Best Lube for Silicone Toys .Period.

Probe Thick is an absolute must buy for individuals looking for the best water based lube available on the market. I try other lubes for the fun of it, but I always come back to Probe Thick as my main go to lube for toying.
Super effective for anal.
Large amount for excellent price.
Friendly on your body and your toys.
For a water based lubed, Probe Thick has no flaws in my opinion.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Probe Thick is THE best for anal intercourse with large toys (such as Hoss and Cisco). It is a very simple but high quality lube that is both ultra thick and water based. While some complain about it, the stickiness and strand-like properties of probe make it a lot more appealing to me than other water based lubes. Nothing annoys me more than a lube that won't stick to the toy and just runs off onto the floor. It can also be used for fingering or jerking off, but other products may produce better sensations in those specific areas.

I'm a dude into M/M so I would advise you look at other female reviews before considering vaginal use, but from what I've read it seems fine for that too.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bath / shower
    • On a cover on your bed
    • On a towel on the floor
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Best for anal
    • Ok for jerking off
    • Ok for vaginal

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

Probe Thick is a very sticky and runny lube. This causes it to sort of create strands when pulled apart. When pumped out of the bottle it sort of slowly leaks out and can run down the bottle if you don't wipe the tip off. When a little bit of water/saliva is added it becomes EXTREMELY slick. Be extra careful of you and your toys if you're using this lube on smooth surfaces such as bathroom tile.

I find it handy to have a towel to drape on the floor/bed/chair/tub if the slickness gets out of control. You can easily just wash and dry it afterwards with no hassle.
    • Slick
    • Sticky
    • Thick

Taste / Aroma

Probe has a very bland taste and a very light citrus scent. You probably won't notice it unless you actually shove it up your nose/mouth. Even with heavy toying and using a lot of the stuff everywhere you'll barely be able to smell/taste it. I've made a mess before with it and had my friend not be able to smell/detect it on me.
    • Light smell
    • Light taste


A little bit of Probe goes a very long way, and for the price you get a lot of it at a bargain deal. Probe lasts on exterior surfaces (like your skin) for around 5-15 minutes. Probe Thick still won't stay wet on your body as long as a premium silicone lubricant, but can easily be reapplied or re-wet for continued use. But it's still the best lube for silicone toys, since using silicone lube with silicone toys is a big mistake.

Once you get Probe inside of your anus, it will stay slick for a very long time (due to your body fluids keeping it moist). Very little reapplication is required for further internal use. You may want to reapply a little bit to your toy to get all your "nooks and crannies" though.

Probe cleans up very easily with water. You may also want to use a washcloth for a gentle scrub but I've never felt the need to use soap. It just cleans up really easily.

When Probe dries on cloth it leaves a light off color stain until washed off. (Similar to semen/milk/protein stains.) But I've yet to see it leave any permanent stains on anything it's touched though.
    • Easy to clean
    • Gets sticky
    • Long lasting


Probe Thick comes in a smart pump bottle that makes this lube easy to use, sit down, and then easily reapply in heated moments. For traveling purposes I would recommend putting a paper towel around the pump at the top of the bottle, in case you where to have something accidentally press down on the nozzle and release a little bit of lube. If lube drips on the bottle it can easily be washed and wiped off.

Instructions and ingredients are listed on the back of the bottle as per the norm of every lube.

While the bottle itself isn't very discreet (it's actually a sort of very loud peach color label*), Eden Fantasys' packaging is very discreet, in case you live with guests/an intolerant family/nosy roommates.

*Note that with a bit of effort the label can be peeled off, making it a simple white unmarked bottle. You could even stick another label on it if you wanted to. ;)
    • Easy to use / dispense
    • Travel friendly
    • Very informative packaging

Special Features

Probe Thick is PH balanced and gentle on the body. It's also harmless if swallowed (I still wouldn't advise drinking it though), and condom friendly. This makes it a very beginner friendly lube (also an expert lube for extreme toying).

Probe does kill some sperm though (I'm reading the packaging here), so if you plan on using it while trying to have a baby with that special someone you might want to try a different lube.
    • Amazing
    • Body friendly
    • Gentle

Personal comments

I cannot stress this enough, try Probe thick for any type of anal adventure. Your ass will thank you!


In case it wasn't obvious by now, Probe Thick is simply a "must have at all times" lube for me. Simply put, if it won't fit with Probe, it won't fit with anything else.

A couple tricks to share though:
If the lube feels too cold for you, leave the bottle in a bowl of hot water, it'll warm right up.

If you're into temperature play, leave the bottle in a bowl of cold water and ice, it'll really add a new sensation when you reapply it in the heat of the moment.

Probe is a really simple water based lube, so if you want it to be less thick and have a different texture/smell/flavor, feel free to mix a bit of it with other water based lubes. I enjoy mixing it with a bit of the flavored lubes for a thick flavored oral sensation on a big toy. (You might like to experiment with Juicy.)

The pump also easily screws off and on, so if you want a whole lot of it in a couple seconds you can easily pour a bit of it into a bowl.
    • Super awesome?
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  • Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
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  • Edited reviews: 94
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