What a boost to the sex life!
If you're looking for something to increase your sex drive, this is a great product to do just that. It's a simple little product and a little bit goes a long way.
Quick acting sexual enhancement, increases libido and experience.
Small bottle, can get diluted slightly from use with lubes.
As a mom of two little girls that wear me out on a daily basis, my husband and I found that our sex life was suffering. I was just not in the mood anymore. Either I was too tired or the girls were around making sex impossible. We needed something to put the spice back into our relationship. So I did some research and found Liquid V. It looked like it would be the perfect solution, but I was still really skeptical. So when my bottle arrived, I couldn't wait to try it. I was a little sad at the small size of it. The bottle is about two inches tall. Not very big for the price.
I decided to test it out before my hubby got home so I put one little drop on my clit and rubbed it in. It didn't take long before I was tingling with pleasure. I could feel my privates getting all hot and wet. It was amazing. I hadn't expected such a quick reaction. Within five minutes, I couldn't wait any longer and I had to grab my vibrator to finish the job. I couldn't make myself cum fast enough. I wanted more and more. Once I had had my fill, I added one more drop so I would be ready when my hubby got home. He didn't know what hit him. I think he was pleasantly surprised.
I've been using this product for about a year now off and on. Whenever I use it, I can't get over the feeling it gives me. I got two bottles and I still have some left. The small bottle size is a little disappointing, but if you use it right (one or two drops is all you need), then it will last you a really long time. I don't think Liquid V increased the pleasure or strength of my orgasms, but it definitely put me in the mood more often and made me want more and more.
One thing I would suggest is to make sure you put it on before any other lube. If it has to seep its way through another product, it doesn't work nearly as well. Also try waiting a few minutes after you apply the Liquid V until it takes effect, before you add another lube. That also dampens the effect. Altogether this product is great for increasing your libido. I haven't tried other products yet so I don't know if it's the best that's out there, but it works for me.
I decided to test it out before my hubby got home so I put one little drop on my clit and rubbed it in. It didn't take long before I was tingling with pleasure. I could feel my privates getting all hot and wet. It was amazing. I hadn't expected such a quick reaction. Within five minutes, I couldn't wait any longer and I had to grab my vibrator to finish the job. I couldn't make myself cum fast enough. I wanted more and more. Once I had had my fill, I added one more drop so I would be ready when my hubby got home. He didn't know what hit him. I think he was pleasantly surprised.
I've been using this product for about a year now off and on. Whenever I use it, I can't get over the feeling it gives me. I got two bottles and I still have some left. The small bottle size is a little disappointing, but if you use it right (one or two drops is all you need), then it will last you a really long time. I don't think Liquid V increased the pleasure or strength of my orgasms, but it definitely put me in the mood more often and made me want more and more.
One thing I would suggest is to make sure you put it on before any other lube. If it has to seep its way through another product, it doesn't work nearly as well. Also try waiting a few minutes after you apply the Liquid V until it takes effect, before you add another lube. That also dampens the effect. Altogether this product is great for increasing your libido. I haven't tried other products yet so I don't know if it's the best that's out there, but it works for me.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com
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So this doesn't rub off like most arousal lubes? I love my arousal creams, but it annoys the crap out of me that they rub off with extended clit play.
I haven't noticed it rubbing off, but of course by the time that happens, I'm way too into the act to notice. Lol.
sounds like something worth trying. nice review.
Thank you. Im kinda curious about other similar products so keep an eye out for those reviews.
Well now looks like I've found the tool finally needed put the heat back between the sheets! Thanks!
Your most certainly welcome Biggs.
No problem!
Oh I think i'll try this one. Hubby would LOVE for me to be in the mood more. Lol. Thanks for the review!
I know how you feel! my husband thinks he's deprived. lol. Your welcome!
thinking thinking
Thanks for the review!
nice review
thanks for the great review!!
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