So comfortable, it's mind-blowing

This is my number one and must-have sex product. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes to enjoy sex comfortably. You don't need to be married and in a hunt for better sex to find this a good use. We are a young couple and we love this combo! With these we can enjoy our sessions better because it pulls us closer together in several incredibly comfortable positions we had never known to exist. Do some teamwork – you can set the stage up with these pillows under a minute!
Possibilities, angles, color, material use, size, weight.
Make sure you can handle the storage.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Liberator Wedge Ramp combo allows so many new positions and makes the old ones much easier! Most importantly, it gets the girl at the right height and angle in every position.

For your reference, the Ramp is the big one and the Wedge is the small one.

It eases the most on the knees and the arms when doing doggy style. Previously she had to maintain that position and she could not rest. With this, she can completely let go and enjoy the ride, as there is no need to flex the muscles in the arm. She can kiss the sore knees good-bye as well.

There is this huge thing that it’s excellent for oral. Using these to elevate your partner’s body, you’ll never ever have a stiff neck again the next day. It’s like her body is served for petting on a table, you can play as long as you want, because you won’t get tired easily in this comfortable setup.

I find it amazing to enhance the on the edge of bed experience. We have a relatively low bed compared to the average US bed height and this doesn’t allow us to have sex there. We managed to get a VERY comfortable position once we applied the Ramp with the tall end at the edge of the bed. The Wedge was placed below her head.

If you have a tall bed, you may be surprised that the Ramp works wonders with those as well. The trick is that you put the tall end of the Ramp on the far side and skip the Wedge for now. The girl can be face up, but the one I recommend is face down, and she grabs the Ramp between her legs. She holds onto the top of the Ramp. This makes her wide open for you! I don’t advise this on a table because the Ramp will move and her knees need to be supported by something soft. Do this on a tall bed.

Another combination of the previous two positions that work on the edge of the bed AND on the bed and is actually my most favorite is the following: Place the Ramp with tall end on the far side, and then put the Ramp close to you, below the girl's waist. This is possible because the pieces stick together. This is very comfortable for the girl because her head is still a little higher than the rest of her body, and it makes her pelvic area not too high but not too low to enter. This looks like a missionary. You can spice things up by flipping this setup, but this time put a regular pillow below her head. This will make her rest in level but the hips elevated a little.

Don't you have problems with missionary? Have you tried putting pillows under the waist of your girl? If your answers are yes, you'll know that if the hips are elevated you are getting a better angle of penetration. The Wedge makes this easy to achieve. It's taller than you think (7") but that's actually good.

When the Wedge is under the girl, and she is face down ass up, it’s one of the best positions in my opinion. The Wedge keeps her moderately pushed up, so you can enter easily and the whole thing just looks incredibly sexy.

It's convenient to use these as leg rests after sex or just for TV watching. However, I don't want to ruin the Ramp by my couch potato habits, so it's mostly better to use it for its purpose.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed

Design / Craftsmanship / Material

These pillows are made of microfiber. It's a very soft and high-quality material. It has short 'fur' and feels awesome to the touch in every way. The main thing you should know, is that the pieces somehow stick together. We even stored them one night like the Ramp was standing and we randomly attached the Wedge to the side of the Ramp. They stood that way until we put them away in the morning. They stick even better when there is pressure (during sex). They don't move too much for us, so this actually works! Note that the microfiber only sticks to microfiber. It behaves normally with other surfaces.

You can remove the cover by zipping. The zips don't interfere with anything! They are sturdy. Below the colored cover, you'll find a black waterproof inside cover. I'm not saying you can submerge the thing in water but it'll stop everything from sinking into the foam inside.

Speaking of foam, it's dense, but it’s not overly solid. Its strength comes from the big volume. If you squeeze either pillow on the low end where it's thin, you feel that it's very soft. However, if you try to push down on the far end, it will hold well. Therefore, it's soft for a small distance and pinpoint pressure but it won't give much under an evenly distributed weight.

I haven't noticed any smell. My combo is the purple version, and it's a very lovely rich purple. It's on the darker side – actually, the best kind of purple.

