Nipple clamps
by PHS International

To Bead or Not to Bead

Although the Nipple Jewels didn't work with my little nipples, I think they're easily figured out and will handily work for people with bigger nipples than I have. They're a pretty adornment and will help you feel accented even when wearing nothing else.
Easy cleaning and care, Safe to share because they're used externally, Don't need piercings.
Not functional for people with small nipples, Packaging could be more efficient for better storage
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I requested to review the beaded Nipple Guggers from PHS International because they're very pretty. They appeal to my girly eye with their shiny silver wire and sparkly beads. Plus, I don't have pierced nipples, so this might be the closest I could get to seeing what it would be like to have nipple adornments. When they came in the mail, I was quite excited. They come in a little plastic clamshell container which opens easily - no scissors needed! The container is nice because it has a little slotted portion that the beaded Nipple Jewels fit right in. This would be good storage for them, so the wires don't get bent, but it's a little big too be convenient. I think it would have been handy if it came with a smaller slotted portion so it could be stored alone, outside of the external clamshell packaging.

I did have reservations concerning how well they might stay on me because I have fairly small nipples. If I had to estimate, when fully hard, the diameter of my hardened nipples might be between 1/4 and 1/2 an inch. I tell you this not so you can envy my bizarrely small nipples, but so that if you, too, have small nipples, you might be able to judge whether these will work for you.

Sadly, my concerns were well-founded. I eagerly tried my little Nipple Jewels on, and even with rubbing, teasing, coaxing, cajoling, bribing, and tugging to keep my nipples at their hardest, the pretty little things fell off the moment I leaned forward. I proudly wore them around while remaining upright and constantly encouraging my nipples to stay hard, but I regretfully admitted to myself that was probably not going to be a practical circumstance in which I might find myself.

The good news is: if you have nipples whose diameter is over 1/2 inch, you will probably be able to wear these with little problem. If you gently squeeze the ends of the wire inwards toward the center, the loop widens, and you can slip it over your nipple. When you release the pressure on the ends of the wire, the loop will return to its original size and tighten up. It doesn't seem to have huge room for growth, but I suspect people whose nipples fall within that average range should have no problem.

The care and cleaning of these are pretty simple; they're made of wire and plastic beads strung on plastic line, and since they aren't used internally or on any part of the body that generally requires very thorough cleaning after use, simple warm water and mild soap should work. I would pat them dry on a towel afterward though since I'm not sure of the metal wire, and rust is never good on nipples in my experience.

All in all, I think they're a very pretty product that will be a lovely addition to any collection of body adornments, and now I envy women with average nipple size.
Follow-up commentary
I think these are so pretty, but they simply don't work for me. I donated them to a kinky gift exchange at my local munch. Hopefully they'll bring some happiness to another person's bedroom.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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My Nipple luvers tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Can be worn as jewelry
    • Mood enhancer
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Play party
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Nipples
This review was edited by
  • Kayla Contributor: Kayla
  • Rank:
    7.2 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 534
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Coralbell
    Thanks for including measurements, I really have no idea what would be considered average nipple size.
  • Contributor: KaliLeanne
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Jenna.J.Ross
    Good job on the review I'm sorry they didn't fit you tho there so pretty
  • Contributor: liilii080
    I always look at these and wonder if I could make them myself. Great review!
  • Contributor: PassionQT
    Not for me either since I have little nipples. Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: DeliciousSurprise
    Thanks for the review; as a small nippled girl, I guess these aren't for me either
  • Contributor: BadassFatass
    Thanks for the review. Good job.
  • Contributor: redhead1977
    i know, DeliciosuSurprise, i was so bummed. i seriously was really excited about these. i could imagine how pretty they would look and how nice they would feel dancing against my skin when i walked. bummer
  • Contributor: married with children
    good review, thanks
  • Contributor: angel142stx
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Jon S
  • Contributor: damnbul12
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: lilys
    thnx for the review
  • Contributor: Peaches2000
    Thanks for the review! Super helpful!
  • Contributor: Bullfroggy and Rose
    thank you
  • Contributor: LavenderSkies
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