Hands down, best anal lube EVER!

Like I've said, hands down the best anal lube I've ever tried. It is the only full sized silicone based lube I've ever bought, the rest have been trial or sample sizes. It would take a sheer miracle to get me to purchase any other brand beside this one.
Long lasting, Perfect consistency, Easy to open, Perfect for use in the shower.
Slippery when used in shower or being rinsed off, completely opaque bottle.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


I discovered Wet Platinum in my in depth quest for a really good anal lube. I'd just discovered that act itself and we used regular KY (not good). I read rave reviews about this one and decided to give it a go. Long story short? We haven't gone back. Wet Platinum is a light gel consistency, not much of a smell and lasts at least an hour and a half with varied pace. It does take away some of the friction that some people may really enjoy, but doesn't take it away entirely. It makes initial insertion extremely easy and sticks around for a long ride. It is condom safe if you use a condom during anal play, my partner and I are long term monogamous partners so we don't, but we have with this lube and it does feel amazing either way. (I do have to say I highly recommend using condoms for any sexual interaction if you are unsure of any STDs or other icky-ness you or your partner might have, better safe than sorry folks!) Probably the only downside is you can't just wipe this one away when you're finished. It does need a bit of a good scrub with bar soap or body wash, but who doesn't shower after anal anyways? It can be a little slippery in the shower so be mindful of that. Other than its very very minor drawbacks (dulling friction a little, very very slight smell, cleanup) it is absolutely fabulous and it lasts a LONG TIME! We had an 8 oz bottle that lasted us 7 months and we used it 2-3 times a week, so a little definitely goes a long long way!
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Anal sex
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bath / shower (if very careful because it can get slippery!)
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Good for anal
    • Good for male masturbation if you like a really slick experience
    • Good for vaginal if you like a really slick experience

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

Exceptional viscosity. A medium weight almost gel (think corn syrup?) that stays in place extremely well. No need to wipe away drips, it doesn't run all over the sheets. It makes even the tightest of squeezes extremely easy and relatively pain free if you take it slow.
    • Slick
    • Smooth
    • Thick

Taste / Aroma

There really isn't a taste to this one, at least not that I would imagine. I mean it is silicone based so I don't think it would be extremely safe to eat, not to mention there's plenty of amazing flavored lubes (Climax Fruit Bomb in cherry cola!!) so..why use this one? As far as the aroma it's extremely faint and is mostly present when combining it with a latex condom. It's not at all distracting or anything and you really barely notice it.
    • Taste na
    • Very faint smell


Wet Platinum lasts the longest out of any lube I've ever used, silicone or water based. It's good to go for sessions anywhere between 10 minute quickies to tantric sessions. It is a bit of a pain to clean, but I'm hoping anyone engaging in anal sex is showering afterwards anyways. If not (not here to judge) then a quick wipe with a soapy wash cloth and you're good to go. Just beware of any residue in the shower as things can get a little slippery.
    • Long lasting
    • Needs to be washed off with soap and water
    • Performance


Simple packaging, very easy to open lid and nice grips on the side for the rare event you have to reapply and your hands are slick, or if using in the shower. The only thing is the bottle is opaque and its very hard to tell when you're running out (at least the bottle we have is opaque all the way around/down, not sure if they have other versions). It's suitable for travel in the smaller versions, but I'd throw it in a ziplock to be safe, the last thing you want is for the lid to pop open and it gets all over your clothes.
    • Can be opened with one hand
    • Easy to use / dispense
    • Very informative packaging
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  • Contributor: Love Perpetua
    Great first review! Welcome to Eden Fantasys!
  • Contributor: Eva Schwaltz
    Thanks for the review. Great to know this lasts a long time. Welcome to Eden.
  • Contributor: Lucky21
    Thanks for an awesome first review!
  • Contributor: PunkyB
    What an awesome review. Thanks. I have tried several lubes that have worked decently. I dont need lube for vaginial insertion so i really havent had a lot of lube experince. Ill give this one a shot for anal.
  • Contributor: ParisLove
    This is great Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Jenni Shelton
  • Contributor: HannahPanda
    Thank you for the review!
  • Contributor: ECU Pirate
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: damnbul12
    Thank you for the review.
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