They are not too heavy. A girl can easily move the Ramp. Reposition might be needed depending on what kind of surface you have under the pillows.
    • Ergonomic
    • Firm
    • Multiple ways to use


It’s easy to discover new positions with these. First, we tried with clothes on to see what can be achieved. It's still open for many more we don’t know yet. The guidebook helps but we use some that are not in the position guide. The combo enabled us to try new positions and enhanced the regular ones as well.
    • Aids in positioning
    • Comfortable during use


This is a funny part and I'll talk about shipping as well. Most importantly, the combo comes in a liberator box, which is huge and has large pictures of almost naked people showing sex positions. It's obvious what's inside the box. Upon opening, you'll find two guidebooks (one outside the liberator box with the EF order summary and one inside) which are very nice. There is also a DVD I haven't watched yet. The shapes are in enormous plastic bags. If you cut these open carefully, then you can still store your shapes in them. This helps keeping them away from dust.

I live in the EU, and I have never had something this big and valuable shipped to me before. I was worried about customs and stuff like that. It did take a few days for customs to process (opposed to the regular ~6-24 hours processing time). I was surprised because they opened the outer brown postage box – it was re-sealed by their own-labeled tape. I guess they laughed some then put it back. At least they haven't opened the liberator box. I didn't need to pay anything extra, for which I'm thankful.

The box is bigger and less heavy than expected. The size of it was 25” x 14” x 36”. In case you are planning a pick-up somewhere this might come in handy. It was so hard to keep the contents a secret! My mom asked me all the time.

For travel, I'd only bring the Wedge with me. The Ramp is too big for that. Both are very wide so it's not backpack sized by any means. A car can hold many things and the Wedge will fit in.
    • Not discreet
    • Very informative

Care and Maintenance

Undoubtedly, the hardest thing when owning these is the storage. The Wedge is not a problem as it fits in a clothes closet nicely. However, the Ramp is quite big. Before I got it, I measured how it would fit inside the bed. My bed can be opened and stuff can be put below the bars that hold the mattress. I had to remove half of the thin plywood base of the bed. I also had to reposition one of the bars in order to make room for the tip of the Ramp. When it's closed, no part of the bed compresses my Ramp and I'm happy this way. It wasn't easy but it's perfectly hidden and easily accessible. I advise against placing it out of the room because it'll get less exposure and you'll use it less, based on other reviews I had read. It's true that the Wedge is more useful when you need just a quick pillow, but give way to the Ramp as well.

The fine surface of the material collects lint like crazy. I haven't owned a lint roller previously but I just bought some, and they take care of my pillows perfectly. What a great invention. Keep it in mind that it's going to eat a few sheets of the roller if you want to clean the whole surface of both pillows. Keep them in the plastic bags they came in. This way they don't collect lint when they are not in use.

The cover is washable, but I haven't tried it yet. I'm sure there would be no problems with it.
    • Difficult to store
    • Easy to clean

Personal comments

I first saw the Liberator products in use in FH18 clips. I actually discovered EdenFantasys looking for a way to get a position pillow. I found the brand and its products, and then I made my choice based on the reviews. I think the closest shop to me that sells these is the Liberator UK, but I chose EF anyway. I have received shipping quotes ranging from $200 to $2K that are totally crazy. At the time, the shipping cost on EF was only $35. Now it seems like the only international option is via DHL Worldwide for $135. This is still considered cheap! You can see that the $35 USPS was absolutely best deal ever. In addition, the handling time and order completion speed of this company rocks. Thanks EF!


Before owning these, I had some concerns that could only be answered by experience.

First, I wasn't sure about the size. Liberator offers different heights, but on EF, there is only the average size. I was worried that it might be too high or too low for us. First and foremost, you can flip both pieces to adjust the height by around 10%. This is because the pillows are right-angled triangles when viewed from the side.

A less mathematic solution: if you are on a bed, the man's knees will sink a little bit into the mattress. This essentially lowers the man's height. If you don't want this, do it on the floor or on a harder base surface. If the girl positions herself so that she is right on top of the pillow then she's on higher ground. She can move off of the Ramp a little, still supported by the pillow and this can lower her hips.

My other concern is connected to this. I was afraid that since the top isn't rounded like other Liberator pillows are, it’d push against my girl's belly, hips or waist. I wrote about the slight give close to the surface in the materials section. This allows it to be comfortable even though the tips are not rounded.
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Naughty Student Contributor: Naughty Student
  • Rank:
    6.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 97
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  • Contributor: Superbals
    nice review
  • Contributor: MamaDivine
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: jmex83
    Thanks for the review! Can't wait, this is going on my next order!
  • Contributor: damnbul12
    Thank you for the review.
  • Contributor: Clubbinseals
    Thank you for the review!
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
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