
Overall, our experience with this product was horrible. It was money and time wasted. If you want some great lube, keep on looking.
Cute packaging.
Cannot stand alone, greasy.
Rating by reviewer:
worth reading, but not useful review


Like most people, we are always on the lookout for things to help enhance our bedroom experiences. That being said, this is one I wish we would have passed by. It is supposed to work for anyone at any time, but for us, it didn't work for either of us any time.
    • Bridal gift
    • Foreplay
    • Massage

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

The bottles do not stand up on their own, and if you don't get the lid on tight, you will end up with a huge mess. It was pretty runny for a lubricant, and to use, it had a greasy feel to it.
    • Greasy

Taste / Aroma

I did not care for the taste or the smell of it. KY did not remind me of anything else I have ever been around.
    • No smell
    • No taste


I truly do not know how long this product will last. For us, it did nothing, so we washed it off with soap and water and got on with our sexual experience without it. There was nothing I liked about this product.
    • Long lasting


While the packaging is a cute idea, the bottles need a base they can stand on alone.
Follow-up commentary
I was told they changed the formula a bit so I tried this product again. Iwas still not impressed. I will not waste anymore time with it.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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This review was edited by
  • Sir Contributor: Sir
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 440
  • Graduated students: 10
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Sir
    I really wish that you would have added more about the ingredients, texture, and type of lubricant that this is. Also, since these are supposed to be stimulating, it would have been more helpful to add what exactly the sensation was, even if it wasn't pleasurable.

    Have you heard of the Mentor program? It might help you out a bit, if you're interested!
  • Contributor: BBW Talks Toys
    I'm sorry this didn't work for you, but all I know is that it was greasy and that you hated it. What did this smell like? What did it feel like? I'm always cautious when trying things like this, so I rely on reviews to give me the information that I need to make an informed decision.
  • Contributor: DeliciousSurprise
    I wish you'd included more about this, and I'm sorry it didn't work for you.
  • Contributor: darthkitt3n
    I have been on the fence about buying this lube. It seems to have been a bad experience for everyone, but I still want to see what it is like.
  • Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura
    I'm sorry you didn't like this lube, but yeah. It does pretty much suck. I agree with everyone else, too. You should check out the mentor program. A lot of people have found it really helpful.
  • Contributor: KnK
    I'm intrigued that the people who have rated this have either loved it or felt apathetic about it. I've never used anything from KY, but it's making me wonder about their advertisements. Hmmm
  • Contributor: Raggedy Andie
    The mentor program helped me out a bunch.
    I have used it and while it's not the best lube, it's by far not the worst I have tried. Sorry you didn't like it though.
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
  • Contributor: lovebites
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: tami
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