Sex position pillow
by Love Bumper

Sex positions could be the tip of this Iceberg

The Iceberg by Love Bumper has the potential to be really disappointing or a great investment. The price is a little high for such a small cushion but if you're willing to put the time into it the results can be there for the taking.
Sturdy; Firm; Removable covers; Vibrator pocket; Discreet
Small; Awkward shape; No instructions included; Might be too firm; Lint magnet
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
When it comes to position pillows, I'd say my wife and I are definite newbies. We already own Fetish Fantasy's Inflatable Pillow but I'm sad to admit that hasn't even made it out of the box. That's really because we've got kids so don't want to leave it inflated, and the thought of blowing it up each time we want sex takes all the fun out of it.

However, we've had a constant niggling thought that maybe, just maybe, a real position pillow might actually do a better job than strategically squashing all four bed pillows into a big pile. And let's face it, using regular pillows never really works perfectly, does it? So after spending literally minutes deciding which position pillow to try (meaning "Can we afford that one and will the kids figure out what it really is?") we settled on the new Iceberg from Love Bumper.

Several days later, the pillow that was supposed to turn our Queen sized bed into the Karma Sutra centre of the Universe arrived. Big brown box? Check. Good weight (2lb-ish)? Check. Ok, let's open this baby and... oh. Is that it? Let me tell you now, if you order this expecting to have your mind blown just by looking at it, you're going to be disappointed. It turns out our worries about the kids seeing it were unwarranted. The pillow looks like a small version of one of those gaming chairs that sits in front of the family XBox/PS3 and never moves until someone drops a Pistachio nut between their legs. There's a little pocket in the front of the cushion that holds a smallish vibrator and even this pocket can be explained away to gullible children as a weird carrying handle, so it's actually quite discreet.

As for the packaging, you know that adage about less being more? Well here less is less. There's no product box, no manual, no literature, no anything actually. Other than the large brown EF box, our pillow came in nothing more than a huge, clear plastic bag and that was it. Not even a tag on the pillow itself. A little Googling revealed that it's supposed to come with sample lube and a position guide, but it seems we're not the only ones who have had this problem. Frankly I'd have expected more from a $90 item.

Measuring around 13 3/4" x 13 3/4" across the base with a highest point of 7", the pillow itself is made from stiff foam that's covered in not one but two layers. The outermost layer is a nice microfibre suede-like fabric with faux-leather (pleather?) sides, and underneath this is a kind of spill-proof black nylon. Both layers can be removed with two zips and some substantial Velcro for easy cleaning. Since ours had no labels or documentation we had to do our own research, which suggests that the covers can be machine-washed. We haven't needed to yet, but we suggest you look into this just to be sure. The sewn-in vibrator pocket isn't actually a bad size and is sewn well, being about 2 1/2" across, a little over 4" deep with a maximum opening of about 1 1/2". Not huge, but it will probably work best with smallish vibrators - ours is pictured with the Diamond Fairy vibrator, which is 5 1/2" long and 2" diameter. The pocket will likely be too big for most bullets though. Obviously using a vibrator with the pillow will only work if you're using the it for doggy-style sex, whether that's vaginal or anal.

Our sexual experience with this pillow is a little limited since we've only had it for a few days. But here's where one of the first problems popped up. Either we're not very imaginitive or the supposed many uses for a small, hard, slightly curved wedge-shape pillow just aren't obvious at first. A few more Google clicks took us to the product website, where we finally found some sort of position guide (below)

Although we haven't had it long, we have actually tried out four of the five suggested positions (since I'm a Gentleman, I won't say which four we have tried. I'm really looking forward to trying the sitting position with it though...) What was surprising was that the positions actually ended up being pretty comfortable for the most part, despite the pillow's size. The firmness worked in its favour most of the time, despite us thinking it was going to be just too hard to be useful. The only time the firmness proved to be a problem was when it came to doggy-style. It's just too a little too hard to work for prolonged periods and ended up digging into both of us when we tried 'regular' M/F sex or pegging. Actually the hard edges didn't really help with many of the positions really and we would have preferred it to be more rounded than it is. We found that the best sexual uses for this were based around the Missionary position, although you're obviously going to want to remove the vibrator for those. One plus about this cushion though is that it makes sex in other places a little easier, so you don't have to limit yourself to putting it on your bed.

Other uses for the pillow were both successes and failures. Using it as a general back support in bed did nothing for me but my wife enjoyed it, while she didn't find it at all comfortable as a head/neck support but I liked it a lot (we had the same results using this for oral as we did for just lying there watching TV - I found it comfortable, she hated it). However, neither of us found it useful as a support or non-sexual cushion for anywhere other than the bedroom. It's just too firm and the shape is too specific for most non-sexual use unless you're lying down. That's really not a criticism though - the pillow is sold as a sex position cushion and it does its job as well as you'd expect something of this size to work.

Overall, the Iceberg does pretty much what it's advertised as doing and might offer more depending on the user. It could have been a 5 star product for us if it had come with any sort of documentation and had a little more give. It's a very good product, but sadly not a great one.
Follow-up commentary
Maybe this follow-up review should be rated "I still kind of like it". We haven't really used this an awful lot since writing the above. That's not because it's no good (it is) - the quality has held up well, the foam hasn't changed shape at all and the cover hasn't developed any problems. It's just that it's not *quite right*. So while the cushion is still good for some things and does provide good, firm support for some sexual positions, those edges and angles really do end up getting in the way a little. We've found that probably 95% of its sexual use is for pegging, and it still works really well for that despite that edge at the top.

Overall it's probably a good but expensive cushion for those wanting to try positional aides, but if you've already got something that you like then this won't really add anything to your mix.
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    • Can be worn during intercourse
    • Couples
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Floor
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  • Contributor: lainebug
  • Contributor: pussy licker
    Great review
  • Contributor: nikki0668
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: TitsMcgee
    I'll be skipping this one! Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: edeneve
    I can't wait to be able to use sex "furniture"! great review.
  • Contributor: edeneve
    I can't wait to be able to use sex "furniture"! great review.
  • Contributor: edeneve
    oops - don't know how that double post happened.
  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Thanks guys. And don't worry, Edeneve - little glitches like that happen to us on here from time to time too
  • Contributor: eroticmutt
    Thank you, this is a very helpful review!
  • Contributor: bog
    Thank you! Great review!
  • Contributor: SexyRob
    thanks for the review
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