Sturdy but Sensual

While this bar does come apart and, when assembled, is only held together by metal pins, it definitely IS sturdy and DOES hold together. The first time I put the pins in place, I actually wasn't sure I'd be able to get them back out. My only real complaint is that you have to buy your own restraints, which is really just an extra expense if you don't already own a pair. Other that that, it's a great product!
adjustable, sturdy, travel-friendly
no restraints included, no storage bag included
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This versatile bar is the perfect basic spreader bar. Three metal bars assemble to create a spreader of your selected length. Although the pins may seem unstable when first inserted, they DO stay in place when you need them to! Adjustable but still sturdy, it can be used as either an ankle or wrist spreader or in any other way you can imagine! And being adjustable, it's also perfect for travel. With the pins removed, the bar separates into three parts that are only 25" long. So it's great for couples on a romantic getaway or for hiding under your bed, whichever you choose.


Although it was a little clumsy at times, it's about as easy to use and as comfortable as a spreader bar can be. It's quick to assemble, so there's not a lot of setup required, which is great! It is also lightweight and was surprisingly easy to maneuver around in once it was on. (I never tried walking in it, though.)

Care and Maintenance

As of yet, I haven't really had to wash it. Unlike something like a vibrator, I don't know that it would necessarily need to be washed every time it's used. That being said, it seems like it could be easily wiped down with warm, soapy water. Also, the fact that the restraints are removable would make cleaning of both the bars and restraints much easier.


The packaging is not especially discreet and it does not come with a case, so if you're planning on traveling with it, make sure you have your own bag.

Personal comments

So far, I've found this bar to be perfectly adjustable, sturdy, and well worth the buy!


While I definitely enjoyed it, my partner told me later that he found it a little annoying/clumsy at times. We'll still be using it, but it may take a little more getting used to.
Follow-up commentary
Saying that I don't like this bar anymore is a little harsh. The bar itself is great. It's sturdy, adjustable, and easy to use. However, I've found that it's more clumsy than exciting, and we usually end up ditching it to just use the cuffs. In short, I don't think it's the bar. I think it might just not be my thing.
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This review was edited by
  • Selective Sensualist Contributor: Selective Sensualist
  • Rank:
    6 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 540
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Linga
    Great first review! Congrats
  • Contributor: Naughty Little Fox
  • Contributor: ToyingCouple
    Good review, welcome to Eden!
  • Contributor: CuteDee
    Welcome! Great review! = )
  • Contributor: married with children
    great review, thanks. Your right, it should come with some cuffs.
  • Contributor: wetone123
    Great 1st review! I like this spreader bar, and it really should come with cuffs! Thanks Welcome to Eden
  • Contributor: Ghost
    Always wanted to try these. Thanks!
  • Contributor: Jenni Shelton
    ty 4 the review
  • Contributor: DreamWolf
    Great review, I so much want one!
  • Contributor: Master DarkWolf
    Good review...
  • Contributor: amazon
    Nice review
  • Contributor: MK434
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Sexy Desire
    Thank you!
  • Contributor: Nacht Stern
    Thank you!
  • Contributor: LavenderSkies
  • Contributor: Martiniman
    Great review, thanks!
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