Deliciously Slick

Buy this lube. It is a great price for a great product. No gross feelings after and only wonderfully, silky slickness during use. The bottle itself is no mess and no fuss. The only problems are the parabens and possible taste issues.
-Push down cap keeps things clean
-Looks like cum
-Completely non-sticky
-Leaves no residue
-Looks like cum
-Slightly strange taste and smell
-Contains parabens for the very body conscious
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I've used a few different lubes but this is the only one that doesn't make my skin feel sticky or gummy afterwards. If it's late and your tired after the...ahem, fun you've been having, you really can just go to sleep and shower in the morning without worrying about waking up sticking to your sheets or something like that. The only signs I can see after use are a smooth, silky feeling on my hands.

I love masturbating, as do we all, and I spend a long time doing it sometimes. While this lube does put up a fight, it does require re-application every 20 to 25 minutes generally. This obviously depends on what you are using the lube with and how roughly you are doing it. Additionally, this is a water-based lube, which is great because it's body safe but if you want something to use anally, this is most likely not your lube unless you are used to anal play or use a lot.

It does have a slightly strange smell (like some sort of rubber or plastic; it's hard to describe) and the taste is slightly bitter-sweet. For this reason, I would not necessarily recommend this lube for oral sex but because of how amazing it is otherwise, I know I would be able to get past the taste. Also, a few people have voiced concerns over the parabens in the lube and I did a little reading. While parabens have not been proven to be harmless, they haven't been proven to be particularly dangerous as far as I am aware either. Because of this, people who are worried about chemicals entering their bodies may want to look elsewhere.

Okay, so I'm a bit of a dork but I was enormously excited by the press down cap. I hate lubes that come in flip-open type caps; they get lube everywhere and you have to soap down the bottle unless you want it getting all over your stuff. It's also much easier to use if your hands are already slicked up or you only have one to use. Also, it's a huge amount of great quality product for the price.
When I told my friend I had gotten this amazing new lube, he asked if he could see it. When I pulled out the bottle, he started laughing and said, "That looks exactly like cum!" and then he was like "You, have to let me feel it now." So when I squirted some onto his hand, he agreed with me on how nice and non-sticky it felt. Then we just stood there and laughed because we basically had cum all over our hands.
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    • Anyone
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
This review was edited by
  • Sweet-n-Playful Contributor: Sweet-n-Playful
  • Rank:
    5.6 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 247
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Allison.Wilder
    This was a great first review, thanks for sharing. I'm really glad you liked this lube. Also, I would be excited about the pump rather than a flip-top cap, too.
  • Contributor: K101
    I'm sorry to hear you didn't really love this. It's been my favorite lubricant for over a year. I am sad to hear you had to reapply so often. I never have to reapply very much. I wish it'd have been a better experience for ya. I enjoyed reading how you felt about this.
  • Contributor: raffi
    great first review! "not sticky" - magic words
  • Contributor: spiced
    Thanks for a great first review. You write well and I think you could easily take it to the next level with the Mentor Program. We avoid parabens, but for those who aren't worried about that, this looks like a really good lube. I, too, like the pump cap — I guess that makes me a dork.
  • Contributor: Allstars316
    Thanks for review!
  • Contributor: surreptitious
    A twenty to twenty-five minute life is pretty impressive, in my books. I agree with spiced! Congrats on the first review, and I hope that you look into (or have looked into) the mentor program!
  • Contributor: never shy
    Ty for the review
  • Contributor: married with children
    thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: MK434
    Great review! Thanks!
  • Contributor: Becky Lee
    Great review, thanks
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