I'm Not Too Short Anymore!!

This position pillow is the greatest thing to ever happen to our sex life. I finally have control over positioning and comfort during sex. Because of my partner's and my height difference, we used to have a tough time getting into positions that were comfortable. Now we have no trouble at all, thanks to this pillow!
Well Made, Reusable, Easy to Clean and Store, Includes Repair Kit, Does its Job!
None that I can think of!
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


My fiance and I have always had a difficult time acheiving certain positions during sex because of our varying body sizes. He is a large, broad shouldered man, towering over me at about 6'8". I, however, am only about 5'3". This means that whenever we try missionary or other simple positions, they end up being uncomfortable because his legs are too long or I can't get up high enough, etc. This creates a bit of a problem, because we enjoy having worry-free sex!! That's where this product comes in. The Inflatable Love Pillow is just what the doctor ordered for this couple. It gives me the advantage of height when I am on the bottom so it is easier for him, or it gives me something to put under my knees while I give him oral, or it can even give me something to lay on while we try doggy style. It's perfectly versatile, comfortable, easily inflated, and works awesomely for the two of us.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly

Design / Craftsmanship / Material

The pillow is made of a sort of vinyl, which feels very soft to the touch. It isn't scratchy or uncomfortable to lay on without clothes, which I love. I have very sensitive skin, so that is always a worry for me. It measures about 22" by 22", so it's definitely big enough to have a lot of position versatility. It takes about a minute or two to inflate, but we mostly leave ours already blown up. It came with a repair kit, but we haven't had to use ours yet and we've had the pillow for about 6 months. This shows that it was definitely made well. It has two separate sides to blow up, so I'm sure it would be easy to locate an air leak if there was one.
    • Ergonomic
    • Smooth
    • Well made / sturdy


This pillow does everything that I want it to every time. It makes sex easier, more comfortable and more fun for my partner and I. We used to do a lot of awkward shuffling and position changing to get more comfortable, which sometimes ended up with us just giving up before achieving orgasm. Not anymore! I really like that I don't have to worry about being too short or too small to enjoy sex with him anymore. It definitely is a confidence and comfort booster.
    • Aids in positioning
    • Comfortable during use


The pillow came in a non-discreet box, along with a small booklet full of sex positions, showing the endless uses of the pillow. It also came with a repair kit. We did not keep the box, because we keep our pillow fully inflated and ready to use. It might be a bit awkward to give as a gift, simply because the box is covered in pictures of people having sex.
    • Not discreet
    • Recyclable

Care and Maintenance

Since we do use this pillow for all things sexual, I always clean it off with a wet wipe (designed for sex toys) after we use it. It can be deflated between uses, but we never do that. I keep it inflated and on a shelf under the bed. It's super easy to just pull out and use, which I love. It does have the repair kit in case it starts to leak, but so far I haven't had any problems with that.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store
Follow-up commentary
I've had this for some odd months now (like 6) and have never had a problem with it. The reviews aren't really spaced out (sorry!) because I owned it for a couple of months before I found it on Eden. I still love this pillow and use it about once a week. Haven't had any leaks yet, which is nice. I do keep it only slightly deflated, so that might help. I do it so that the pressure from our combined weight on top of it won't pop the thing. Great product though. I sincerely recommend it as an alternative to expensive Liberator shapes and other furniture. I still have my eye on that Liberator wedge, though!
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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This review was edited by
  • Joie de Cherresse Contributor: Joie de Cherresse
  • Rank:
    5.9 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 211
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Petite Valentine
    Good work. A few questions for you:
    How did you inflate it? Pump? By mouth?
    Do you ever have to give it extra air to keep it full? If so, how often?
  • Contributor: js250
    Thanks! My hubby and I have the same height problem.
  • Contributor: allehcat
    Sorry I didn't include that info, Petite! I inflated it by mouth the first time, and have never had to add extra air. I'm sure it's possible, but I like to keep it just slightly deflated because it's more comfortable.
  • Contributor: Peggi
    You have no idea how helpful this review was!!! I am 5'2 and my guy is 6'7 and we have the SAME problem! I am wishlisting this RIGHT AWAY!!! And as soon as it becomes available, this is gonna be a purchase

    Thank you so much for your review, and being so thorough, aside from how to inflate
  • Contributor: wetone123
    Nice review! I've been wanting this for a bath pillow so I can lounge in the bubble bath, but its always out of stock! I'm glad you are enjoying it
  • Contributor: K101
    Purrfect review! How cool that this thing comes with a repair kit! I have read reviews on this before and I don't the reviews I've read included the part about it coming with repair kit! That definitely made me want this more because I backed out on buying it just this month because I was worried about holes, but with a repair kit, that'd be no problem! What a great review. I'm glad you added the different ways you guys were able to use it. Awesome job!
  • Contributor: tigerkate
    Great review! I've been wondering about this one as a more affordable option to Liberator items.
    Thanks for the info~
  • Contributor: allehcat
    I totally want a Liberator wedge, but we settled for this since it's MUCH more affordable, and I haven't been disappointed.
  • Contributor: SiNn
    sounds awesome i so want one if they work for all that they sayand then some looks like somethin would help with my back when im just sittingo n teh floor
  • Contributor: SiNn
    ty for the review btw
  • Contributor: The Curious Couple
    Great review, thank you!
  • Contributor: married with children
    good review, thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: SadoMas
    awesome thanx
  • Contributor: Jenny Smith
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Mrs.Tee
    great review
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