Good head gel review

Great product for ANY couple who wants to improve help improve fellatio. Does wonders for a gag reflex and the flavors are great!
Helps ease gag reflex, nice flavor.
The consistency is rather thick
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
After a few months of dating, my partner and I both admitted my gag reflex was not only slightly embarrassing, but also a bit of a bother. It had become embarrassing for me to perform fellatio and frustrating for him to receive it. We sought out a product to help us relieve this. Our primary goal was to find something to help with my gag reflex|Learning deep throat oral sex. We eventually selected Good Head Gel with the hopes of improving the overall experience.

We hit the jackpot! Good Head Gel|Good Head™ gel is a great product. At first I simply tried applying the product to his penis with little relief. A few days later we tried again and I found the perfect method for optimal use! I apply a bit to the tip of my tongue and allow it to melt down my throat about 3-5 minutes prior to. While the wait can be a bit of a mood kill, I promise it is worth it! I also added a small drop to the tip of his penis to increase flavor and help further coat the back of my throat. The first time I fully coated my throat, we both realized afterward that this product would have a permanent home in our bag of tricks and treats. I was able to take him in much further and didn’t mind it because of the pleasant taste.

The only downfall of this product is the consistency at first. It is very thick, but after warming in your mouth and dissolving, you're only left with the positive effects. Try not to swallow while it is dissolving or the product won’t have nearly as strong of an effect. I would highly recommend this for any couple that has fellatio as part of their sex life. It does wonders with a gag reflex and the taste is surprisingly pleasant.
Follow-up commentary
It's been nearly half a year since I first got this product. My boyfriend is still pleased!

I noted in one of my comments that there are no actual numbing agents in this product. That means it is relatively safe for oral and deep throating. When using a numbing agent, you can actually mask an injury from oral or deep throating. No one wants that!! While I'm not quite sure what makes this product work so well, my boyfriend raves about my oral skills now. If it's improving it for him, my goal has been reached.

I still would highly recommend this product for anyone having a difficult time with a gag reflex. It's tasty and safe to use. After awhile, I've actually started reducing the amount I used to near nothing. I've gotten more comfortable with oral which makes both me and my partner have a much more pleasant experience.
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  • Contributor: Dame Demi
    Does this product cause a numbing sensation for him?
  • Contributor: Beautiful Dreamer
    I asked him about it and he has said that it doesn't.

    I was concerned about that too intially and so he says that there is no numbing and it's better for him because we're both more relaxed about it.
  • Contributor: Beautiful Dreamer
    I should note that I do not believe that there is any numbing agents in the product. I checked the ingredient list according to the website.
  • Contributor: Dame Demi
    Excellent!  Thanks!
  • Contributor: Oggins
    Just wondering what flavor you picked and if it resembled that flavor at all? Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Beautiful Dreamer
    This comes in a set. My mint & passion fruit are almost gone. The cherry and strawberry taste like the molds my dentist used to use so i don't use them as often. I personally don't care for cinnamon and therefore have only used it once or twice.
    As far as the flavors. The mint reminds me of any artificial mint I've tasted. Mouthwash like. The passion fruit is a subtle flavor and not overly sweet. The strawberry and cherry taste generic and overly sweet. The cinnamon, I don't use it often, but it tastes artificial, but not overpowering. If I had to choose again, I’d just get the mint or passion fruit.

    The flavors ARE decent. I don't have a problem with the flavor of my partner, these just really help me with the whole gag thing.
  • Contributor: Oggins
    Haha! Okay, I'm a dork! Sorry I didn't notice this was a set! =P Thanks for breaking down all the flavors for me! It's great to know that the flavors aren't too bad and it does help out with gag reflex as well as not numbing him! This sounds like something I might have to add to my toybox! =)
  • Contributor: Beautiful Dreamer
    I had been looking for a product that was safe to use for oral. I know that you're not supposed to use actual numbing agents, but had become very frustrated in my very active gag reflex. This has no numbing agents, but still seems to work. It's a great product for me!
  • Contributor: Wordplay123
    Changing angles will also help. I found that my above average Ex who was pierced was easier to deal with if I was going from the side, than the front.
  • Contributor: Beautiful Dreamer
    Wordplay123- Thanks for the tip. I'm one of those people who gag even during strep tests. Smile
  • Contributor: Jenn (aka kissmykitty)
    My gag reflex is definitely a hassle, so I'm checking out various types of tingling/numbing lubes to use to help me get over it. You have a very nicely written review here; it's encouraging me to give Good Head a try. Thanks!
  • Contributor: PurpleBerry
    Nice variety.
  • Contributor: fghjkl
    Thanks for the review! I'm def going to give this one a try.
  • Contributor: mama2007
    good review! i got this one as an assignment, then i got a bad cold which is finally better almost a WEEK later =[ lol and soon i hope to use it again! i love the mint flavored one!
  • Contributor: richsam
    Thanks for the review
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