Glide on in!

This is a great water-based lube for combat vaginal dryness. Its pH balanced as to promote natural vaginal lubrication, and is unlikely to cause issues with yeast infection prone women. It is very slick, and lasts for a long time. Great for anal, or really large toys. While it is kind of runny, its also part of its charm. Tasteless and odorless, this is a simple lube that gets the job done!
slick, lasts long, great for anal or large toys, water based
gets sticky once action stops, runny
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Astroglide is a great water0based lubricant. It works for everything from toy play to anal play! Its easy to clean, and the bottle never leaks. A great one to pick up if you're in the store, or on a lube run.

The lubricant is not only a lube, but it actually a moisturizer, to help prevent and curb overly dry vaginal issues. It pH balanced, so if you're prone to yeast infections, this lubricant is a great, safe choice for you. Astroglide has purified water, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Aspartame, Methylparaben, and Sodium Benzoate as ingredients. All are pretty common ingredients, nothing I can note to worry about. Its also L-Arginine free. This lube is flavorless, odorless, and clear, making for a simple, no fuss lubricant!

It is water-based, so it can be used with most toy materials without any harm or worry. Its easy to clean off the body, just rinse with water and dry yourself! It doesn't stain fabric, and can go in the washer and dryer to be cleaned. Follow instructions on all toys to clean, no matter what lube you're using.

Astroglide is very slick felling. A little goes a long way, and it lasts a very long time as well. It doesn't need to be reapplied often if used vaginally or on toys, but with anal you would probably need to continue reapplying. This is because its pretty runny, which is no problem vaginally, but anally is another story for me. If you're looking to get wet and slick, this is the lube for you! Would be great for taking large toys, or toys that grab the skin. It does get sticky once the friction stops, and needs to be washed off usually as soon as we're done. It will leave behind a thick, gunky residue on toys and you if you don't get it all off.

Astroglide comes in 2.5 and 5 liquid ounce bottles on EdenFantasys, but I might have seen other sizes at stores. The taller bottle is the one we always purchase. It comes in a cardboard box package with the Astroglide logo, stating, "Real Pleasure Lasts Longer", among other things. It has the purple Astroglide label, with the purple wavy bar under it. The front of the bottle is clear, and it shows through to the back which has more purple wavys on it. The actual back of the bottle label introduces you to the product, has directions for use, and ingredients listed. The lid is purple plastic, and is a flip top. You don't really have to squeeze to get product out, it just runs out. The lid doesn't leak, thankfully. If not careful though, the flip top part will break off and then it will be open to spill freely!

This is a great water-based lube for combat vaginal dryness. Its pH balanced as to promote natural vaginal lubrication, and is unlikely to cause issues with yeast infection prone women. It is very slick, and lasts for a long time. Great for anal, or really large toys. While it is kind of runny, its also part of its charm. Tasteless and odorless, this is a simple lube that gets the job done!
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My Astroglide tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Anal
    • Lube
    • Sex
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Bath / shower
    • Campus/roommate living
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Promots natural moisture
    • Slick
    • Water based
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Good for anal
    • Large toys
  • General
    [ ? ]
    Other tags that are useful and descriptive for this product.
    • Flavorless
    • Odorless
    • Water-based
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Terri Strickland
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    It's always interesting to me to see the differing reviews that Astroglide gets. It seems you either love it or hate it!
  • Contributor: Drakoni
    Great review!
  • Contributor: freshbananas
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Cherry21
    I noticed that about the review on astroglide as well. We really like it, since it is so smooth and great for anal. thanks for reading my review everyone!!
  • Contributor: Mellifer
  • Contributor: Cherry21
    thanks for reading!
  • Contributor: Kaltir
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Cherry21
  • Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike
    Awesome review thank you, I learned more about Astroglide in the last 10 minutes than my whole lifetime haha. I've heard plenty of things about it and know what it is but still, this is a good review thanx
  • Contributor: Cherry21
    Thanks for reading! and glad it helped so much!
  • Contributor: faust
    nice review
  • Contributor: Cherry21
  • Contributor: Inker
    nice review!!
  • Contributor: MrWishyWashy
    Thanks for the sharing!
  • Contributor: Cherry21
  • Contributor: NoOneNosMe
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: BlooJay
    Great review! Thx!
  • Contributor: xxxbluexxx
    nice review
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