Clit lube
by System JO


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Mild, Not Wild

If this is the wild version of this gel, I'd hate to see the mild. It gave a faintly warm tingle, but it was short-lasting and nothing to really write home about. Blowing on it certainly brings the tingle up, but you run the risk of partner pass-out. Unless you're really sensitive to menthol's effect, you probably want to pass on this one.
Scent wasn't unpleasant, light enough not to irritate skin.
Not very wild, tingle didn't last long.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


This product is designed to be used by women to heighten their pleasure -- namely, you rub this silicone-based lubricant on your hot spots, and it makes them hotter. Now, oddly, the product's name is G-Spot, but the directions are very vague, urging you to, essentially, "put the stuff on your sensitive spots." I noticed that this company also makes products that are specifically for the clit, so perhaps this gel is specially formulated for your g-spot. Either way, we tried it in every spot we could think of. All in the name of research, natch.
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

This is some slippery stuff. It's very clearly silicone, and I recommend cutting just the very tip of the tube, since it comes out fast (and it has lots of potential to stain things). It's fairly thick, though, and seems to get thicker the longer you wear it. It feels very... viscous... when it's on your skin. Like a thick, heavy-duty lube.

It never got sticky or tacky, and it washed off both skin and toys without a problem.
    • Slick
    • Thick

Taste / Aroma

The main active ingredient in this (as far as I could tell) is menthol. So, you probably won't be surprised when I tell you that it smells like a very mild form of Ben Gay or like your grandma with a mouthful of mint lifesavers (the kind that glow in the dark when you bite them). It's not unpleasant, but it's not a super turn-on for me, either.

The taste is like mint-flavored silicone. I don't recommend eating it for dinner. Or even for an after-dinner mint.
    • Light smell


So, enough about the smell and the feel... does this stuff actually work to get you all hot and bothered? Hmmm... sort of? It's definitely tingly -- I put it everywhere that I thought it would have some sort of response and waited a few minutes. It didn't do anything for the inside of my elbow (I tried it there first, since I have sensitive skin, and I had no reaction at all). My nipples, which are fairly sensitive, also didn't feel terribly excited by the prospect. It's nice on the labia, clit and inner working, however, even if the tingle wasn't very strong for me and didn't last all that long. A bit of a mild warmth, a bit of a prickling heat and then it mostly dissipated just as I was getting into it. If this is the wild version, I wonder if the mild version does anything at all.

Overall, a bit of a cool tingle. But nothing that really had my motors revving. And for as messy as it had the potential to be, I'm not sure the little bit of extra heat was worth it.
    • Needs to be washed off with soap and water


So, the whole event of trying this out went like this. Names have been changed to protect the... oh, never mind.

Me: I kind of feel it tingling. Yeah, I definitely feel a little something.

Not-Me: How about if I blow on it?

Me: Okay.

Not-Me: -blowblowblow- Now I'm lightheaded.

Me: Serves you right. But that felt pretty good.

Not-Me: -leaves. comes back with a can of compressed air-

Me: Oh, hell no.

Not-Me: Just let me try it. Don't make me get the gag out.

Me: Fine.

Not-Me: You smell like muscle rub.

Me: I feel like I'm in that episode of Friends where Rachel's trying to convince Chandler it's sexy to have sex with her while she's sick, so she rubs Ben Gay all over herself.

Not-Me: Well, we could try that instead...
Follow-up commentary
Not tingle, no wiggle. Boring, still. If you're super sensitive, I suppose this would be good for you. But there has to be something out there with more of a tingle.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Drifter86
    Great review.
  • Contributor: callsignhusker
    Interesting product, ty for the review!
  • Contributor: BadassFatass
    Thanks for the review. Sorry this didn't work out better for you.
  • Contributor: LittleBird
    Very good review.
  • Contributor: Andrey2052
    Nice job.
  • Contributor: Feisty
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
  • Contributor: PepperPot
    The dialogue cracked me up. Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Cat E.
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Mrs.Tee
    Great review thanks for sharing
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