Long Lasting Lubricant.

The Better Sex Essentials Gel Lubricant is my go to lube for a night of pleasure. Even though you get a lot in the bottle you only need a few drops to get started so it will last a long time. It doesn't goop up so clean up is easy.
-Large quantity
-Easy to use
-Easy clean up
-Not paraben free
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


The Better Sex Essentials Gel lubricant is used to help enhance the body's own lubrication with just a few drops. It is designed to be applied directly to intimate areas as needed and can be reactivated with some drops of water. It is a mild lubricant that is non staining, hypo allergenic and non toxic. It can be used with any toy and is compatible with latex. It is important to note that it is not a contraceptive and does not contain spermacide. This is an exclusive formula made by Sinclair Institutes. It is made in the U.S.A and was not animal tested. I am including an ingredient list because it is always important to check especially if you have any sensitivities to different ingredients.
Ingredient List
Water, Carbomer, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Methylparaben, Trieti Ianolamine, Propylene Glycol, Aloe Vera Extract, Sodium Benzoate, Peg-8, Citric Acid
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Good for anal
    • Sex

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

This lube has more of a wet feel than other lubes I've used most likely because this one is water based. It is on the thicker side but when worked onto a body part really provides a good amount of slickness needed to allow say a toy to be inserted anally. After applying a few drops and using it may need to be reactivated. To do this put a few drops of water on the area that had lube on it and start to work it in. That should allow the lube to regain some of it's slickness. I prefer to just get more lube. If you apply some to your hand first and then rub it onto the desired area you will notice that the skin on your hand actually feels a lot softer now.
    • Smooth
    • Thick
    • Velvety

Taste / Aroma

This gel lubricant has almost no smell. There are no added perfumes but there is a faint chemical like smell. It's not very strong and did not bother me at all. I'm sensitive to smells but had no problems with this lube.
It doesn't have much of a taste but a faint chemical taste. I would not suggest this lube for oral sex as a flavored lube may work better.
    • Light smell
    • Light taste


As someone that is fairly sensitive to smells and anything somewhat skin related this is a great product. It is so mild that I had no problems with infections or long time sex sessions. The best part is that just a few drops go such a long way. It's easy to clean off whether it be a shower or a wipe down because during use the lube doesn't goop or clump up. This lube is not confined to only the female gender but I did find that it made vaginal penetration either with a toy or penis much smoother.
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Feels natural
    • Long lasting


This lube comes packaged in a plastic squeezable bottle with an easy to use pour cap. It is completely clear with a blue colored label on the front of the bottle. The back has a clear label that explains the ingredients and basic directions. The directions are: apply as needed to intimate areas, reapply as desired and reactivat with a few drops of water.
Since this is an 8oz. bottle it may not be suitable to travel with. It might be easier to travel with a smaller bottle, but that is personal preference. If you do decide to take it on the road with you it is best to place it in a plastic bag or zip locked bag before placing it inside of a bag or luggage. If it leaks or spills it will get all over everything. It has a push release button cap that could accidentally be opened very easily.
    • Can be opened with one hand
    • Easy to use / dispense
    • Not discreet

Personal comments

While I don't have a great understanding about paraben's it's important to mention that this is a preservative that is added to many personal care products. These paraben's have estrogen like properties which in some studies have a link to breast cancer. I think that the concern is not so much about using a lube with parabens in it but the concern should be what else out of the over 13,000 household products am I using that contain those same parabens. I would suggest researching if it is something that has you concerned.
Follow-up commentary
I still really like this lube. It's has seemed to work well for me. My bottle is almost empty and I will need to replace it soon. I'll probably purchase another bottle since it seems to work for me.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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This review was edited by
  • Library Girl Contributor: Library Girl
  • Rank:
    5.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 168
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  • Contributor: deltalima
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: lovekink
    Thanks for reading!
  • Contributor: CinLuvsBre
  • Contributor: lovekink
    Thanks for reading!
  • Contributor: CindyH
    good review
  • Contributor: lovekink
    Thanks for reading!
  • Contributor: Miss Anonymous
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: lovekink
    Thanks for reading!
  • Contributor: travelnurse
    Thanks for reviewing, Is this sticky at all? I feel some of them start out ok and then they become sticky and I hate it. I am searching for a better lube.
  • Contributor: lovekink
    It doesn't really feel sticky but it does leave a residual of sorts. I don't know exactly how to explain it.
  • Contributor: ghent529
    great review thanks
  • Contributor: SadoMas
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: edeneve
    thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
  • Contributor: goback2urmammy
  • Contributor: Cynthia Jordan
    Great review
  • Contributor: Dustin LaBorde
    Nice review!
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What is the smell to this! 2
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