Where did my arthritis go?

Whether you're looking for an aid in massage, or want a hot pack for aches or cold nights, this is really a great little item! I've found it useful in all purposes and bet I'll find more in the future! I wouldn't pass this one up!
Works Great
Cute Design
Multiple Ways To Use
Great Price
Metal Disk Hard To Press
Irritating to Reset
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
The Amazing Hot Heart Massager may have been created to rub down a loved one before or after sexual play, but it really has so much more purpose! I say, screw rubbing them down and use it for yourself to relieve arthritis, muscle pains, headaches, body aches, or to warm up on chilly nights! I plan on having a whole collection of these! I've also tried this with a water-based massage oil on my partner and noticed no problems with stains or rot.

This massager is made from Lover's Choice (www.loverschoice.tv) and crafted in China. It comes in a box 5"x5" sealed in cellophane. The box edges fold right out, so no need to tear it open AND you can reuse it to store your massager!


The heart sits snuggled inside in an additional plastic wrapper. The outside is made of vinyl with pink coloring on one side with an X O O X. On the other side are your directions in black print and you can easily see the gel and metal piece underneath. The heart itself measures about 5" x 4.5".

Now the materials inside are not listed on the box nor the manufacturer's website, but I assume the gel is sodium acetate (salt solution) that is a chemical but non-toxic. There is a small metal disk crossed with slits that when snapped in the other direction would cause fluid to upset the solution and make it crystallize. The process is safe and the crystallized solution will not explode or endanger you. Now don't hold me to any of this, as I am not a chemist, but this seems the most likely answer.

Here are pics of before and after:


It states that the heart can heat up to 54C/129F but I don't have a way to tell how hot mine got. It did get nicely hot to the point where I could leave it on my skin for a half of minute before I felt too hot. However, I would recommend that if you're not constantly moving it, use a light towel with this for muscle pains and headaches.

It says to flex the metal disk back and forth until crystals form, however, I only snapped it once before it instantly started crystallizing. Now, the process of snapping the disk even once took me nearly 5 minutes! It was extremely rough on my little weak fingers, and I hope with wear it will stop being so difficult. Once the crystals start forming you should kneed the heart until all the gel has turned into hot crystals. This took roughly 30 seconds for me. Be careful though, the more I worked it the harder the whole heart got. The heat should last at least 45 minutes before it loses some bang. However, the heart got really stiff after about 20 minutes and almost impossible for me to flex.

When you're ready to reset the solution, the package states to boil it for 7-10 minutes until ALL crystals are gone. This is a plus that it needs to get boiled, as it will clean and sanitize your massager in case you plan on using it with multiple people. I had waited for the bubbles to form and tossed mine in. The heart dropped immediately to the bottom of the pot. I kept moving it around with tongs to ensure that the vinyl didn't burn or melt. This was aggravating, but the total time for the gel to go back to normal was less than 5 minutes for me. Afterwards, I tonged them out and set it on my dish drying rack. Please don't touch the massager for at least 5 minutes after removing. I say this because although it seems like everyone would know, they don't make warning labels because we all already assumed.

I let my massager cool off for an hour before I packed it back up, but probably after 30 minutes, it is safe. Again, don't take my word for it, I'm only human. Use your good judgement. One tiny flaw I noticed when packing it was a couple air bubbles were now in the gel. I really hope that that doesn't continue and extend.
Overall, I'm satisfied with this and will purchase some more for medical purposes. I have lower back pain and arthritis in most of my joints and found this excellent at relieving the pain. As my bath tub is currently under maintenance, this was a great alternative to a hot bath. Although these aren't great in size, they are perfect for laying on my wrists and knees. It also does a decent job on my back!
Follow-up commentary
This item is still doing it's job, however, more bubbles HAVE appeared inside. So far this hasn't been an issue with performance but it does make me nervous. I loved this so much I plan on using these in my xmas gift baskets!
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • Contributor: SimpleHedonist
    Excellent review!!!! I want one of these!!!
  • Contributor: Upyourreviews
    Thanks! I'm actually about to go curl into bed with mine! LOL!
  • Contributor: HarlequinBunnie
    Thank you for the review. Good job.
  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Great review, thanks
  • Contributor: puppylove
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: laflauta
    Thank you for the detailed review!
  • Contributor: CaliGirl
    Great review.
  • Contributor: Mizery Moon
    awesome i luv it!
  • Contributor: LostinLife
    great review thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: carebear712
    Thanks for the great review! I love when pics are included
  • Contributor: CuriousPixie
    Great review! I want one!
  • Contributor: apryls
    luv it
  • Contributor: nohiosomewhere
  • Contributor: Cat Enderly
    Thanks for adding photos.
  • Contributor: Zandrock
    helpful review
  • Contributor: *Camoprincess*
    Thanks for the review I have heard so much good about these but always forget to order them! I just put one in my cart so I KNOW its there for my next order unless it goes out of stock before then.
  • Contributor: RedKyuubi
    Thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: Boyfriend
  • Contributor: Bubblee143
    I picked this one up and Love it!!! Thanks for the review!!!
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