In the shower leg up against the wall that's the way we like to...

This is a great device as long as you have a smooth shower surface to put it on. It is very easy to use and very sturdy as long a you don't put too much weight on it. Great for assisting sexual positions in the shower, even better for shaving in the shower.
Easy to use.
Can not put too much weight on it.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Sex in the shower locking suction foot rest is a positional aid used for resting your leg on during sex or shaving your legs (which is what I use it for most often). This product is great for everyone, can be used for couples or alone.

The shower that you use it in can not have small tiles or any kind of uneven surface. However, it will work if the tiles are bigger then 5x5 inches. The surface that the whole suction cup covers must be completely smooth.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Tub/shower
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly

Design / Craftsmanship / Material

The foot rest is made of hard, smooth, thick plastic that is 6 inches long, and about 5 inches wide. The suction is made with what seems to be a somewhat softer, rubber like plastic that is a 5 inches circle. Under the foot rest is a lever that causes the suction cup to work when the suction cup is placed against the shower wall and the lever is lifted.

It is pretty discreet, no body would know that it is for sex. It looks like a soap holder, and if anyone asks you could easily say that its a foot rest for shaving your legs. Nobody would have a second thought, unless of course if they had one.
    • Discreet look/design
    • Smooth
    • Well made / sturdy


I thought it was really easy to use, many of the other reviewers said in their reviews that the leaver was difficult to maneuver, so I was worried about having problems with it. I didn't have any problems, and I do consider my self to be pretty weak especially in my hands.

You do want to make sure that when you put it on the wall you want the wall and the suction cup to be dry, otherwise the bond will not be strong enough and it will slip down the wall with any pressure on it.

Once you have it on the wall it stays on very well, when you put weight on it the foot rest bends down a little. It has some what of a springiness to it, feels like its going to come off of the suction cup, but I hasn't. The foot rest is only for resting your foot on, you can not put too much weight on it. If too much weight is put on it the suction will reduce and slip down the wall or completely release and fall off the wall.

To remove from the wall flip the leaver back down, and it will fall off. If it doesn't just fall off you may have to pry it off a little but sliding your nail or something under the suction cup.
    • Aids in positioning
    • Comfortable during use


It comes in very minimal packaging, a thin cardboard box and wrapped in plastic. It has very helpful instructions that are on the outside of the box. There is a image of a couple using the foot rest in a shower on 2 sides, and then a photo of the foot rest on the third box. The side with the instructions, has photos to go along with the instructions, along as the instructions in multiple languages. Inside the box along with the foot rest is an insert of the other sex in the shower products.
    • Minimal
    • Not discreet

Care and Maintenance

I would say that it is very easy to take care of, doesn't really need much cleaning. I have left it in my shower most of the time I have had it, and it isn't as gross as I thought it would be. If you are a complete clean freak you could keep it out of the shower when not using it and clean it how ever you felt necessary.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


I use it mostly just for shaving my legs, and when rinsing off. I had tried maybe once to use it for sex but lack of shower space made it not possible, stupid little corner showers.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: MamaDivine
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: laceypanties
  • Contributor: Darklyvan
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Sunnybutt
  • Contributor: Anne
    great review
  • Contributor: BrittaniMaree
    Thank you for your review
  • Contributor: karenm
    Great review, thanks!
  • Contributor: spiced
    This "sex in the shower" stuff looks like fun. Thanks for a great review.
  • Contributor: BlooJay
    Great review! Thx!
  • Contributor: U3H
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