, group parties, one on one with your significant other. Plus when you just need that little extra wetness to reach your ultimate peek wet platinum is the lube to use. wet platinum is always silky, Hypoallergenic, longest lasting, guaranteed never sticky. it is formulated according to the highest industry standards. Silicone based is extra concentrated making it longer lasting with less need for reapplications. when it says long lasting it does was it says a little goes a long way but if you are the type who like a little extra like me, don't hesitate to apply more, great for anal play for that extra lube during intercourse or if u have an extra large toy, oh boy works wonders. this product does not harm latex and has absolutely no flavor or smell to it does not have that oily taste either which was a big plus for me. wash toys and hands with warm soapy water. do not let it tip over or lay it on its side because i found out the hard way that it does leak. which was the only down fall i had on this product and the look caught my eye right away. so in my opinion this is the only lube that will be filling up my plays shelves for awhile or until they come up with something to out do this one. i am one happy customer and i hope they keep it coming. 2 big thumbs way up.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bath / shower
    • One on one
    • Solo
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body massage
    • Good for anal
    • Oral

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

Wet platinum has a very nice texture to it silky not sticky and as you move on into your love making it does not go away get sticky or tacky. has a constant smoothness to it. does not feel greasy its like its a part of you. and the feel is so so soft, silky, creamy, smooth, heaven. very easy to pour you can use a little or a lot what ever you prefer. and you do not have to keep reapplying or wipe any access away it all blends evenly. and yes it stays exactly where you want it to be. i personally love it on my clit. So when i rube it gives me that extra intimacy and sensitivity to go that extra mile to cum.
    • Creamy
    • Smooth
    • Velvety

Taste / Aroma

this product unlike others I've tried has no taste what so ever. so when you go down on your partner you do not have to worry bout the after taste the greasiness the too sweet flavor, thickness, no tacky taste. wet platinum is tasteless and odorless. got a silky feel to it. no sticky feeling or tacky feel taste what so ever. and for me that was quit a surprise which was so wonderful, because i didn't have to pause and grab a towel or napkin to wipe it off or be gagging during the foreplay. i was not disappointed. this product does not remind me of any other sent or taste. because there is not smell or flavor. Wet platinum to me has a uniqueness all its own. I'm so impressed with this product that i can't get over how great it has made my sex life as well as playing solo. I'm just speech less and for me that's a miracle all its own LOL! so yes i like the taste and smell.
    • No smell
    • No taste


when i cracked the seal on the wet platinum i used about a quarter size amount and it lasted the whole session of our sex romp. but don't hesitate to use more if you want more like i always say more the better. but this lube goes a long way. i was very impressed. once the session was over we did have to wash everything off and just like it say on the bottle use warm soapy water and it gets all off even the toys. it cleans up pretty well. i love everything about the wet platinum. my partner and i were not disappointed in the least it performed just like it says on the bottle. silky not sticky not taste no smell and not greasy.the only down fall about this product that i found personally was that if u didn't wash it off right away it would get on everything so don't touch anything you don't want wet LOL. and when you go to store the bottle absolutely do not lay it down because it will leak, i found that out the hard way. so store standing up in a place where it will not tip over later on.
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Long lasting
    • Needs to be washed off with soap and water


when i came upon wet platinum i was in wal-mart and its on the shelf with all the other lubes, condoms, toys ect. it does not come packaged it does have a seal on it. the instructions come right on the bottle itself and very self explanatory. if you do not wish to have others see you have lube you store it in a non visible container because it does not come with a discreet package but once again i strongly suggest putting the wet platinum in a tight container by itself because the bottle will leak. so it can be suitable for travel if you do it that way. and i personally think its worth taking it anywhere you go if are planning on having a little fun on your travels.
    • Can be opened with one hand
    • Leaky container
    • Not discreet

Special Features

Wet platinum i was kind of skeptical about it when i saw it because my other run in with the other wet lube products were unsatisfactory. But how can you say or know if you don't try it. i read the bottle and instructions from top to bottom and put it to the test. And I'm here to say this product did not disappoint me one bit. it was always silky threw out the love making. it was long lasting, i did not find myself reapplying over and over again. And it says guaranteed to never get sticky. And it didn't. Oh and sensation it gave i dribbled some on my clit and started to rub it in and instantly i became more aroused than i had when i used other products of lube. my husband even found it to be more pleasurable when i was stroking his cock. And he didn't even have to say anything i saw it in his expressions. to me i found it to be almost if not exactly like your own lubricant you make when you get aroused. I was very impressed and blown away by this product.
    • Increases sensitivity
    • Instant arousal
    • Intesifies pleassure areas
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  • Contributor: Alicia
    Thanks for the review, welcome to EF! You have a lot of good info here, but you might wanna watch the capitalization and grammar though. It's kind of hard to read when the sentences aren't started with capital letters and the sentences are not all actual sentences. You might want to check out the mentor program if you're interested in help with that
  • Contributor: beautifulpierced
    I too love Wet Platinum, its my favorite lubricant. Thanks for the review, I had some problems with my grammar and my punctuation. It took me awhile since I have always used the short words for stuff. But after awhile It became natural.. Good luck .. Welcome to Eden
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