Low Cost with lots of potential

At the end of the day is this really worth the money? well yes it definitely is its almost 70% less then the liberator lines but after using both i can safely say there is a difference. Its like comparing a corvette to a Lamborghini both great in their own ways but still on two different levels. Some people drive economy cars and wouldn't have it any other way but my theory on this is if they could drive the Lamborghini every day they would.
COST,soft material, ease of use, storage.
Blowing it up every time gets a little old and takes some of the fun away.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
The Inflatable Love Pillow is a very good alternative to high priced Liberator products. Looking at this product I was very skeptical as to the quality of basically a blow up position support, but after a very vigorous test phase I was pleasantly surprised as to how well it worked. The velor was very comfortable and made a few challenging positions very easy. Our favorite position was kind of a odd twist to doggy style. Pillow at the top of the thigh laying down on the bed, the pillow allowed the deepest penetration that I have ever experienced! After 3 uses that night it has officially earned a very special place in our bedroom. I would recommend this product for anyone who is looking for very deep penetration, and looking for a easier way for direct G-spot stimulation. To get all of this from something that costs less then dinner at a restaurant is a great value, and honestly you would have to be crazy not to try it. If nothing else this is a good way to see if you and yours would even enjoy the liberator line. The last thing you want to do is spend $200.00 plus shipping to find out it really isn't for you.

Overall Rating 4 Out of 5 (Has gotten a little less firm but that's after over 8 months of regular use)

Durability 5 out of 5 (For the money you can not find a better product)

Recommendations: Be creative this pillow adds limitless possibilities to positions and makes harder positions easier to achieve.

Orgasm Rating- From 1 to 10

After a lot of thought this toy deserves a 10 considering how much cheaper it is then the liberator lines but direct comparison would put this at a 6, there are a few limitations to this pillow although it is cheaper and strives to give you the same quality of experience it just doesn't quite measure up.
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  • Contributor: Gary
    This pillow sounds awesome, and yes I do agree that the cost seems to be very reasonable. I personally had to selling plasma for months in order to save up enough money to buy the liberator furniture I own today. Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Mamastoys
    Is there any way to connect a air compressor or air pump to it? Or do you have to blow it up manually? Sounds like a good product for a reasonable price.
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Meh, this is not necessary in my opinion.
  • Contributor: Focuzed86
    i didnt try to connect the air pump but at the same time i would think breaking out a air pump in any circumstance could never be considered sexy. Also seriously not necessary ? quality feedback i was posting a review on stuff i own unfortunatly i dont have access to the sex toy museum otherwise i would be able to post a review on things without reviews but thanks for the feedback i thought feedback here was either advice to make it better or possitive not spending 2 minutes logging in pulling up the review just to post a negative remark...i dont know maybe im wrong
  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    Focuzed - I like your review. I am not sure what Lauren was getting at with her comment either. It seems like she leaves a lot of comments lately and they are pretty short - like this one. Maybe she was saying that the pillow would not be necessary in her sex life or something like that. I wouldn't take it personally.
  • Contributor: Focuzed86
    Thanks jimbo i appreciate that you like my review and maybe your right i just wont take it personally
  • Contributor: Sammi
    Does this come with any kind of weight limit in the information? I love liberator pieces because of the foam, and wonder if this would hold up well with larger/heavier people?

    Nice review!
  • Contributor: Focuzed86
    ehhhh i didnt check that stuff before tossin the box...i mean it seems good to go i mean i highly doubt hoppin on this is gunna break it i really dont forsee that being a issue but i could be wrong i guess....sorry i couldnt answer that really clearly
  • Contributor: Mamastoys
    I didn't mean pull our the air pump at THAT time, but prior to..LOL that would probably kill the mood...
    I thought the review was good and I put this on my wish list...
  • Contributor: Nobodygirl
    Thanks for this review !
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