
Liberator has reinvented my sex life with the wedge and ramp combo. My partner and I both suffer from health issues that make sex difficult and painful for us. The wedge immediately made a huge difference while the ramp is a bit more difficult to figure out. The set seems to have a learning curve that makes experimentation necessary. We have embraced this, and it has become a ton of fun.
Helpful for those with injuries and disabilities
Waterproof and washable
Learning curve
Lint magnet
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This is a fantastic position pillow set from Liberator. The set includes two separate pillows that can be used individually or together.

The beauty of this set is its versatility. There is no one kind of person or couple that this is specifically made for. Straight, gay, lesbian, or any other type of person will be able to find a fantastic use for this set.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Play party

Design / Craftsmanship / Material

The pillows are made of three parts.

The inner most portion of the pillow is the foam pillow itself. This is a high density foam that doesn't compress much even under the combined weight of myself and my boyfriend, and we are both over 6' tall. On top of that, I am plus sized and my boyfriend isn't over weight, but he is a muscular 6'4". The foam is firm. It is actually so firm that it is uncomfortable when my chronic nerve pain is flaring badly.

The next layer is the waterproof nylon inner cover. It is very sturdy and well sewn. It is made to protect the foam from fluids. It is very excellent at doing that. If needed, it can be wiped down with a damp cloth.

Finally, there is the outer microfiber covering. It is pretty easy to put for something that is tight fitting. The microfiber is made that it clings to itself. This means that the pillows are perfectly stable when put on top of each other, but it also means that lint and pet hair are also stuck to them. On the plays side, they are soft and luxurious.

Everything is well put together and very high quality. I was expecting a lot for how much this cost, and I am extremely satisfied.
    • Ergonomic
    • Firm
    • Plush


As amazing as this is, the pieces have a bit of a learning curve.

For us, the wedge was immediately useful. The extra lift under the hips or shoulders are perfect for my boyfriend's damaged back. The extra lift helps take the strain off of my aching hips.

The ramp on the other hand, has been more difficult for us. We can see that there are ways it could, but we are still working on it. We have found that it is a great help for doggie style, but so far, that is our only success story. We haven't tried every idea yet.

They stick together using friction, but until we get the ramp figured out, using them together just hasn't worked out.

Moving the wedge around isn't difficult, but you will want to plan out where to put the ramp if you are wanting to use it. You don't want to have to move it around mid coitus because it is heavy and bulky.
    • Aids in positioning
    • Cumbersome

Care and Maintenance

Storing this has been... interesting. And by interesting, I mean a bit of a challenge. If you have a high bed, you could store it underneath, but we don't. The closet is an option. It is, but ours is full of my shoes and very large wardrobe, so right now this set is shoved in a corner of the room.

Cleaning is a breeze. Toss them in the washer. I air dry mine because I am paranoid of them shrinking. A lint roller will be your friend. These pick up every bit of lint and pet hair.
    • Difficult to store
    • Easy to clean
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  • Contributor: Hallmar82
    I'm sure our cats would love it then!
  • Contributor: dancingduo
    And no longer carried.

    still...thanks for your review!
  • Contributor: Hummingbird
    Position pillows are indeed very useful with physical challenges. Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: MrWill
    Excellent review! I've wanted Liberator furniture since I was 15 or so.. I always thought it would be comfy to game on :-P
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Liberator Shapes 71
Ways to store. 18
Liberator wedge ramp combo 11
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