Liberator shapes are AMAZING!

Since our original purchase, we have added many more shapes, they look just as good as the day we received them, and they have allowed a lot of really amazing positions that we weren't able to achieve before.
Comfortable, sleek, allows infinite positions.
Takes up a little bit of space, can take up a lot if you have 5 shapes like we do.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Liberator ramp/wedge combo was my wife's and mine first Liberator purchase back in mid 2005. After having seen the ad's in magazines for a while, I was curious to see how they would work. My wife was cautious at first, but she was willing to try them. Needless to say, our Liberator collection has expanded since that time. We absolutely love our purchase in the ramp/wedge combo. The positions to use it in are only limited by your imagination. It works great on the floor, on your bed, anywhere. You can use them on top of each other and they do not slip at all. If you need help getting started with ideas, they include a position book to give you ideas.

We also have the liberator throe, which we put on our bed sometimes if we don't want to pull back the comforter and we worry about making a mess. Only when we use this and then the liberator shapes on top does the shapes slip any, but that is because the throe is moving across the bed, not the shapes moving across the throe. And the slipping is minimal, you just have to pull your partner back towards you.

Under the soft exterior lining of the shapes, is a teflon lining which protects the foam of the shape from any semen, lubricant, or message oils. If you do spill on the shape, you simply unzip it, throw it in the wash on cold delicate, and then dry it. After having washed the covers for over the past five years, they look just like new. They are still really soft and extremely comfortable.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly

Design / Craftsmanship / Material

The interior of the shape is a soft foam, which is very comfortable but holds it shape when under the load of a person. Next is a protection nylon cover to prevent the foam from getting any moisture or fluid of any kind on it. Finally is the exterior microfiber cover which comes in a variety of colors.

Also included is a plain black travel bag with a handle so you can transport it wherever necessary without getting anything on the microfiber which is nice for weekend getaways.
    • Multiple ways to use
    • Plush
    • Smooth


The liberator has definitely helped my wife and I expand from just the standard positions on the bed. It improved some of the normal positions, but it has also helped us try new ones as well. The positions are always comfortable, you are just limited by how mobile and flexible you are. They are also nice for making either outdoor or on the floor sex much more comfortable.
    • Aids in positioning
    • Comfortable during use


The package is a plain brown box with no markings at all on it, and the shapes were wrapped in a plastic material to protect the microfiber during shipment.
    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Recyclable

Care and Maintenance

Care is as simple as removing the outer cover and throwing it in a cold delicate wash, then low heat dry. As soon as it is done drying, you put the covers back on the shapes. They also tell you to never remove the interior nylon cover, but to just wipe it down as necessary. In over 5 years of use, I have yet to have any fluid leak through the outer lining. Storage can take up some space, but we just stack all of our various shapes in one part of our bedroom.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store

Personal comments

Since our original purchase of the wedge/ramp combo, we have added the scoop, the throe, the memory foam bed topper and the esse. We love all of the shapes, and they each have unique positions to them. We have visited their factory in Atlanta, and have been very impressed with the other shapes that they offer and we are looking forward to adding even more in the future, once we have the space to do so.
Follow-up commentary
I have nothing bad to say about a Liberator product. I would say with our current set-up in our bedroom, because the ramp is buried at the bottom of the shapes, it gets the least use. It is just slightly annoying to have to move the other shapes out of the way to get to it. But the wedge, that's a different story. We have one of them on top of the shapes, and the other is on top of our Esse. Needless to say, the Esse and the Wedge get a lot of use, probably once weekly at least.
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  • Contributor: queertastic
    Thanks so much for this review! I've been lusting after Liberator shapes for quite some time. Thanks also for the great section about care of the fabric. =)

    Nice job.
  • Contributor: Jobthingy
    Great review

    I was wondering about washing over time. Great to know it held up
  • Contributor: Danielle1220
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: mllebeauty
    Thank you for the info on packaging! I know some people have received less than discreet packaging from Liberator. It's good to know you didn't.
  • Contributor: namelesschaos
    Thanks for the review. I don't have any Liberator stuff but I'm saving my pennies for one.
  • Contributor: Kayla
    We love our Wedge/Ramp too even though the Wedge gets a lot more use for us.
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Thanks all for the positive comments. I have never received a non-discreet package from liberator, but when we received our Esse, that box was 2 feet high by almost 6 feet long, so it looked a little suspicious, even with it being plain.
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    And to everywhere worried about the cost of the product, they are well worth it in my opinion.
  • Contributor: Shellz31
    I have been looking at investing in some liberators lately. Being overseas, I think I shall just go with one of the blow up type to save on shipping. They certainly are a great idea.

    Cheers on the review
  • Contributor: LikeSunshineDust
    Thanks for the review. I would love to get some Liberator shapes
  • Contributor: TheSinDoll
    Good Review! I soooo want some of this stuff!
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Thank you both for the comments. My wife and I absolutely love Liberator products.
  • Contributor: beeauctie2
    thank you for this review! I now want one so much more!
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Thanks. You really should get one, they are awesome.
  • Contributor: Howells
    You really have a lot of them!
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Yeah we do!
  • Contributor: Beneath The Bed
    Great Review!
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Liberator Shapes 71
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Liberator wedge ramp combo 11
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