The Try-Angle cushion by Perfect Position is the perfect cushion for couples to use during sex. Although this cushion is primarily advertised for sex, it's not the only use for this cushion. In the short amount of time that I've owned it, I've used it for watching television in my living room, and using it to place books, tablets, and laptops on. I just popped my body on it and added a pillow. It was super comfy. It could also help someone that needs to sleep propped up, or to prop feet up.
The above uses are great, but my favorite use is for the bedroom, for use by my partner and myself. I'm wondering how I got by without using this thing. With my partner and myself having so much of a height difference, this thing is amazing! I had been eyeing it for so long, and I wondered if it would truly work for us. 139.00 and 40.00 shipping is a lot for a cushion. Now that I own it, I can say that it's well worth the money. I had trouble in the past with some of our favorite positions because he was simply too tall, or I was too short to do them comfortably, or for very long periods. He is over 6'5", and I am 5'2". We had a lot of difficulty with positions, but now that we have this, everything is quite normal. This cushion is like gold, to us.
In the past when I would be on top, his hips would be too wide for me to be on top for a long time. With me being petite, it was a lot of hard work on my part. Now, he props the cushion under him and the higher end is under his hips. I can now be on top comfortably and much longer. It also makes the angle so perfect. I think I will always use this while I'm on top from now on.
Another one of my favorite uses is doggie style on the floor. The height is perfect for me to bend over. My hips or my back no longer have to do any work, and he can give me some deep thrusts. I used to wake up sore when he was a little rough, but now the cushion helps to hold up my body weight, with no effort on my part. I can now completely relax and move back and forth onto his penis, with my stomach resting on the cushion.
I call this my sexual enhancer. I've made so many new positions since owning this cushion. I'll talk about another favorite. We place the cushion on the bed and the raised side is near the bottom. My partner helps me ease down with my buttocks hanging slightly off the raised end. He gets on his knees right at the edge, and it's perfect. The cushion props me up exactly where he needs me to be, to insert himself into me at the perfect angle. Now, we don't have to pile pillows up under my hips, and I'm not straining myself to stay up on pillows. The good thing about the cushion is that it doesn't sink down like pillows do. My partner weighs 235-240 and he is thin, but muscular. The cushion doesn't sink down a lot with him on it. I weigh over 150 and the cushion doesn't sink in at all with me on it. It stays firm. I do add a pillow in for my head while my hips are up on the raised end. I'm going to use that until I purchase the mini Try-angle cushion. I've been researching these as a combo, and I think the Try-angle cushion and the mini try-angle cushion will probably work like the ramp and wedge combo from Liberator. I don't own any Liberator products but I have sampled them out while in local sex toy stores. The quality is almost the same. If I closed my eyes and someone switched them up, I wouldn't know the difference.
My overall perfect use for the cushion is during oral sex. I can lay back and have my legs open as wide as he needs. When we are on the bed, he used to have to get on the floor and put his face down near the bed or prop me up with pillows and cover them, and that was so much work. Now I just place it on the bed or floor, and put my handy dandy waterproof 'towel' under the edge. He now has free range to do what he wants and his head and neck aren't going to hurt, or feel strained. I'm propped up in the air at the right height for him to take his time. The oral sex has lasted twice as long now because he can really get to it, comfortably.
The Try-angle cushion is waterproof, with the waterproof liner inside. If you remove this liner, it wouldn't be considered waterproof anymore. I do wish they made a waterproof outer cover for this, with handles. I'm not sure if the Liberator ones would fit. I'm going to research and see about finding some waterproof covers. I did squirt and get a little fluid on the cover but I had a towel nearby. I wiped it up quickly, so it didn't seem to soak into the cover. It was dry within a few minutes. I also think it was because I keep a fan in my bedroom, and it was on at the time.
I live in a house, so it's easy for me to store it. If you live in an apartment or dorm room, it may not be functional for you to purchase this. It does take up quite a bit of room. If there are large closets in your home, this would be a great idea for storage. If your bed sits up high, you could possibly fit it under there.
With the size of the cushion, it's not going to fit your whole body, without some part hanging off. There will be knees, or feet that will have to touch the bed or floor at some point while using the cushion. So, be mindful if using on a hard floor. Maybe you can place a comforter or throw down on the hard surface.
For some people, this may seem like more trouble than it's worth. I only see it as a wonderful addition to my sex life.
Unfortunately, the Try-angle cushion is not great for travel. The large size may not fit into trunks and it will not fit in backseats. It will not fit into a plane, it will not fit into a train. It will not fit in your car. Oh, it will not fit very far.