Spread Me Open

If you're looking for a way to spread your lover's legs but want something a little more customized than the kits you can find, this spreader bar is a great solution. It's a high quality, adjustable bar that doesn't come with any bells and whistles. You can add to it whatever type of cuffing system you choose. We've been happy with the quality of the bar and see it lasting a long time, even as we advance in the BDSM world.
Add your own restraints to customize
High quality
Lack of cuffs/restraints may be a downside to some
Pins are easily pulled out
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This adjustable spreader bar is a bar made to be paired with your favorite cuffs and used to restrain your lover's legs apart. Since it can adjust to a wide range of sizes, it could also be used to restrain the hands at a wider distance than what you would be able to do with simple cuffs. Note that this product is just the bar itself and you will have to attach something - cuffs, rope, ribbon - to it for it to be a full restraining system.

I would say this product is more suited towards intermediate to advanced BDSM users. It's not that a beginner can't use this product. In fact, it's a very simple set up. However, the fact that it requires not only the bar but also some type of cuffing makes me think that this set up would be best for someone who already knows they like restraint play and is looking to add a spreader bar to that play or someone looking for a nice spreader set up.


We used this at the full spread length. I was able to get my knees to almost touch when in the spreader bar, but my thighs still did not come together. Obviously, from my knees to my ankles was gradually spread further as you went down. If I stood up, it became harder to allow my knees to come together than it was if I was laying down. So it didn't have me spread so wide that I couldn't restrict some access if I really wanted to, but it did spread me out much more than other things we have tried.

I couldn't figure out how to get the pins to come out for about a week. I kept thinking you had to press something and didn't even try just pulling them. I find them a little difficult to pull, but I'm very weak. My husbands finds them too easy, as I mentioned above. If you wanted to become unrestrained, you could simply pull them out. However, it does make it very easy to use.

We used this with our Luxe Ankle Cuffs. You can pick any cuffs you like, which I thought was great. You can make this as high quality of a set up as you like. If you like softer cuffs, you can get those. If you like harder ones, get those. If you don't like cuffs at all, use material. It's very versatile.

We used locks to secure the cuffs' D ring to the bar's O ring. I would NOT recommend doing this unless you have done restraints before and both you and your partner are very comfortable with adding locks into the equation. Don't ruin bondage forever by pulling out the locks the first time, having someone get uncomfortable, and then potentially fumbling for a key for five minutes while they have a panic attack. You can always try more beginner friendly ways of using this like a clip ring. Here's our set up:

Care and Maintenance

You shouldn't really need to do much in terms of care on this bar. We have no intention of doing anything cleaning wise unless it actually gets dirty. My husband says that if it did and you had to run it under water, it should not rust, at least not for many years.

As mentioned, we keep ours under the bed. You could also store this in a closet or a nightstand if you have a big nightstand.


There is no packaging to the bars. They came in a brown box from Eden with the bar laid inside. It didn't have any type of plastic wrapping or carrying/storage bag. The box was on the larger side, but it's just a packaging box and therefore not suitable for storage (unless you're moving in a week or so). There were no instructions included with it.

Personal comments

This spreader bar works well for all types of people because you can attach whatever you like to it. It can go from BDSM light to advanced with a simple restraint change. If you're newer to BDSM, it can growth with you. Those who are already into BDSM should be happy with this as an addition to a collection.

I do hesitate to recommend this to beginners unless you plan on using something fairly cheap for restraints. If you buy this plus expensive cuffs, the entire set up gets a little on the pricey side for experimenting. If you've done some restraining before and liked it, then this would be a recommend at that point. I just wouldn't get this and pay for the whole set up as an intro to BDSM. You could always get this and some ribbon from the super store and probably keep it under $70, which could be an option if you're thinking it's something you'll really like. If you're on the fence, I'd try to find a system in the $20-$30 range for test driving. We actually made our previous spreader bar for about $15 before we decided to invest in a purchased one.


We looked at a few different options before deciding on this. We ended up picking this one because it gave us the option to attach high quality cuffs to it where many others are kits that come with cheap cuffs already attached. We felt this was a nicer overall set up.

I was hoping we might be able to attach some wrist cuffs to the pins and make a total restrain system with this, but after seeing the pins we opted not to try this. They pull a little too easily once you put the weight of your entire arm into it. Since I didn't want to potentially break anything, we used this for legs only.

I really love this bar and it has gotten a good bit of use since we got it. I feel much more restrained in this than I did in the bar we had previously that wasn't as long. This spreads my legs out much further and makes me feel more helpless. I also like a spreader bar over other types of restraint because you can't move your legs either way - in or out. They remain at the width they are spread with no room for movement. With a material restraint, you can usually move in or out depending on which way the restraint is set up. The spreader bar is much more restrictive.

We've used this for foreplay and sex. I thought the metal bar might be irritating to my husband, especially in missionary position where the bar would be near his chest, but he has had no complaints. He actually grabs this and uses it to aid his thrusts. Double win. I was also scared I would accidentally knock him in the face with it since I'm not graceful, least of all during sex, but I have yet to do so.

I'm glad we went with this over the kits we found and made something that was truly our own. I'm impressed with the quality, barring the pins, and feel like this will be part of our collection for a long time to come. I feel like this is something that can also growth with us and not need to be replaced by more "advanced" BDSM toys as we evolve.
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  • Contributor: unfulfilled
    I should have known this review was from you. I've been looking into a spreader bar and have been reading the reviews and the more I read, the more I was convinced this was a good one for me. Great review. Right now it's out of stock which makes me sad.
  • Contributor: saunders1971
  • Contributor: amazon
    Nice review
  • Contributor: ShortCak3
    This sounds like a good spreader bar for me, I've been looking at some lately.
  • Contributor: pinkzombie
    Thank you for the great review!!
  • Contributor: Babylove09
    Thank you great review gotta get me one now.
  • Contributor: Feisty
    Thanks for sharing all the photos!
  • Contributor: Sexy Desire
    The photos are great! Helps to see the details!
  • Contributor: Nacht Stern
    Thank you!
  • Contributor: Peres2013
  • Contributor: LavenderSkies
  • Contributor: LoneOokami
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: rpmast3r
  • Contributor: anon195
    Great review; thanks!
  • Contributor: pocketsebastian
    Great review!
  • Contributor: BrittaniMaree
    Thank you for sharing your experience with us
  • Contributor: Mr. E
    Awesome review!
  • Contributor: Martiniman
    Great review, thanks!
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